Working with zoo animals is a dream job for many people around the world. But often, people don’t understand the hard work that goes into an animal keeper’s average day, or the difficulty of obtaining such a job. Obtaining a job as an animal keeper in a zoo requires a combination of education and internship that takes years to complete.

Part 1
Part 1 of 3:

Gaining Experience for Working at a Zoo

  1. 1
    Volunteer at a local animal shelter. This will be especially valuable if you’re doing tasks such as cleaning cages and helping care for the various domestic animals. This practical training will appeal to zoos and show that you’re willing to perform the tedious roles that come with caring for animals.
  2. 2
    Ask to help out at a wildlife rehabilitation center. This will often allow you to get hands-on experience with wild creatures in a much shorter time than it would take at a zoo. At a rehabilitation center, you can feed baby birds and mammals, bandage injured animals, provide public-information talks, or help maintain endangered-animal databases.[1]
    • Volunteer positions are great ways to build up your experience working with animals in a professional setting.
    • If there is not a wildlife rehabilitation in your area, there are many other locations to volunteer at, although these may not all feature wild animals. Check if you can volunteer at: local farms, horse stables, or veterinary offices (especially those that specifically treat wild animals or large animals).
  3. 3
    Work with an endangered species group. Most of today’s zoos are no longer run for the primary purpose of displaying exotic animals that most people would otherwise never see. Today’s zoos serve as a way to preserve endangered species.
    • Endangered species groups work to preserve animal habitat, and also to educate the public about the plight of endangered animals—whether they are harmed through poaching or through continual habitat loss.[2]
    • Volunteering with an endangered species is a great way to gain experience, especially if the endangered species is of particular interest to you.
    • Endangered-species work will also look attractive on your resume to your potential employers at a zoo.
  4. 4
    Talk to the animal keepers at your local zoo and ask them how they got their job. Specifically ask about their education and experience. When you talk to them, ask specific questions like:
    • “What was your college major? Do you think this major helped you get your animal-keeper job, or would another have been more helpful?”
    • “How many years of animal-related experience do zoos look for when hiring a zookeeper?”
    • “What does the majority of your day-today work look like?”
  5. 5
    Check into internship positions in animal-collection departments at zoos. This is an excellent way to get hands-on experience in working with exotic animals and develop an understanding of the actual work involved in maintaining happy, healthy animals in a zoo setting.
    • These departments will acquire animals, whether by purchasing them from other zoos, or working with police to confiscate endangered or threatened animals that are illegally owned (e.g. in a private residence or an illegal circus).
    • Internships are available as both paid and volunteer positions. If you only qualify for the volunteer internship and can afford to do it for no pay, take the opportunity. The experience will prove valuable in the future.
    • Expect that most entry level positions will be unpaid. In order to work your way up the chain, you may have to start out by working a job that doesn’t provide compensation.
  6. Advertisement
Part 2
Part 2 of 3:

Educating Yourself to Work with Animals

  1. 1
    Take courses related to zoology or animals. Whatever level of school you are in (even middle school or high school), you can study animals and the ways that zoos breed, train, raise, and care for their animals.[3]
    • Read whatever books you can find about animals, especially if the books relate to a specific type of animal that holds your interest or discuss zoos and the animals who live there.
  2. 2
    Enroll in and complete an animal husbandry program in college. Most zoos require their exotic animal care specialists to have a minimum of a Bachelor’s of Science in Zoology or Animal Science (or a related field, such as Animal Husbandry).
    • Although four-year degrees in Animal Husbandry or Zoology are most common, there are colleges that offer two-year Associate degrees in related fields.
    • Even if you are not planning to attend a two- or four-year college, you can still enroll in individual zoology courses through a community college.
  3. 3
    Take animal-related classes outside of your specific major. Even if you’re already majoring in Zoology or Animal Science, you can still take classes that delve into animal-related topics outside of your own major. This will look good on your resume and show that you have a broad awareness of how to work with animals.[4] Take courses like:
    • Specialized biology topics like mammalogy, herpetology, etc.
    • Wildlife and forestry.
    • Ecology and ethology (topics of animal behavior).
  4. 4
    Prepare to work directly with animals. Familiarize yourself with the tasks frequently performed by zookeepers and, whenever possible, perform them yourself (in an academic or volunteer setting). As a zookeeper working directly with animals, you’ll need to be able to:[5]
    • Prepare the food for animals, and often feed them.
    • Shovel and dispose of animal excrement, and keep their cages clean.
    • Apply rudimentary veterinary knowledge to the animals in case they are injured or ill.
    • Have a working knowledge of basic anatomy and physiology.
    • Answer visitors’ questions about animals, and show visitors certain features of animal behavior and habitat.
  5. Advertisement
Part 3
Part 3 of 3:

