With their simple but effective design, you can use submersible pumps for a variety of tasks, from draining a pool to emptying out a flooded basement. Before you begin pumping, you’ll need to find a drainage point and turn off the electricity to the area you’ll be draining. Connect the hose to the pump, then plug it into a power source. Within several minutes, the submersible pump should start getting the job done!

Part 1
Part 1 of 3:

Choosing a Drainage Point

  1. 1
    Locate a large drainage system if you’re pumping a lot of water. Larger areas, such as pools or deeply flooded basements, will need to be pumped carefully into larger drainage systems to avoid overflow. Choose a system with a high drainage capacity, such as a local sewer.
    • Though laws may vary from state to state, sewers are generally the best option for draining pools.[1]
  2. 2
    Select a gutter or storm sewer for moderate amounts of water. When pumping a tub of collected water or few inches of water out of a basement, you can often use a gutter or storm sewer. As you pump, make sure to position the end of the hose away from your house or on a grade where it naturally dumps into the drainage point.[2]
  3. 3
    Dump small amounts of water into gutters or the ground nearby. If the water has been chemically treated, such as hot tub water, then you should use the gutter option. With clean water, such as water collected on a flat rooftop, you can use either the gutter or the ground. Choose a gutter closeby or a grassy slope that will be able to easily and safely absorb the water.[3]
  4. 4
    Confirm with your local municipality before you start pumping water. This is especially important if you’re draining a large amount of water, such as a pool or hot tub. Your local government can confirm or suggest a good time and place for you to drain the water.[4]
  5. 5
    Place the hose nozzle at the drainage site and unroll the hose. Make sure your hose is long enough to reach the drainage point, and lay it out before you begin pumping. Position the hose so it’s facing directly into the drainage site. Unroll the rest of the hose back to the area that needs draining, then connect it to the submersible pump.[5]
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Part 2
Part 2 of 3:

Setting up the Pump

  1. 1
    Turn off the electricity to any areas that need to be drained. To keep the pump and systems from running dry, make sure to shut off any electricity in the area you’re draining.[6] This includes any pumps, filtration systems, lights, or electricity sources for a pool, hot tub, well, or flooded basement.[7]
  2. 2
    Connect your hose to the pump before you start draining. Attach a garden hose or a sump hose to the hose fitting on top of the pump. Make sure the connection is tight and secure before using the pump.
    • When draining clean water, you can use a standard garden hose. However, you may want to use a separate hose for dirty or chemically treated water.[8]
  3. 3
    Confirm that the float switch to the pump is connected. Designs can vary between manufacturers—some float switches look like 2 small black cylinders, while others come in bright colors and small, flat, rounded shapes. Look for a small device attached to the pump with a black wire and a watertight connection. If your float switch is already connected to your pump, then you’re all set to start pumping!
  4. 4
    Connect a float switch yourself if your pump doesn’t come with 1. If your pump doesn’t have the float switch already installed, use a hose clamp and a screwdriver to attach the switch.To attach the switch, hook the clamp through the bracket on the back of the switch, then screw it around the upper part of the pump to keep the switch submerged. Tighten the clamp until it holds securely.[9]
    • You can purchase a float switch online or in a home improvement store.
  5. 5
    Plug the pump into a power source nearby. The submersible pump will have a power cord connected with a watertight seal, so all you need to do is plug it in! Find a power source nearby, such as an outdoor outlet, or use a heavy-duty extension cord if you need the extra length.
  6. 6
    Prime the pump by pouring a cup of water through it. This will make the start-up easier on the pump’s internal system. This initial priming can also cut down on the time that the pump needs to prime when you drop it into the water, which usually takes a few minutes.[10]
    • Once the cup of water runs through, make sure to turn the pump off to avoid running it dry and losing its prime.
  7. Advertisement
Part 3
Part 3 of 3:

Draining Water

  1. 1
    Attach a filter screen if there’s a lot of debris in the water. Connect the filter directly to the submersible pump before dropping it into the water to protect it from sucking in any small pieces. If there’s a lot of settled debris at the bottom of the water source, clean it up after draining as much of the water with the filter as possible.
    • The filter screen should attach to the intake area on the pump. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions to connect the piece to the main pump.
    • If your pump doesn’t come with a screen, you can purchase one online or in a home improvement store.
    • Using a filter will also help save you money and time with repairs![11]
    • If the water is particularly muddy, you may want to get a submersible pump specifically made for pumping dirty water.
  2. 2
    Drop the pump into the deepest part of the water and let it turn on. The pump should always stay in the deepest area to keep it from running dry. The float switch will automatically turn on the pump when it detects deep enough water, but it will also automatically shut off the pump if it detects a low water level. Keeping the pump in the deepest area will help ensure that the pump stays on and the majority of the water is drained.
    • For example, if you’re draining your hot tub, you would drop the pump into the center of the tub, rather than on an elevated section around the sides.
    • When draining a pool, drop the pump off the edge of the deep end.[12]
    • If you’re draining your basement, drop the pump into the lowest point or the most open area of water. Avoid submerging it in an area with lots of obstacles or debris.
  3. 3
    Keep an eye on the pump as the water level recedes. Make sure to stick around while the pump works and monitor its progress closely. Watch for debris, check if the float switch has triggered the pump to stop, and remove any blockages or debris from the screen to keep the pump running smoothly.[13]
  4. 4
    Move the pump into the deepest part of the water as it continues to drain. If the float switch keeps sensing low water levels and turn off the pump before the job is actually done, it could damage the pump. Keep nudging the pump back to the deepest areas and away from any major debris that could block the pump’s intake.
    • If the pump is in a high level of water where it’s difficult to access, such as a pool or a deeply flooded basement, you can also tie a length of nylon rope to the handle on top of the pump. Use the rope to guide and keep track of the pump’s movements as the water drains.
  5. 5
    Turn off the pump immediately when the water level is too low to drain. Never let the pump run dry! This can badly damage the pump’s machinery. Remove the pump and unplug it from the power source, then detach the hose. Mop up any excess water, then turn the electricity back on to the area you’ve been draining.
  6. Advertisement

Things You’ll Need

  • Submersible pump
  • Float switch
  • Screwdriver
  • Hose clamp
  • Hose
  • Drainage/outfall area
  • Electrical connection with a safe connection
  • Extension cord


  • Never let the pump run dry, since this can damage and compromise its internal machinery.

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43 votes - 95%
Co-authors: 2
Updated: March 29, 2019
Views: 36,048
Categories: Waste Removal Systems