If this is your first time managing an event, you might be wondering where to start. How do you choose and book a venue? When and how should you send out invitations? What about catering, decorations, and entertainment? Don’t worry—we’ve put together the ultimate event planning guide that will walk you through every step of the process, big and small. Check out the steps below to learn how to start organizing any event regardless of the occasion.

Part 1
Part 1 of 5:

Nailing Down the Basics

  1. 1
    Identify the main goals and objectives of your event. This all seems a little too logical, but you need to get these down in permanent ink in order to know what's the best size of venue, the right budget, the nature of presentations, amount (or type) of guests, and what strategies to employ for your specific event. So what's your ideal outcome? What do you want to get done?[1]
    • Once you figure out what you're doing (celebrating, fundraising, educating, selling, proposing, etc.), think about why you're doing it. Knowing your motivations can help give you focus and drive.
    • Having a few objectives can also help align you in the direction you need to be going. You can't keep trying to reach a goal that hasn't been set! When you have $4,000 and you're aiming for $5,000, that goal can push you through to the finish line.
  2. 2
    Pick your date and time. This is one of the most important factors in your event planning. Pick a date and time no one can make and it doesn't even matter how great an event you have planned. And pick a date and time that's too far into the future -- or coming up too soon -- and your guests will either forget about it or already have plans. The Goldilocks syndrome of event managing!
    • Ideally, you want to let your guests know about two weeks out. That gives them a good amount of time to not yet have plans and a good timeline for inviting them and reminding them once or twice before the time actually comes. So have your event be a few weeks into the future minimum, if you can swing it.
  3. 3
    Pick your venue. Now that you have an idea of what you're doing and when you're doing it, you can start thinking about venues and approaching potential ones with a date and things you'll need. What kind of building do you want to host in and how will the space be managed? Are the guests to be sitting on chairs in rows, on benches or at tables, or on picnic rugs in the open? Will the weather pose a problem? Will there need to be room for dancing, speakers podium or a stage? If so, plan to ensure the event space is large enough.[2]
    • It is always best to visit the site in advance and draw yourself a map of the area. This map can be used as a "battle plan" and allows you to sketch and allocate table space, service routes for food service, disabled access if required and exit routes, as well as how you will get the equipment into place. You should also mark where the power generator (if required), external equipment such a refrigerator, ice maker, barbecue or stoves (etc.) will be, as well as where power points and cables will be (which may be covered discreetly with a rug) and other safety hazards to address.
    • Are legal and local government approvals required? In most instances approvals are required for a bar, but also for excessive noise, vehicle access and parking, building large enclosures such as a pavilion and other needs.
    • If you're helping someone else choose a venue for their event, put together a chart that compares their top 3 choices. It can include things like how much each venue costs, what the rules of each venue are, and what's included with the rental.[3]
  4. 4
    Choose the amount of people to invite. How many people can your budget and venue handle? Some events are strictly ticket entry or invitation only, so it is easier to plan, but many events will have latecomers, or extras such as children, partners or friends. And keep in mind that the more guests you have, the more crew you need, too.
    • As it can be the biggest logistical problem it's always wise to ensure there adequate room for all people to move around at the site.
    • In older establishments, they usually call the quantity of guests "pax," so if working in a function centre and you see "Pax 150" it means 150 guests are expected.
  5. 5
    Settle on a budget. Hopefully you have a few people you can lean on to gauge together how much money you'll need for this event. Are you paying any staff? Renting equipment and your venue? Supplying food and drinks? Publishing pamphlets or postcards? Settle on a number that seems doable and cater your plan to it. You don't want to wind up paying out of your own pockets for this if you don't have to.[4]
    • You may be in a situation where you can get sponsorships or donations, but most of us aren't so lucky. If you don't foresee any more funds coming in, it's imperative that you cut corners when need be. Instead of having a catering team, form a BYO or a "bring-a-plate" function (catering is minimal, but you will need to provide a food table, bain maries and refrigerators). Instead of hiring a photographer, go around and take photos yourself. Get creative where need be!
  6. 6
    Assemble a team. Organize your service team (even if they are friends and relatives or other volunteers) to handle different, relevant sections, even if you're not professionally running an event, but running a small family event. Good event management in a big scale is about organizing people to be in charge of individual areas of the event and making sure everyone knows what the plan is.
    • Your crew needs just as much advanced noticed as the teams you're hiring and your guests. Assign them duties as soon as possible, giving them preference if you can. And try to have a few people on standby -- there are always a few flakes in every bunch.
  7. 7
    Nail down the agenda. No more planning can happen until know just what's going to happen at your event. When are the speakers speaking? Are there games, activities, or presentations that should be scheduled? How much time will the guests need to eat? Work out a fairly detailed timeline for the day's activities.
    • Always leave a little wiggle room; no event will be exactly as you planned, down to the minute. People run late, speeches take longer than expected, the line for the buffet doesn't shuffle along, you name it. So while you need a good idea of what's happening, understand that it's for organizational purposes and nothing is written in stone.
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Part 2
Part 2 of 5:

