The decision to report is a personal one, but there are many advantages to doing so. Most rape is committed by repeat offenders.[1] If you know someone has committed a sexual assault, filing a report might prevent that person from assaulting others. If you or someone you know has been raped, take action as soon as possible. Getting prompt medical attention is best for your health, and getting a sexual assault forensic exam (sometimes called a "rape kit") will help you obtain evidence that you might want later. Get support from friends and family as you go through the often painful process of recovery.

Part 1
Part 1 of 4:

Reporting Sexual Assault As Soon As Possible

  1. 1
    Call 911. If you or someone you know has just been sexually assaulted, and you need help or believe you may be in danger, dial 911. Explain that it is a sexual assault case so that you are more likely to have a police officer who is trained in handling sexual assault cases.[2]
  2. 2
    File a police report as soon as you can. Look up the direct line of police in your area, or go in to the station. Ask to speak to a police officer trained in sexual assault cases. [3] There is a statue of limitations for reporting sexual assault to the police. These vary by state.
    • If you had a sexual assault forensic exam, but did not report the assault, file your report before your exam is discarded. These time limits may not match.
    • You can check your state's statute of limitations here: [1].
    • Ask your local sexual assault service provider about your state's storage policy for sexual assault forensic exams here: [2]
  3. 3
    Contact campus police. If you are a student on a college campus, you may be able to contact campus police for help.[4] Call campus police and ask for someone who is trained in sexual assault cases.
  4. 4
    Get a sexual assault forensic exam. Visit a hospital or health center that does survivor care. Call the National Sexual Assault Hotline 800.656.HOPE (4673) and ask for a center near you that can give you a sexual assault forensic exam. If you find yourself in a hospital being treated for assault-related injuries, explain that you have been assaulted and want to report the crime.[5]
    • A sexual assault forensic exam, sometimes called a "rape kit," will help protect your health, prevent pregnancy and STIs, and provide crucial evidence if you choose to go to court.
    • You can skip any step of the exam that you choose.
    • Do not shower. After you have been assaulted, avoid bathing, using the restroom, combing your hair, or changing your clothes.
    • If you do change your clothes, place them in a paper bag and bring them to the health center.[6]
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Part 2
Part 2 of 4:

Filing a Police Report

  1. 1
    Ask for privacy. When you file a report, you will be asked questions, some of which may feel sensitive. It is your right to give this information in a quiet and private place. If you are not led to a private space in which you feel comfortable, insist on being given more privacy.[7]
  2. 2
    Take breaks. Your first report may take several hours, and later reports may also be lengthy. Ask for a break whenever you need one. You can also ask for water or a snack.[8]
  3. 3
    Ask to speak to a supervisor. You will probably be assigned an officer who is trained in sexual assault reporting, but be prepared to ask for a different officer if the one you have is not helpful. If you feel you are not being taken seriously, or do not feel comfortable speaking to the officer assigned you, ask to speak to that officer's supervisor or an officer the next rank up.[9]
    • Remember, it is the officer's job to listen to you.
  4. 4
    Ask for support. You can have the right to have someone with you while you give your report. If your officer asks to speak to you privately, you may refuse. You can ask for a trained advocate. Some police stations have professional advocates who are trained to help you through the experience of reporting the rape.
    • Call the National Sexual Assault Hotline, 800.656.HOPE (4673), and ask to be connected to a trained advocate in your area.
    • You can also ask to have someone you know with you, such as a family member or friend.
    • If you do have a family member or friend in the room, they may be called as a witness if the case goes to trial.
  5. 5
    Be ready for several interviews and repetitive questions. You will be asked many questions several times over, some of them uncomfortable. If you are asked a question several times, it doesn't mean the officer doesn't believe you. Asking one question several ways sometimes helps people remember details that may be used in the report. If a question is painful, take your time.[10]
    • Don't be worried to amend your story if you remember something you left out, if you think you got something wrong, or if you aren't sure exactly how to answer one question. Trauma survivors often forget details.
    • You may be interviewed several times in order to confirm details and give you a few breaks.
  6. 6
    Don't be afraid to answer questions truthfully. What happened to you was a crime. Even if you were doing something illegal at the time, such as using drugs, you are not at fault for what happened. Remember: being in any place, using a substance, or wearing certain clothes does not give anyone permission to touch you. You give consent by enthusiastically agreeing to sex, and even then, only if you are old enough and sober enough to do so.[11]
    • People who are drugged or blackout drunk cannot consent to sex.[12]
  7. Advertisement
Part 3
Part 3 of 4:

Pressing Charges

  1. 1
    Revise the assault report. After your interviews, your testimony will be written up in an assault report. You will be sent a copy. Review it, and add any details you have remembered. If you have any additional evidence, such as a message from the perpetrator, you can add that to the report.[13]
  2. 2
    Choose to press charges. A prosecutor will determine whether or not there is enough evidence to press charges. Not all cases can move forward: in fact, most rapists do not see jail time. However, if it is possible to press charges, you can choose to do so.[14]
    • The state may legally press charges without your approval, but this is rare in cases of sexual assault.[15]
  3. 3
    Seek an order of protection or restraining order. After you file an assault charge with the court, get a protective order (called in some states a "restraining order" or "order of protection").[16] . This is a court order that prohibits the perpetrator from coming near you or harassing you in any way.[17] You or your lawyer can obtain and file these papers with your local court.
    • Papers can be obtained at protective order centers in your state, or at a municipal or justice court.[18]
  4. Advertisement
Part 4
Part 4 of 4:

Reporting to Your Community

  1. 1
    Report to campus security. If you are a student, report your sexual assault to campus security as well as the police. Your campus may be able to help you get space from the perpetrator, and may even discipline the perpetrator. Not all schools have a good record for assault cases, so make sure you also report to the police.
    • Refuse to sign a nondisclosure agreement. Some school administrations might pressure you to sign a nondisclosure agreement prohibiting you from discussing the assault. You are under no obligation to sign it, and doing so could put you at risk for expulsion.
    • If your school pressures you to sign a nondisclosure agreement, pressures you to not press charges, does not take your complaint seriously, or discourages in any way, they are violating Title IX.
    • In this case, consult a lawyer with Title IX experience.[19]
  2. 2
    File an anonymous report. If the perpetrator was a student, make sure the school has a record of their crime. Some schools keep a file of anonymous complaints in an effort to track serial rapists. They do not press charges, but they do help the school gather evidence in case someone does choose to press charges or take on-campus action. Check the campus security and student health websites to see if there is an online form.
  3. 3
    Report within your community. If you feel like telling people you were raped, tell anyone you feel safe talking to. You may turn to your friends, family and community members. You deserve support from the people who love you while you recover from the trauma of assault.
    • Most rapists are repeat offenders, and telling people who assault you might help prevent future victims.[20]
    • If you work with the perpetrator, tell your boss and your human resources. They are legally required to take your situation seriously and provide you with safety in the office. In some cases, your HR director may be required to report the crime to the police if you have not.
  4. Advertisement

About This Article

Clinton M. Sandvick, JD, PhD
Co-authored by:
Doctor of Law, University of Wisconsin-Madison
This article was co-authored by Clinton M. Sandvick, JD, PhD. Clinton M. Sandvick worked as a civil litigator in California for over 7 years. He received his JD from the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 1998 and his PhD in American History from the University of Oregon in 2013. This article has been viewed 89,549 times.
11 votes - 84%
Co-authors: 16
Updated: May 25, 2021
Views: 89,549