Does your church have Sunday School? Do you want to improve the attendance? Increase your attendance in weeks by following these steps!


  1. 1
    Have an eye-catching website. Include on the website videos of Sunday School with children talking about their great experience at Sunday School, activities done in Sunday School, a tour of classrooms, the best outdoor activities, safety and health policies, and reasons to come. Have pictures of all of the above things, too. Write a few paragraphs about your Sunday School and pictures of children's artwork. Keep it updated and attractive!
  2. 2
    Write brochures about Sunday School with pictures and writing of the dates, times, place, details. Hand them out in public places and at church.
  3. 3
    Since people are in church, have Sunday School children do skits, sing, be greeters, be ushers, or have them read the responsive readings.
  4. 4
    Offer the children's Sunday School artwork to public places. Gather pictures and crafts that the children have made and ask if the mall, library, store, or other business would like it.
  5. 5
    Have a bulletin board in a busy place at church. Include different things like focusing on different ages, focusing on teachers, focusing on a big event, advertising a big event, or pictures of a very exciting activity. Update this monthly.
  6. 6
    Keep your teachers and volunteers that help you promote Sunday School! Do something each month for teachers and volunteers.
    • For example, you could provide a day of free babysitting for volunteers' kids during a busy season. If you can't do something every month, just try to remember to do it regularly. Keep classrooms updated, and supplies within easy reach. Make sure that volunteers (or workers) aren't over-worked.
    • Have Baptism birthday parties for Sunday school teachers, if they approve. Decorate cupcakes, play games, have a meal, and appreciate the teacher who has come into Christ and now ministers to His children.
    • Send cards on birthdays, anniversaries, Baptism birthdays, and times when they have a new baby or wedding.
  7. 7
    If you see a family with a child around the age for Sunday School, send a letter by mail asking them to come to Sunday School. Include a brochure and the website name for Sunday School.
  8. 8
    Have a class for parents and two-year-olds. This lets both ages learn about Sunday School. (You also don't have to deal with a fussy two year old or change diapers and the parents can work one on one with their child.)
  9. 9
    Make Sunday School classes fun and meaningful. Train volunteers and teachers. Have a safe and clean environment. Thank children for coming to Sunday School. Send thank you cards and goodies such as a puzzle, book, little toy home when they first come.
  10. 10
    Advertise Sunday School in the church bulletin. Talk about the date, time, ages, place, and have what the children have said about it. Include pictures.
  11. 11
    Call families to invite them to Sunday School. Yet, don't call more than once and don't call during dinner times or late at night.
  12. 12
    E-mail families with children. Invite the families that have not come to Sunday School yet and thank the families that do come.
  13. 13
    Advertise Sunday school at all special events, such as Vacation Bible School. Create events around themes you are studying, such as a day learning about the culture of Egypt where Joseph was sold into slavery. Families may do this together, and take home a point such as, "God is with us, no matter what," or a Bible verse such as Romans 8:28, "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose."
  14. 14
    Have Sunday School children be involved in a community parade. Throw candy or other goodies with invitations to Sunday School.
  15. 15
    Create a Facebook page with pictures, videos, and advertisements of the latest events going on in Sunday School. Make sure that somebody will add to this at least every week. Do the same with Instagram and Twitter. You can even post ideas on Pinterest.
  16. Advertisement

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51 votes - 91%
Co-authors: 8
Updated: June 2, 2021
Views: 19,102
Categories: Christianity