Entertain your entire family with these wholesome Never Have I Ever questions

Never Have I Ever is a classic party game that’s especially fun for children. Hearing your kids respond to different questions helps you get to know them better, and it can encourage honesty from a young age. In this article, we’ve compiled a list of classic and creative questions to make everyone in your family smile. So, sit back, grab some snacks, and ready to play a revealing game of Never Have I Ever.

Things You Should Know

  • To play, have all the players raise 10 fingers. Have someone say, “Never have I ever…” before saying something they’ve never done before.
  • If you’ve done what this person says, put down one finger. If you haven’t, keep it up.
  • Keep playing until there’s only one player remaining (with at least one finger up).
Section 1 of 6:


  1. 1
    Never have I ever visited another country.
  2. 2
    Never have I ever seen a shooting star.
  3. 3
    Never have I ever gotten lost in a public place.
  4. 4
    Never have I ever been on a plane.
  5. 5
    Never have I ever seen a 3-D movie.
  6. 6
    Never have I ever memorized an entire song.
  7. 7
    Never have I ever called 911.
  8. 8
    Never have I ever been to Disneyworld.
  9. 9
    Never have I ever gotten a bad sunburn.
  10. 10
    Never have I ever had a dance party.
  11. 11
    Never have I ever pulled an all-nighter.
  12. 12
    Never have I ever made slime.
  13. 13
    Never have I ever ridden a roller coaster.
  14. 14
    Never have I ever made a blanket fort.
  15. 15
    Never have I ever talked to my toys.
  16. 16
    Never have I ever been scared of the dark.
  17. 17
    Never have I ever swallowed gum.
  18. 18
    Never have I ever put on my mom’s makeup when she wasn’t home.
  19. 19
    Never have I ever danced in the rain.
  20. 20
    Never have I ever cried during a movie.
  21. 21
    Never have I ever had a pillow fight.
  22. 22
    Never have I ever tried on my parent’s shoes without asking.
  23. 23
    Never have I ever been on a road trip.
  24. 24
    Never have I ever lost my voice.
  25. 25
    Never have I ever stayed up to see Santa Clause.
  26. 26
    Never have I ever eaten dessert before dinner.
  27. 27
    Never have I ever broken something expensive.
  28. 28
    Never have I ever been bitten by an animal.
  29. 29
    Never have I ever cut my own hair.
  30. 30
    Never have I ever done a backflip.
  31. 31
    Never have I ever made a music video.
  32. 32
    Never have I ever tasted coffee.
  33. 33
    Never have I ever caught snow on my tongue.
  34. 34
    Never have I ever asked my dad something after my mom already said no.
  35. 35
    Never have I ever read an entire book in one day.
  36. 36
    Never have I ever found a four-leaf clover.
  37. 37
    Never have I ever been stung by a bee.
  38. 38
    Never have I ever climbed a tree.
  39. 39
    Never have I ever eaten candy when my parents told me not to.
  40. 40
    Never have I ever sleepwalked.
  41. 41
    Never have I ever played video games all day long.
  42. 42
    Never have I ever seen Harry Potter.
  43. 43
    Never have I ever smiled at a stranger.
  44. 44
    Never have I ever broken a body part.
  45. 45
    Never have I ever been on TV.
  46. 46
    Never have I ever gone to camp.
  47. Advertisement
Section 2 of 6:


  1. 1
    Never have I ever finished an entire pizza by myself.
  2. 2
    Never have I ever made up a secret language.
  3. 3
    Never have I ever eaten a piece of paper.
  4. 4
    Never have I ever worn two different shoes without noticing.
  5. 5
    Never have I ever worn pajamas out in public.
  6. 6
    Never have I ever drawn a mustache on myself.
  7. 7
    Never have I ever drawn faces underneath my toes.
  8. 8
    Never have I ever been obsessed with Minecraft or Fortnight.
  9. 9
    Never have I ever prank called someone.
  10. 10
    Never have I ever mixed up sugar and salt.
  11. 11
    Never have I ever eaten from a bowl like my pet.
  12. 12
    Never have I ever gotten caught talking to myself.
  13. 13
    Never have I ever fallen off my bed in the middle of the night.
  14. 14
    Never have I ever laughed because of someone else’s laugh.
  15. 15
    Never have I ever pretended to have my own cooking show.
  16. 16
    Never have I ever toilet-papered someone’s house.
  17. 17
    Never have I ever liked “Baby Shark.”
  18. 18
    Never have I ever snorted while laughing.
  19. 19
    Never have I ever practiced dance moves in front of the mirror.
  20. 20
    Never have I ever screamed after seeing a bug.
  21. 21
    Never have I ever mistaken a stranger for my mom or dad.
  22. 22
    Never have I ever slipped on a banana.
  23. 23
    Never have I ever hidden food because I didn’t like it.
  24. 24
    Never have I ever given a fake name at Starbucks.
  25. 25
    Never have I ever talked to animals.
  26. 26
    Never have I ever fed the dog under the table.
  27. 27
    Never have I ever laughed so hard I cried.
  28. 28
    Never have I ever dressed up as food for Halloween.
  29. Advertisement
Section 3 of 6:


