Dealing with hair loss or poor hair growth can be frustrating, but you might be able to stimulate hair growth with Nioxin. Nioxin is a system of hair care products that may help you grow healthy, thicker hair. In addition to being a treatment for balding, it might help people who aren’t losing their hair improve the look and health of their hair. To use Nioxin, wash, condition, and style with the hair care system. Additionally, use their scalp treatment if you want to stimulate hair growth.[1]

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Using the Hair Care System

(The basic Nioxin System is a 3 part process - Shampoo, Scalp Therapy/Conditioner and Scalp and Hair Treatment. These can be purchased as a set that includes all 3 parts. Or, you can purchase each part separately.)

  1. 1
    Wet your scalp and hair with warm water. Turn on your shower and stand under a stream of warm water. Saturate your scalp and hair with water. Then, wring out your hair before applying your shampoo.[2]
    • The shampoo works best on a wet scalp, so don’t apply it to dry hair.
  2. 2
    Apply a dime- or quarter-sized dollop of shampoo to your palm. Use a dime-sized amount for short hair or a quarter-sized amount for long hair. Squeeze the shampoo onto your palm, then rub your hands together to work it into a lather.[3]
    • It’s okay to use more cleansing shampoo if necessary to fully coat your hair. Apply more as needed to wash your hair.
  3. 3
    Massage the shampoo into your scalp and strands for 1 minute. Use your palms to apply the shampoo to your scalp first. Massage the cleansing shampoo into your skin and roots. Then, coat the rest of your hair with shampoo. Continue to massage your hair for 1 minute to give the shampoo time to work.[4]
    • Pay special attention to your scalp so you can grow healthy hair.
  4. 4
    Rinse the shampoo out of your hair with warm water. After massaging your hair and scalp for 1 minute, use warm water to rinse the product out of your hair. Continue to rinse your hair until all of the suds are gone. Check that your hair feels slick so that you know it’s clean.[5]
  5. 5
    Apply a quarter-size of Nioxin conditioner onto your scalp and hair. Squeeze out a quarter-sized dollop of conditioner onto your palm. Then, smooth the conditioner onto your scalp and over all of your hair. Make sure your entire scalp and the length of your hair are coated.[6]
    • Apply more conditioner to your hair as needed to fully treat your hair.
  6. 6
    Let the conditioner set for 1-3 minutes. After it's on your hair, wait at least 1 minute for the conditioner to work. For best results, let it set for a full 3 minutes. This will help you achieve a healthy scalp and hair.[7]
    • Use the 3 minutes to finish your shower. For instance, soap up your body and rinse yourself clean. Additionally, shave your body hair if you do so.
  7. 7
    Rinse out the conditioner with cool water. Once your conditioner has set, use cool water to rinse out all of the conditioner. As you rinse, run your fingers through your hair to get out all of the conditioner. Keep rinsing until you don't feel any more product in your hair and the water runs clean.[8]
    • Always use cool water when rinsing out conditioner. Cool water closes your hair shaft so you have shiny hair.
  8. 8
    Shake the Scalp and Hair Treatment before each use. Apply to freshly washed, towel-dried hair. Use low heat hair dryer, if necessary to dry. This product “plumps” the existing hair to give more density to each strand.
  9. 9
    (Optional) Apply a dime-sized amount of hair booster styling cream if you like. Your Nioxin system may include a hair booster styling cream that improves the appearance of your hair. Squeeze a dime-sized amount of hair booster into your palm. Rub your hands to distribute the cream, then smooth the cream over your hair. Style your hair as you desire.[9]
    • The hair booster styling cream might make your hair appear thicker and fuller.
  10. Advertisement
Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Applying the Hair Regrowth Treatment

(This is an optional step that includes either 2% or 5% Minoxidil. Depending on the strength used, you apply it either once or twice a day. Warning: Do not exceed the number of uses recommended per day; doing so will not enhance results and can result in unwanted side effects. Always read package instructions before use to determine whether your product requires once or twice a day application.)

  1. 1
    Shake the Hair Regrowth Treatment before each use. Nioxin Hair Regrowth Treatment may stimulate healthy, thicker hair growth if you use it daily. Since the ingredients might separate after the bottle has been sitting, always shake the bottle well before you apply the product to your hair.[10]

    Warning: If the Hair Regrowth Treatment is labeled for use by men or women, choose the product that fits your needs. These products are formulated to treat male- or female-pattern baldness and may cause unwanted side effects in the opposite sex. For instance, you may grow unwanted facial hair. Additionally, your hair might get thicker in the wrong area.[11]

  2. 2
    Use the dropper to measure 1 mL (0.20  tsp) of the treatment. Nioxin Hair Regrowth Treatment comes with an eyedropper for you to use to measure out the product. Insert the dropper into the bottle. Then, draw 1 mL (0.20  tsp) of treatment into the dropper.[12]

    Variation: If you’re using the Hair Regrowth Treatment spray, part your hair and spray the product directly onto your scalp. Continue to part your hair and spray your scalp until the entire area is treated. Typically, it takes 8 applications to coat your entire scalp.[13]

  3. 3
    Massage the Nioxin treatment directly onto your scalp. Apply the treatment from the eyedropper to your scalp. Then, use your fingertips to evenly distribute the treatment by massaging it over your scalp. Apply an even layer to your entire scalp for best results.[14]
    • Don't coat your hair with the treatment. It's meant to be used directly on your skin.

    Note: Make sure your hair is dry before applying this product.

  4. 4
    Don’t rinse out the treatment, because it’s a leave-in. While some Nioxin products need to be washed out, the Hair Regrowth Treatment stays on your skin so that it can continue to work. Leave the treatment on your scalp rather than rinsing it off.[15]
    • Style your hair as desired after you apply the treatment.
  5. Advertisement
Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Getting Results

  1. 1
    Wash your hair once a day with the shampoo and conditioner. Then use the Scalp and Hair Treatment. Nioxin cleansing shampoo and revitalizing conditioner are designed to be used daily to improve your hair thickness and texture. Use the products to wash your hair every day to improve the health of your scalp and hair.[16]
    • Don’t use the products more often than once a day. Doing so won’t improve your hair and scalp, and the products may dry out your scalp and hair if you use them too often.
  2. 2
    Wait about 2 months to start seeing results. While you might get results faster, it usually takes about 2 months of regular use for you to see visible results. Continue to use your Nioxin products for at least 2 months before you expect results.[17]
    • If you don’t see any results after 4 months, talk to your doctor to find out if you might need to try a different product.

    Tip: It might take as long as 4 months to start seeing results. Be patient and you might get the results you want.

  3. 3
    See your doctor if you experience side effects. While it’s not common, Nioxin may cause unwanted side effects, such as skin irritation. If you have any side effects, stop using the product and visit your doctor to see if you need treatment. Watch for the following side effects after you start using Nioxin:[18]
    • Scalp irritation or redness
    • Chest pain or rapid heartbeat
    • Faintness or dizziness
    • Swelling of your hands or feet
    • Weight gain
    • Unwanted facial hair
  4. Advertisement


  • Nioxin may change the color and texture of your hair.[20]
  • Don’t get Nioxin in your eyes. If you do, rinse your eyes out thoroughly with tap water.[21]
  • Check with your doctor before using Nioxin if you have heart disease. They’ll help you decide if it’s safe for you to use.[22]
  • Don’t use Nioxin while you’re pregnant or breastfeeding.[23]

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22 votes - 90%
Co-authors: 4
Updated: April 24, 2022
Views: 53,537
Categories: Hair Growth