Getting the Ball Rolling

  1. 1
    Send out invitations. Because how else will people know to come?! You gotta send them invites! And this isn't something you should scrimp on, either. Your invitation is the face of your event. The first impression people get of what to expect and if they should even come. It's gotta be good.
    • Consider your typical invitations -- postcards, flyers, etc. But also go paperless: email, newsletters, Facebook, Twitter, and sites like Eventbrite that serve as invitations, guest trackers, and a calendar.
      • Correction: if you're trying to get as many people to come as possible, definitely use Facebook and Twitter. If you're trying to keep it to VIPs only, avoid these platforms. That's just asking for trouble.
  2. 2
    Keep track of those who have accepted. You'll need a headcount to know just how much and what you all need, so keep track! It probably won't be the number that actually show up, but it should give you a general idea. Websites designed for event managing can help you do this -- but so can Facebook and an Excel spreadsheet.
  3. 3
    Handle what you need to hire out. Will you need to find, hire, book or delegate photographers, builders, designers and decorators, guest speakers, sponsors, entertainers or bands, officiates or clergy, dancing partners or demonstrations? It is wise to include them in catering and seating calculations so that a meal and a table place is provided for them if appropriate or required, too.
    • Are food and beverages provided? If so, know who will be on the team to look after the cooking, serving and cleaning. What type of food do you need to serve? Are there likely to be guests with allergies, vegetarian or vegan needs, diabetics, religious needs such as halal or kosher, gluten-free, (etc)? And will there be infants, young children or the aged or injured who cannot eat solid foods?
    • Are entertainment and logistics organised? This part might be delivery of music equipment, pavilions or tents and decorative effects or stage management you will need, such as a microphone and amplifiers, lighting, power outlets, projectors and screens for slideshows, smoke machines or other stage magic effects such as mirrors, banners and corporate signage, etc.[5]
      • If you subcontract a company to be entertainers, consult with them to ensure they are able to supply and set-up their own equipment as well as where the stage and service sections will be on the site and what the schedule will be. This way you can find out what you may need to do to assist them.
    • Caterers, florists, entertainers and other important people appreciate as much time as possible to plan, as it is typically more expensive to obtain goods and staff for high urgency requests. The other advantage is should they not be able to keep your appointment, you have some time still to find an alternative.
  4. 4
    Find someone who will be the master of ceremonies (MC). The MC doesn't always organise the event entirely, but they do host the event. It is usually a member of the party, who will organise speeches, announce events such as the meal courses, dancing, notable guests or entertainment. Liaise with this person often and keep them up-to-date. If they're any good, they'll be very helpful.[6]
    • Sometimes you may have to be the MC, in which case the job becomes much harder as you will need to keep working until it's all over. It then becomes important to set up your service team with their own group leaders so you can delegate most of the normal duties to them.
  5. 5
    Gather your equipment. When you hire a team, check and double-check that they're bringing the gear they need. In some cases, they may just be providing you bodies or goods and leaving it at that; you may need to source the equipment separately. It can be rented, bought, or even borrowed from your extensive social network. Go through your checklist from napkins to PA systems to extension cords.
    • Decorations are a huge part of any event. Table linens, flowers, gifts, candles, balloons, banners or backdrops for photography, red carpets, (etc) should always be sourced well in advance.
  6. 6
    Cover your bases. One thing many rookies forget are the finer points of the facilities. Are there enough? Examples are toilets and bathrooms, car parking spaces, wheelchair access ramps, changing rooms, storage rooms and kitchen space, waste disposal bins, wine coolers, power access, etc. These are obstacles that are only workable if you foresee them well in advance.
    • Also think outside of your event: will transport and accommodation be required for international or out-of-town guests or delegates at hotels, as well as bookings and space made for their transport to get them to and from the event?
  7. 7
    Know who you're dealing with. Understanding the social hierarchy of your event -- if it's not truly yours -- is integral to knowing how to handle any situation. As it is essential that the client has confidence in you, you will need to find out:
    • Who the key guests are––this is usually straightforward when it is a celebration event––such as the bride and groom. The client is not always the key guest/s but may be part of their group, or not present at all.
    • Who the host guests are––these people often act as hosts at their own tables and tend to be good socializes and motivators of guests. These people are useful to keep a convivial atmosphere and strike up a conversation if things turn quiet, encourage people to dance or to introduce people to other guests to make new friendships. These people should be reliable but are generally useful to know as they will keep you informed, may step in and be a guest speaker or MC for you in an emergency and these are the people overall who make the event flow the smoothest at the front line.
    • Who the peacemakers are. You should be aware at all times who these key people are as you need to advise them of issues and involve them in the handling of issues and disputes where appropriate. This will generally be the head of the family, a caretaker, or head honchos or hired security.
    • Who the decision maker is. For most cases it is yourself as manager, but when you must consult guests and it is not appropriate to involve the key guests (as they typically will be occupied being good hosts), find out who you should consult in an emergency. Ultimately it would be the person who pays the bill if you're charging for your services, or whomever you may deem as "the client" as the person having the final say on the matter.
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Part 3
Part 3 of 5:

