Men and women shave their arms for a variety of reasons. Athletes, such as swimmers, runners, and cyclists, shave their arms to shave milliseconds off their race times. Bodybuilders shave their arms to look more aesthetically pleasing at competitions. Others simply prefer a shaved arm over a hairy appendage.

Part 1
Part 1 of 3:

Preparing Your Arms

  1. 1
    Exfoliate your arms. When shaving, the presence of dead skin cells can cause razor burn and ingrown hairs. It is possible to prevent razor burn and ingrown hairs by exfoliating the skin one to two days before shaving. While in the shower or bath, apply a store bought or homemade scrub to your wet arms. Rub the scrub over your appendages several times and then rinse off the product.[1]
  2. 2
    Trim excess hair with electric clippers. If you have long, thick arm hair, shaving with a traditional razor blade will prove to be a long, frustrating, and tedious experience. Before you can achieve a close shave, you should trim the hair with an electric blade. Carefully run the electric clippers over your forearms, elbows, biceps, and shoulders.[3]
  3. 3
    Rinse your arms. Haircuts, of any kind, have a tendency to make people feel itchy. Brush off your arms and then hop in the shower. Rinse in warm water to reduce irritation and remove the cut strands of hair from your arms and body.[4]
    • Prior to showering, you may want to clean up the area in which you shaved—shake out the towel and or sweep up the floor.
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Part 2
Part 2 of 3:

Shaving Your Arms

  1. 1
    Wash your arms. You will significantly reduce your risk of skin irritation if you wash your arms before shaving your arms with a traditional razor blade. Remove any dirt and oils that have accumulated on your with a gentle cleanser. Rinse your arms thoroughly with warm water.[5]
  2. 2
    Lubricate your arms. Lubricants, such as shaving creams and gels, serve as a measure of protection against skin irritation and cuts. While you may coat your entire arm in shaving cream or gel, this may cause you to waste a large amount of the product. Instead, consider applying a lubricant to sections of your arms throughout the process of shaving. Once you have finished with a section, apply shaving gel or cream to an unshaven area of your arm.[6]
  3. 3
    Shave your arms. Divide your arms into small, manageable sections to shave.
    • Shave from the inside of your wrist, up the top of your forearm, and stop at your elbow. Gradually work your way across the forearm to the outside of your wrist, shaving in straight, even lines. Repeat on the other arm.
    • Shave the upper part of your arm—from your elbow to your shoulder—in the same manner. Repeat on the other arm.
    • Bend your elbow to tighten the skin. Slowly move the razor across the delicate skin of your elbow. Repeat on the other elbow.
    • If you are shaving your arms for swimming, it is recommended that you do not shave the underside of your arms. The hair on this part of your body allows you to feel the water as you are moving through it.[7]
  4. 4
    Rinse your arms. After you have shaved both arms, rinse them off under the warm water of your shower. The warm water helps to combat irritation. It may prevent the appearance of razor burn the next day.[8]
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Part 3
Part 3 of 3:

Treating Razor Burn and Maintaining Your Shaved Arms

  1. 1
    Apply aloe to your arms. Razor burn can plague even the most experienced and careful of shavers. If a red rash of little bumps appears on your arms, apply aloe to the irritated skin as soon as possible. Aloe soothes irritated skin and promotes healing. If your arms are in need of moisturiser, select a lotion that contains aloe.[9]
  2. 2
    Experiment with other natural remedies. In addition to aloe, there are several other natural razor burn remedies for your to choose from:
    • Apply apple cider vinegar to the irritated patches of skin.
    • Take a soothing oatmeal bath.
    • Spread a mashed up avocado onto the rash. It will soothe and moisturise your skin.
    • Rub coconut oil into your skin.[10]
  3. 3
    Shave every 1 to 2 weeks. While some individuals may only shave for certain occasions, such as a race or swim meet, others may wish to shave their arms regularly. The average person will need to shave the stubble from their arms every 1 to 2 weeks. If you have heavier hair growth, you may need to shave more frequently.
    • If you frequently get razor burn, shave less frequently.[11]
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Community Q&A

  • Question
    I am 12 and get red bumps on my arms when I shave my arms, what should I do?
    Community Answer
    This I called razor burn. It is likely due to you not using shaving cream, or your may be pushing down too hard, which creates small scrapes. Next time, don't push down as hard, and remember to use shaving cream or conditioner on your skin while you shave.
  • Question
    I've heard that the hair grows back thicker and darker, is that true?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Although this may seem true, no. After you shave your hair, the tips become blunt and might feel a bit coarse or "stubbly" for a while as it grows out. It doesn't actually change the thickness or the hair color.
  • Question
    I want to shave my arms because I'm a runner, but my mom is very strict when it comes to shaving and I'm scared that she'll be very angry. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    The key here is to explain why you want to do this, and how it benefits you as a runner, and that other kids have done it.


  • Be extremely careful when you get to your elbow, just as you would with your knees when shaving your legs.

Things You'll Need

  • Electric clippers
  • Razor blades
  • Shaving gel or cream
  • Lotion and/or Aloe Vera

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About This Article

Juan Sabino
Co-authored by:
Professional Barber
This article was co-authored by Juan Sabino. Juan Sabino is a Professional Barber and the Owner of Juan's Barber Shop, a barbershop based in the San Francisco Bay Area. Juan has over 20 years of male grooming experience and over eight years of professional barber experience. He specializes in combovers, barber fades, and tapers and is focused on improving men's overall wellness. This article has been viewed 335,069 times.
11 votes - 82%
Co-authors: 31
Updated: September 30, 2022
Views: 335,069
Categories: Shaving
Article SummaryX

A couple of days before you shave your arms, rub a salt or sugar scrub all over the skin on your arms to exfoliate them. If you have long, thick arm hair, trim the hair short with electric clippers. Wash your arms with a gentle cleanser, then apply a generous amount of shaving cream or gel to a section of your arm. Slowly glide the razor across your arm, adding more shaving cream as you move to each section. When you’re finished, rinse your arms in the shower. Keep reading to learn how to treat razor burn!

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