  1. 1
    Never have I ever performed in a school play.
  2. 2
    Never have I ever passed notes in class.
  3. 3
    Never have I ever forged my parent’s signature on a report card.
  4. 4
    Never have I ever called my teacher Mom by accident.
  5. 5
    Never have I ever fallen asleep during class.
  6. 6
    Never have I ever attended a high school football game.
  7. 7
    Never have I ever been kicked out of the classroom.
  8. 8
    Never have I ever placed in a science fair.
  9. 9
    Never have I ever walked into the wrong classroom.
  10. 10
    Never have I ever seen a teacher outside of school.
  11. 11
    Never have I ever failed a test.
  12. 12
    Never have I ever had a crush on a teacher.
  13. 13
    Never have I ever been sent to the principal's office.
  14. 14
    Never have I ever friend-requested a teacher on Facebook.
  15. 15
    Never have I ever read the ending before finishing a book.
  16. 16
    Never have I ever cheated on an exam.
  17. 17
    Never have I ever helped someone cheat on an exam.
  18. 18
    Never have I ever snitched on someone cheating on an exam.
  19. 19
    Never have I ever hidden bad grades from my parents.
  20. 20
    Never have I ever forgotten to do my homework.
  21. 21
    Never have I ever been in a food fight.
  22. 22
    Never have I ever cried during class.
  23. 23
    Never have I ever had my parents do my homework for me.
  24. 24
    Never have I ever been late for school.
  25. 25
    Never have I ever spent my lunch money on candy.
  26. 26
    Never have I ever texted during class.
  27. 27
    Never have I ever fallen off playground equipment.
  28. 28
    Never have I ever missed the school bus.
  29. Advertisement
Section 4 of 6:


  1. 1
    Never have I ever fallen down in public.
  2. 2
    Never have I ever forgotten to remove the price tag from my clothes.
  3. 3
    Never have I ever not showered for a week.
  4. 4
    Never have I ever been caught with toilet paper stuck on my shoe.
  5. 5
    Never have I ever forgotten to brush my teeth.
  6. 6
    Never have I ever been embarrassed by my parents.
  7. 7
    Never have I ever burped in front of my crush.
  8. 8
    Never have I ever swallowed a non-food item.
  9. 9
    Never have I ever entered a “Do Not Enter” door.
  10. 10
    Never have I ever stepped on a cockroach.
  11. 11
    Never have I ever farted and blamed it on someone else.
  12. 12
    Never have I ever had imaginary friends.
  13. 13
    Never have I ever peed my pants.
  14. 14
    Never have I ever walked in on someone in the bathroom.
  15. 15
    Never have I ever eaten food off the ground after the 10-second rule.
  16. 16
    Never have I ever picked my nose and ate it.
  17. 17
    Never have I ever used someone else’s toothbrush.
  18. 18
    Never have I ever smelled my own feet.
  19. 19
    Never have I ever ran into a glass door.
  20. 20
    Never have I ever stayed up because I was scared of a movie.
  21. Advertisement
Section 5 of 6:

Juicy (For Tweens)

  1. 1
    Never have I ever kissed someone.
  2. 2
    Never have I ever trespassed.
  3. 3
    Never have I ever driven a car.
  4. 4
    Never have I ever been caught in a lie.
  5. 5
    Never have I ever pretended to like something just because my crush liked it.
  6. 6
    Never have I ever regretted something I posted on social media.
  7. 7
    Never have I ever locked myself out of the house by accident.
  8. 8
    Never have I ever taken the blame for something I didn’t do.
  9. 9
    Never have I ever stolen something.
  10. 10
    Never have I ever lost a crush to a friend.
  11. 11
    Never have I ever made my sibling think they were adopted.
  12. 12
    Never have I ever dropped my phone in the toilet.
  13. 13
    Never have I ever had a crush on my friend’s brother/sister.
  14. 14
    Never have I ever sent a text to the wrong person.
  15. 15
    Never have I ever cried in public.
  16. 16
    Never have I ever camped outside for a concert.
  17. 17
    Never have I ever pretended to like a gift that I really hated.
  18. 18
    Never have I ever snitched on someone.
  19. 19
    Never have I ever accidentally sworn in front of my parents.
  20. 20
    Never have I ever gotten into a car accident.
  21. 21
    Never have I ever blamed someone else for something I did.
  22. 22
    Never have I ever been friend-zoned by someone.
  23. 23
    Never have I ever eavesdropped on my parents.
  24. 24
    Never have I ever asked someone out on a date.
  25. 25
    Never have I ever lied to someone in this room.
  26. 26
    Never have I ever creeped on someone’s social media.
  27. 27
    Never have I ever hid something under my mattress.
  28. 28
    Never have I ever taken money out of my mom’s wallet.
  29. 29
    Never have I ever met someone famous.
  30. 30
    Never have I ever snuck out of the house.
  31. Advertisement
Section 6 of 6:

Game Rules

  1. 1
    Gather at least five players in a circle. Position the group in a circle so everyone can see each other’s hands. You can play with fewer people, but the more, the merrier![1]
  2. 2
    Have each player hold up 10 fingers. Raise your fingers in the air clearly so everyone knows how many chances you have left.[2]
    • Alternatively, give each player 10 pieces of candy that they can eat throughout the game.
  3. 3
    Choose one person to ask a Never Have I Ever question. Have the first person say, “Never have I ever…” before announcing something they haven’t done. Choose statements that the other players have most likely experienced to increase your chances of winning.[3]
    • Play rock, paper, scissors if you can’t decide who goes first, or choose the youngest person in the room.
  4. 4
    Put down one finger if you’ve done what the player has said. If you haven’t done it, keep your fingers up.[4]
    • Once you put one finger down, keep that finger down for the rest of the game.
    • If you’re using candy, eat one candy instead of putting down one finger.
  5. 5
    Keep playing until there’s only one person with at least one finger up. Move clockwise onto the next player, and have fun creating “Never have I ever” statements on the spot. If you’ve done what the player says, put one finger down. The last person remaining wins the game.[5]
    • Repeat the game as many times as you like. It doesn’t involve any supplies, and it’s a great way to get to know people.
  6. Advertisement

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2 votes - 100%
Co-authors: 4
Updated: February 28, 2023
Views: 609
Categories: Games for Children