Nearing the Finish Line

  1. 1
    Get familiar with the venue. Well before the event, it's a good idea to scope out your venue and figure out how everything will be set up. You may need to make additional arrangements to accommodate the floor plan -- extension cords, lighting, etc. And if it's hard to find for you, it'll probably be hard to find for your guests, so be sure to take that into account, too!
    • If it's up to you, map out where everything will go and when. If there isn't room for it, it needs to go. Talk to the venue's manager about what help they're willing and able to pitch in and if there are any city codes you need to abide by, especially in the case of emergency.
  2. 2
    Consider making kits for your team. Your crews are going to be working hard. In order to show them your appreciation and to keep them on top of their game, make them a kit to give at the top of the event. Bottles of water, granola bars, chocolates, little tokens of appreciation, whatever you see fit. It'll up morale from the get-go, too.
    • Consider getting them badges or a little party favor to make them feel part of the event and to remember it by. And make sure they stay fed and watered! Always think of your team as resources you want to be able to use in the future.
  3. 3
    Check in with all teams and outside parties. Before the event, it's important to have all your ducks in a row. Be sure to provide clear instructions to your crew on how to get to the site and give them your number or preferably a business card with contacts to call if they need directions. Does anybody have any questions? No? And break!
    • Make sure everyone is comfortable with their duties. Some people may not be willing to vocalize this, so read them if at all possible. Do they seem sure and confident? If not, reassure them, go over their duties, and ask them a few basic questions. When in doubt, pair them with a more able partner.
  4. 4
    Prepare a contact list and other paperwork, if necessary. Your own personal organization is just as important as the event's organization. If you're organized and things go haywire, all can still be fine. But if you're not, hell can break loose. Here's a few ways to prepare yourself:
    • Make a contact sheet with phone numbers and addresses. The baker thought you were picking up the cake? No problem. Call Ashley who lives nearby -- she can swing by the bakery on her way to the event.
    • Make a checklist. As teams file in, you'll know what goods, what equipment, and what bodies are missing.
    • Prepare invoices and billing as necessary. The more on top of your game you are now, the fewer problems you'll have later.
  5. 5
    Avoid last-minute changes. Is it likely there will be frequent artistic changes? Weddings are infamous for clients making last minute design changes so it is wise to recommend to your clients a cut-off date for changes. Usually 1 week before the event is leaving it very close, but it gives the client some flexibility and avoids last minute changes coming too late to be practical or cost effective to implement.[7]
    • If it is simple, subtle or basic changes using already sourced decorations, then it is not unreasonable to accede to change requests. Be as accommodating as possible in what is usually a very emotionally anticipated event.
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Part 4
Part 4 of 5:

