On "Big Brother," a popular reality show, 12 total strangers live together in a house under constant camera surveillance. Over the course of the show, the contestants share their most private thoughts and compete in weekly challenges, aiming to avoid elimination and win the competition. Applying to be on Big Brother is relatively easy– you fill out a form, upload an audition video, and wait for the producers to contact you. But first, you need to make sure you meet all of the show's application requirement, and take some time to consider whether you can handle the pressure of being on Big Brother.

Part 1
Part 1 of 3:

Making Sure You’re Qualified

  1. 1
    Provide proof that you meet the show's age and citizenship requirements. In order to be considered, you need to demonstrate that you are at least 21 years old, a US citizen, and currently living in the US. Make sure that your ID is current and accurate so you can submit it as part of the application process.[1]
    • Your ID can be your driver’s license or a passport, which will also show your address to provide proof of residency.
    • Your birth certificate or social security card can be used to provide proof of residency.
  2. 2
    Get a physical exam from a doctor to make sure you’re healthy. In order to qualify and handle the challenges of the show, you need to be in great physical and mental health. Getting an official medical exam will tell you and show the producers of Big Brother that your body and mind can handle the rigors of the show.[2]
    • Ask for a signed copy of your physical from your doctor so you can provide it to the producers if they request it.
  3. 3
    Ask your job if you can take time off to be on the show. During the initial application process, you can work around your work schedule to focus on completing your application and audition video. But if you make it to the final stages and are being considered as a cast member, you must be able to meet the producers when and where they ask you to meet them. Check with your job to see if they would allow you to take time off to be on the show.[3]

    Tip: Don’t quit your job if you can help it! Even if you get onto the show, it’s possible you may get evicted, or eliminated from competition. You'll want to make sure you have employment to return to

  4. 4
    Consider carefully whether you can handle the challenges of the show. As a contestant– or "HouseGuest"– on Big Brother, you’ll be completely isolated from the outside world, but any and all of your actions could be broadcast on live TV. You’ll have to participate in weekly challenges and competitions, and you’ll be expected to share very personal information about yourself with people you don't know. Before you decide to apply to be on Big Brother, you need to think about whether you’re up for the difficulties inherent to the show, including lack of privacy and isolation from your friends and family.[4]
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Part 2
Part 2 of 3:

Creating an Audition Video

  1. 1
    Write out a script for your audition video. Your audition video must be less than 3 minutes, and it shouldn’t revolve around crazy costumes or wacky antics. The producers of Big Brother are looking for genuine people to cast on their show, so you should use your script as a guide as you talk about yourself in a natural and confident manner. Don't read from a script verbatim, or you’ll appear rigid and unnatural.[5]
    • Tell the producers why you think you would do well on the show and why you think you could win.
    • Talk about your life: where you grew up, your childhood, your hobbies, and your passions.
  2. 2
    Try to describe how your past experiences have shaped who you are.
    • Discuss your previous romantic relationships and your current relationship status. You don't need to go into extreme detail, but you should be candid and open about your love life.
  3. 3
    Rehearse your video with friends to get their feedback. Before you record your video, you should test out your script in front of some friends. Ask them what they think about it and if they have suggestions that could make it more interesting. It can be helpful to get another person’s perspective.[6]

    Tip: Time yourself with a stopwatch to make sure you’re under 3 minutes.

  4. 4
    Record a 3-minute video. The easiest way to record a high-quality short video is to use a smartphone camera, but you can also use a digital camera. Use your script as your guide and try to relax and act natural. Remember: you can shoot as many takes as you want, so take your time and get it right![7]
    • Record in a well-lit room with the lights in front of you, and avoid shooting in front of a window with sunlight behind it.
    • Don’t record with the sun directly behind you and shoot during the day for better lighting.
    • Try to avoid loud and crowded rooms or windy areas for better sound quality.
  5. 5
    Save the video to your computer so you can upload it. If you recorded your audition video on a smartphone or a digital camera, save it to your computer so you can easily upload it as part of your application. Connect your smartphone or your digital camera to your computer and move or copy the file to your desktop.[8]
    • Play the video after you save it to test that the video file works and make sure it looks right.
  6. Advertisement
Part 3
Part 3 of 3:

Completing the Application Process

  1. 1
    Fill out the online application at https://www.bigbrothercasting.tv/home. If you’re eligible and able to be on Big Brother, the first thing you need to do is complete the online application. Go to the Big Brother website and click “Apply Now” to start filling out the application. Fill out every field in the application completely, and then click submit.[9]
    • Be as factually accurate as you can be. Any false information could disqualify your application.
    • Make sure you use your current contact information so they can reach you!
  2. 2
    Upload a current picture of yourself. After you finish your online application, you need to take a good, current picture of yourself and upload it to your application. Your picture will be what the producers see when they review your application, so make sure it’s a good one![10]
    • Don’t use filters or effects on your photo.
    • Take a picture in good lighting– try not to pose in front of a bright light or in a dim room.
  3. 3
    Preview and upload your audition video. The audition video is the best way for you to show the producers of Big Brother why they should choose you to be a HouseGuest. Before you upload it to your application, take one final view of it to make sure everything looks good. Then upload it to complete your application.[11]
    • It may take a few minutes for your video to upload, so be patient!
  4. 4
    Wait for the Big Brother producers to email you. Once your application is complete, you have to wait to hear back from the show’s producers to see if they want to consider you to be on the show. They will reach out to you by email so make sure you’re checking your email regularly.[12]
    • The producers of the show will not verify if they received your application, so if you don't hear back from them for awhile, it's probably safe to assume that you are no longer under consideration.

    Tip: Change your spam filter settings to make sure that any emails from the producers won’t be blocked.

  5. 5
    Go to a casting call near you. If you’re contacted by a producer of Big Brother and asked to attend a casting call, you can check the Big Brother website to see a list of cities that are holding open casting calls. Find one that is the closest to you and make arrangements to attend the casting call.[13]
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  • If you do make it onto the show, refrain from doing anything that could jeopardize your employment. Several houseguests have done questionable actions and faced backlash from their employers.

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18 votes - 79%
Co-authors: 6
Updated: March 26, 2022
Views: 17,866
Categories: Auditioning