Looking for Zookeeper Jobs

  1. 1
    Read the website of your local zoo. This is a great resource. Look for volunteer job openings that you are qualified for, and apply for the job. Getting a foot in the door and proving your abilities and willingness to help may assist in getting that coveted job later. Some of the most common volunteer openings in a zoo are:
    • Grounds-keeper assistant
    • Gift shop attendant
    • Special events or fundraiser assistant
    • Children’s zoo volunteer
    • Maintenance worker
  2. 2
    Check other common venues for job postings. Since most zoos draw their zookeepers from a relatively small group of people (e.g. animal enthusiasts), they will often advertise these positions in publications related to animal science.[6] Specifically, check zoo-based job listings in:
    • The Zoo News Digest website.
    • Cage & Aviary Birds magazine
    • International Zoo News magazine
  3. 3
    Consider which positions you are willing to work in. There are other zoo-based jobs aside from simply being a zookeeper, which will allow you to work closely with animals. Unless you are determined to be a zookeeper specifically, consider planning to work as a:
    • Veterinarian or animal-health technician.
    • Field researcher or research assistant.
    • Animal behaviorist or animal trainer.
  4. Advertisement

Expert Q&A

  • Question
    What is the most difficult part of working as a zookeeper?
    Ryan Corrigan, LVT, VTS-EVN
    Ryan Corrigan, LVT, VTS-EVN
    Licensed Veterinary Technician
    Ryan Corrigan is a Licensed Veterinary Technician in California. She received her Bachelor of Science in Veterinary Technology from Purdue University in 2010. She is also a Member of the Academy of Equine Veterinary Nursing Technicians since 2011.
    Ryan Corrigan, LVT, VTS-EVN
    Licensed Veterinary Technician
    Expert Answer
    As a zookeeper, you must love what you do. Most zookeepers work very hard for little pay. The work can require long hours and lots of physical labor.
  • Question
    As a teen, how can I volunteer for a position where I can actually work with animals?
    Ryan Corrigan, LVT, VTS-EVN
    Ryan Corrigan, LVT, VTS-EVN
    Licensed Veterinary Technician
    Ryan Corrigan is a Licensed Veterinary Technician in California. She received her Bachelor of Science in Veterinary Technology from Purdue University in 2010. She is also a Member of the Academy of Equine Veterinary Nursing Technicians since 2011.
    Ryan Corrigan, LVT, VTS-EVN
    Licensed Veterinary Technician
    Expert Answer
    You can apply for jobs or volunteer positions at veterinary clinics, ASPCA shelters, and boarding kennels. As a minor, you may not legally be able to work with or touch the animals. However, the experience will help you get a job later on where you can work with animals directly.

About This Article

Ryan Corrigan, LVT, VTS-EVN
Co-authored by:
Licensed Veterinary Technician
This article was co-authored by Ryan Corrigan, LVT, VTS-EVN. Ryan Corrigan is a Licensed Veterinary Technician in California. She received her Bachelor of Science in Veterinary Technology from Purdue University in 2010. She is also a Member of the Academy of Equine Veterinary Nursing Technicians since 2011. This article has been viewed 60,405 times.
33 votes - 88%
Co-authors: 12
Updated: August 10, 2021
Views: 60,405