Managing the Actual Event

  1. 1
    Set everything up. Be the first to arrive at the site to oversee the preparations. Make sure everyone files in accordingly and start making phone calls if not. Assist those who need assisting, direct those who need directed, and get out of the way when you need to. No injuries until after the event, please.
    • You'll feel a little calmer if you make a checklist. Have a portion for your crew, a portion for hired out crews, a portion for decorations and basic set-up, and a portion for equipment. When all is checked off, that's when you have time to breathe.
  2. 2
    Delegate. Do not be afraid to delegate. The main stressor when it comes to an event is time. To save it, all hands need to be on deck -- or different decks. If someone isn't being as useful as they could be, give them something better to do. It's your job. It's not you being bossy or overstepping your boundaries; it's you doing what you're supposed to do.
    • When you delegate, be firm but polite. Say, "Juan, I need you over here right now to help out with the caterers. Thank you." Your crew needs to jive together as much as the event does. Keep everything moving swimmingly by being the leader that you need to be.
  3. 3
    Be flexible. This means making sure that things are kept to schedule and assisting or having backup plans if it falls behind -- and being okay with it. If you start stressing out, you'll lose your head. Nothing good will come of that. So when that speech runs ten minutes over and the speaker is ignoring your blatant distress signals or your attempt at feigning a stroke to create a diversion, relax. You'll just adjust the appetizer and no one will notice. Event intact.[8]
    • Things happen. They do. They have a bad habit of happening. There's no way you can predict everything, and the sooner you accept this the better. A calm, collected event manager can do wonders for any event; a strung-out, tense one cannot. So relax and go with the flow -- it'll all be over soon!
  4. 4
    Keep everyone updated. Check that guest numbers and needs are still correct on the day of the event and advise the service team of any changes at the earliest possible opportunity You should be the first set of eyes that notices if anything goes wrong.
    • Consult with your clients to see how they are feeling; they may be excited, nervous, worried, bored or mentally drained or have some issue on their plate that in some cases you may soothe with understanding, some kind words and practical assistance. It is wise to use this time to rejuvenate the enthusiasm in guests and the team where appropriate.
  5. 5
    Do your thing. Trust and respect your service team to look after themselves -- if you've given them a good base, they should be fine. Offer assistance if needed, but they should be experienced enough not to need any help at all. Here are a few things to keep in mind:
    • Act as a concierge or receptionist at the beginning, meeting and greeting each guest (if appropriate) as they come. Hand over the reins to the MC when the event starts. The management role will be more active problem solving and ensuring all the back of housework such as food preparation and service runs to plan.
    • Keep an eye on the guests and keep contact with the MC often and discreetly in case they want (or need) to change plans.
    • Keep a respectful distance from the key guests - after all, the event is all about them - but be easily accessible by checking at appropriate moments how they feel the event is going, as well as any problems, requests or suggestions they may have.
  6. 6
    For marketing events, give a takeaway. You want all your guests to remember how awesome of a time they had. Actually, you probably want more than that. A visit to a website, future donations, word of mouth buzz, whatever. To ensure that your event is the legend it deserves to be, give a takeaway. Whether it's a picture, a flyer, or a pen, having something to remind your guests of the event is a good way to make sure you stay in their minds.
  7. 7
    Congratulate yourself after the event. Most events tend to run themselves when they start, but all the hard work is the preparation that no-one sees. So pat yourself on the back because you deserve it! Okay, back to tearing it down. The job's not over yet!
    • After the event, arrange a time to meet and thank your client. It is always recommended to offer an appropriate and thoughtful gift to remember their time with you, as it is these small touches that make the experience richer and may make them recommend your services in future. If you gave a gift during the event, such as in a gift registry with the other guests, then a thoughtful after present such as flowers, a framed photograph of your favourite moment at their event (such as cutting the ribbon, or the climax of the show, or the award ceremony, or the wedding kiss, or blowing out the candles on a cake, etc), or some other gift may be appropriate.
  8. 8
    Clean up and get out! Just like mom said, "Leave it in the same condition you found it in," the same goes for your venue. Everything needs to be just like it was before you got there -- this is one business where you don't want to burn any bridges. So let your crews know it's time to tear down and don't let them leave until all is taken care of. And you need to pitch in too!
    • This is nice, sure, but it also prevents you from being billed any more than you should be. Many places will tack on extra cleaning fees if they find any opportunity to do so. So make it as spic and span as possible to avoid the hidden costs.
  9. 9
    Take care of returns, payments, and thank all parties. You may need to arrange returning hired or borrowed equipment and later on consulting with the client about their experience. Even if unpaid after the event, thank them for the opportunity to have such a great experience to run an event with them. Can you get a business card of theirs?
    • Thank your crew, too! Make sure all parties are paid (and all parties have paid up), file receipts, and get everyone taken care of. You should be one of the last ones out the door -- and make sure it's locked behind you.
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Part 5
Part 5 of 5:


