The classic palm trick allows a magician to secretly hold a coin in his or her hand, while giving the appearance that the hand is empty. The fingers move naturally, and the hand can function quite normally, despite having a coin held in the palm. The objective of palming a coin is to make it appear as if you no longer possess the coin.

Part 1
Part 1 of 3:

Choosing your Coin

  1. 1
    Choose a larger coin if you are just starting out. A larger coin may seem harder to hide, but it is actually easier to palm, especially for beginners.
    • Start with a half dollar. Smaller coins will be harder to palm and this will make your hand look more unnatural. Only use a quarter if your hands are very small.
    • Hold the coin with your thumb and pointer finger (in your dominant hand) touching its edges, so people can easily see it.
    • Show it to your audience. It’s possible to use the same trick to palm multiple coins at the same time, although that’s not a good idea when you’re first trying it.[1]
  2. 2
    Buy palming coins from a magic store. Although you can use real coins in this trick, it will be easier if you purchase coins specifically used for palming from a magic store.
    • For example, palming coins often look like silver dollars, but they are thinner and lighter, which will make it easier to palm them.
    • In addition to magic stores, you can now buy many of these kinds of products through online magic sites. These palming coins also are designed so they are easier to grip.
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Part 2
Part 2 of 3:

Palming the Coin

  1. 1
    Place the coin in the base of the dominant hand. There is an area at the base of your palm that is able to grip and hold a coin in place when the hand muscles are flexed. This is key. Your muscles will contract in the palm, allowing your palm to clutch the coin.[2]
    • The coin that is to be palmed is usually resting on the fingertips, on the fore and middle finger of the hand. Keep your hand in a relaxed and natural position.[3]
    • This position is quite flexible and will allow the coin to be easily maneuvered as you curl the two fingers into your palm or turn your hand palm downwards after curling the fingers to make a clenched fist.
  2. 2
    Press the coin into the palm of your hand. Now, while holding your hand facing up, contract your thumb muscle by simply bringing your thumb closer to the center of your hand. You should see the coin being slightly pressed down onto your palm, thus holding the coin to your hand.
    • This is the basic principle of palming a coin. Now, if you bring your four other fingers inward, the coin will be even more secure. You should be able to hold your hand facing downwards without the possession of the coin being obvious. Practice over time will improve this skill to the point where it will be difficult to identify the location of the coin.
    • Try and keep the thumb and forefinger touching as this will prevent your thumb from sticking out, which would make it obvious that you are concealing a coin in the hand.[4]
  3. 3
    Bring your thumb closer to the forefinger. The muscles are then contracted when you bring your thumb a little closer to the forefinger.[5]
    • Notice how when the thumb comes in, the muscle will then go over the coin.
    • From the front, this looks very, very natural. Over time as you practice this, you'll be able to place your hand down on a table and then pick it back up. You'll be able to then conceal coins without anyone knowing.
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Part 3
Part 3 of 3:

Completing the Trick

  1. 1
    Show the audience that your other hand is “empty.” All you have to do is show your other hand is empty, while keeping the concealed coin in your classic palm position. You should even be able to wiggle your fingers while palming a coin.[6]
    • As you bring the right hand concealing the coin, over your left hand, you're going to drop this coin into your left hand as you turn over your left hand and give a tap with the right hand.
    • You can then give a snap, turn the left hand over, and then open to expose the coin. To do this, with the thumb and pointer finger of your other hand, reach over and act like you are grabbing the coin, but reach your fingers beyond the coin, allowing the coin to actually fall into the palm of your left hand.
    • As you bring your right hand away, press the coin into the palm of your left hand to hold it, and allow your fingers on your left to hang down naturally. You can turn sideways, placing the right side of your body towards the audience as you drop the coin into your pocket with your left hand (which is now hidden from people's line of view). Hold your right hand up and blow on it and then open it to show it is empty (or you can make like you are tossing it at the people).
  2. 2
    Practice a lot. You won’t be able to do this trick as well the first time you attempt it, most likely. It’s basically working with muscles in your hand, so practicing it will help you perfect the trick.
    • Each time you perform the trick, you are creating what is called “muscle memory.” As your muscles get used to being in this new position, the trick will get easier and easier.
    • Try holding the coin in your palm for an extended period of time to create more of this muscle memory when you practice the trick. Some magicians will practice by trying to type with their fingers while a coin is palmed in their hands.
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Community Q&A

  • Question
    Can you use a card with this trick?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Yes, you could hold a card in the hand with the palmed coin to help conceal the palmed coin, although it's not necessary to use this prop.
  • Question
    Can you palm a penny or a nickel?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    It's theoretically possible, but a lot harder. You'd think it would be easier to hide a smaller coin, but it's actually harder for your palm to grip it. A half dollar or silver dollar work better.

Things You'll Need

  • A coin
  • Some spare time

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3 votes - 73%
Co-authors: 5
Updated: August 10, 2021
Views: 40,413
Categories: Magic Tricks
Article SummaryX

To palm a coin, first rest it on the tips of your middle and ring fingers. Press it into your palm, bringing your thumb and index fingers together. Then, grip the coin tightly between the muscles in your palm so it's secure, and relax your fingers as if your hand is empty. Trick your audience by holding your hands face-down and wiggling your fingers. It will look like you have nothing in them and the coin vanished!

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