  1. 1
    Know how to handle late guests and other guest problems. This one is a common issue, so it is best to be prepared. By and large, delays are understandably hard to avoid (such as unforeseen traffic issues) and are forgiven by guests who came on time. That being said, here are a few things you can do to do your best to keep it from happening:
    • Ensure that invitations are clear as to the time of the event and if requesting an RSVP, ensure that the time is confirmed. Communicate with (via your contact sheet) the MC, relevant guests (often the leaders of the party members), entertainers and kitchen staff as soon as you're aware of an issue you cannot resolve easily. Should the delayed guests be the focus (such as the bride and groom), the usual methods are:
    • Contact the delayed guest/s directly to check for an estimation. Advise the kitchen immediately of all developments so they can slow down or speed up to keep time.
    • Refrain from making it known publicly that the event is being delayed because of certain guests (because the party will work that out on their own), but advise key hosts or members of the party that you have been made aware of the fact. Let them know what you intend to do, but allow the hosts to make a suggestion as they know the members of their party and what would be appropriate in the context.
    • Maintain careful watch on the time in relation to speeches. If key guests are late, serve an additional appetizer (first course) and/or beverage early as this will prevent guests who came on time from becoming bored and will keep them occupied.
    • For guests that are going to be delayed for more than is reasonable or possible (such as when serving food that simply cannot wait, such as souffles), start the event as planned and when the delayed guests arrive, start them at the next course of a meal (even if this is dessert).
    • Organise an additional dance, game, speech or other form of entertainment (especially music), and ensure extra distractions, such as group or party photographs are done until they arrive and this back-up strategy should be considered the day in advance.
    • For guests deliberately arriving late, it should be seen as that guest's choice, not your fault as manager, so your duty is first to the guests that are already present and to ensure they're looked after. In a nutshell, act as if there is no problem and carry on regardless.
  2. 2
    Know how to handle food issues. This one is rare if you have planned things carefully, however accidents do happen (such as a guest or young child making a mess of a food table, or an accident in the kitchen). Early on you should be aware of the type of guests so you can take into account when and where food is displayed (such as for a buffet) and where such guests are seated.
    • Any spillage for safety reasons must be cleaned up immediately, even if it means removing a red carpet or desired décor and furniture to be able to do so. If it is impossible to hide a stain without affecting the appearance or the integrity of the item (such as an antique), then removal is wise. If you have a spare, then use that; if not, move the existing furniture or décor subtly so it does not feel missing.
    • A soft rope barrier, curtain or screen is recommended whenever you need to hide the food area (such as a buffet with chafing dishes, or when organising a "reveal" of the next course), as certain guests may feel that if food is in the dining area, it is free-for-all, when they want -- which is not always the case.
    • Shuffle the menu. If part of a dish is not possible to include (such as a side dish that was burnt), either exclude it altogether, find an alternative, reduce the portion sizes to stretch foods, but increase portions of other foods to balance. Advise table hosts as required.
    • Unexpected vegetarians, teetotallers, those with food allergies, religious or special diets –– no surprise should ever occur with proper planning –– but guests occasionally do bring along additional family members, partners or close friends without advising you, especially if it's not a strict invitation-only event. This is usually easily resolved. Keep a headcount as guests arrive and when they arrive at the door, ask if there are any food requirements and advise the kitchen and service staff immediately.
    • For large unexpected groups that are not gatecrashers, send a team member to the kitchen to take stock and, if necessary, drive out to collect more supplies. Kitchens typically over-cater to cover for accidents and more often there are more cancellations than unexpected guests. Limited portions can be stretched when you provide additional fillers, such as bread rolls, salad or vegetable portions, ingredients for which can be quickly sourced from local supermarkets.
  3. 3
    Know how to deal with children. It's wise to remember that many managers have made serious errors in underestimating the intelligence or forgetting the needs and desires of children at events, as they have the same needs and wants as adults - to have a good time and not be bored. Remember that their parents are also often offended if the event does not cater for their children. In practice, it is best to request an RSVP for every child that may come.
    • Young children (under 10) are best given food or snacks early as many dinner events have the meals start as late as 8pm, which is far later than most children are used to. Food provided should be fun and healthy but as special as the adult menu as parents appreciate special touches for their children - it makes their job easier so they can have fun as guests in their own right.
    • Over 10's usually are fine to be served adult food and portions, even if they don't eat all of it, but offer the children's menu to them (with their parent's permission) if they don't seem keen on the options. It has also been known for young adults 13-18 to often request the same food as youngsters, such as a hamburger and fries as opposed to more formal restaurant food and it has been a frequently used trick to re-brand the children's menu as an "Alternative Menu" for this age group of guests. It is very wise to play safe and discuss with key guests about your plans to keep the young and old engaged, well in advance of the date.
    • A discrete area should be provided for mothers with young children for their needs such as toilet/bathroom breaks, breastfeeding (etc.), and a place for very young children to sleep in if they are tired.
  4. 4
    Know how to deal with rowdy or intoxicated guests, gate-crashers and other guest problems. Ideally this would never happen, but it does –– family or corporate events both. Politics and drama often come out at events that, as an outsider, you would not be always aware of. Prepare yourself.
    • Ask the client or key guests before the event of the likelihood of such issues, or with selected hosting guests if it is not appropriate to discuss these issues with the key guests, so that way you can ensure that people are seated in places that will not cause issue. Enlist service staff or key-guests to act as unofficial monitors, to keep an eye out for issues and to step in when required. Strictly speaking, your duty is to ensure the event is smoothly run, but only where it is appropriate, and to stay out of issues that are a private concern. Therefore, you should be aware of who within the party are the "peacemakers" of the group.
    • As it can be a difficult job to refuse alcohol to an inebriated guest, or to deal with an inebriated guest that inclines towards anger or violence, it is wise to enlist a peacemaker guest and only involve law enforcement when necessary after consulting with the key guests. Even in small events or backyard events when alcohol is often stored in an ice box for guests to serve themselves, it is equally important to be aware.
    • Gatecrashers are difficult. Should it happen, unobtrusively evict them if appropriate - consult your key guests to verify that they're unwelcome. For large scale and rowdy or abusive gatecrashers, your duty is to protect the existing guests where appropriate and to call security or the police if they do not leave after being politely asked to do so by yourself and/or the key guests.
    • Guests often shuffle name cards about at the beginning where they are sitting, so that they end up sitting next to people they want, or at a table they want. It is wise to check with the key guests how far this is permissible according to them. Typically you should have organised table plans in advance and have received approval from the key guests. Should it be that people must be at certain tables, then it is wise to keep people out of the dining room altogether until time. Often the lobby, foyer or bar area serves this purpose and if it is very important due to family issues, it is wise to group people together and move them en masse to the separate tables by each host-guest and service personnel to seat them in their proper order.
  5. 5
    Know how to handle inclement weather. Sudden, unexpected rain or snow can be common in parts of the world; likewise, a heatwave or a cold front can also can pose a problem. While weather events are not usually an issue if you're indoors, being outside makes things difficult. If bad weather is expected, then consider moving the event location. If the event cannot be relocated or rescheduled, hire a large tent or pavilion (admittedly this can be pricey on short notice). Keeping an eye on weather developments as you go is important; very little can be done to salvage an event affected by weather, so make the best of what you have.[9]
    • Many parts of the world now have insurance policies in the event of severe weather or other problems. If you are in an area which is known for unexpectedly changeable weather, it is recommended to source a quote if there may be a chance the event will have to be re-scheduled as it will at least cover the client the cost of extending hire of equipment, site and service personnel.
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Expert Q&A

  • Question
    How can you gain professional experience for event planning?
    Hovik Harutyunyan
    Hovik Harutyunyan
    Event Planner
    Hovik Harutyunyan is an Event and Wedding Planner and the Owner of Hovik Harutyunyan Events, a full-service event planning firm based in Los Angeles, California. Hovik has over ten years of hospitality and event planning experience. His firm specializes in weddings, private celebrations, and corporate events. Hovik's work has been featured in Vogue, Martha Stewart Weddings, and Modern Luxury Weddings. He has a BA in Economics from the University of California, Berkeley.
    Hovik Harutyunyan
    Event Planner
    Expert Answer
  • Question
    The caterer has not shown up and is not answering their phone. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Call their manager or customer service, and think of a story to cheer up the hungry guests as you search for a nearby alternative, like a restaurant that delivers.
  • Question
    I want to work in event management but I have not done any MBA regarding event management. I also do not have any work experience. What should I be doing to advance in this field?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Involve yourself with a lot of volunteer events, you may also work in something that involves public relations since that is a bigger scope of event management.

About This Article

Hovik Harutyunyan
Co-authored by:
Event Planner
This article was co-authored by Hovik Harutyunyan. Hovik Harutyunyan is an Event and Wedding Planner and the Owner of Hovik Harutyunyan Events, a full-service event planning firm based in Los Angeles, California. Hovik has over ten years of hospitality and event planning experience. His firm specializes in weddings, private celebrations, and corporate events. Hovik's work has been featured in Vogue, Martha Stewart Weddings, and Modern Luxury Weddings. He has a BA in Economics from the University of California, Berkeley. This article has been viewed 315,360 times.
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Co-authors: 42
Updated: July 21, 2022
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To manage an event, start by choosing the date, time, and venue, and nailing down the agenda. Then, send out invitations, track RSVPs, and get helpers for anything you’re doing in-house. Additionally, hire service providers, like caterers or florists, for everything else you need done. As your event date approaches, familiarize yourself with the venue, and confirm last-minute details with your in-house and outside teams. Then, arrive early on event day to set things up, and be prepared to make any necessary last-minute changes. For tips on how to find a master of ceremonies for your event, read on!

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