Have you ever been so excited that you couldn’t sleep, like on the night before your birthday or a big holiday? Sometimes, if you’re really looking forward to something, the time can seem to just drag on and on. 5 minutes can feel like 5 years. But there’s good news! There are actually a few tricks and tactics you can use to help make the time pass more quickly. We’ve put together a handy list of options for you to choose from.


Try breaking up the time into smaller chunks.

  1. It can help speed up the time. Break up the hours into 5 or 10-minute blocks. Use the blocks to alternate back and forth between fully focusing on a task or activity and working at a more relaxed pace. Focusing on something can help the time pass quickly and breaking it up into chunks can make it more manageable.[1]
    • For instance, you could break up an hour by alternating between 5 and 10-minute chunks. Spend the 10-minute chunks really focusing on a task. Then, spend the 5-minute blocks relaxing and working less hard.
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Surf the net.

  1. Play around on the internet to kill some time. Pull out your phone or hop on a computer and look up cat videos or find the latest updates of your favorite sports. Check out social media and see what your friends are up to. Take a look at some of the latest memes and have a few laughs or send them to friends you think would like them. You’ll be surprised how quickly the time passes.[4]

Try counting from 100 to 1.

  1. Use this simple trick to make time go by faster. Don’t count the time. Instead, start counting from 100 to 1. As you count, you won’t notice the time passing, and counting down can feel like you’re reaching a goal. Mix it up and force your mind to focus by counting down by 2s, 5s, or something tricky like 7s. You could even count from 1000 to 1 to take up more time.[5]
    • Counting up can make it feel like you’re counting the seconds, which could actually make it seem like time is passing more slowly.
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Make a list of goals you want to accomplish.

  1. Put together a to-do list for your future. Channel your boredom into a productive task by jotting down goals or dreams that you have! Open up a digital note or grab a piece of paper and a pen. Then, come up with goals for today, goals for the end of the week, and goals for the end of the month. You can also think about all of the tasks you need to complete to make those goals happen. In the end, you'll have a solid gameplan you can use to improve your future.[6]
    • Approach your goals in small, incremental steps. By doing a few things everyday, you're adding to your overall larger goal.[7]
    • Take your time when approaching your goals, too! Slow things down, take it day-by-day, and understand that there's beauty hidden in the journey.

Knock out some chores.

  1. Tackle that to-do list you’ve been putting off. Find some stuff you can clean up around your home such as washing the dishes or vacuuming the floors. Clear out your fridge and wipe down the counters to get your kitchen tidied up. You could also do some of that laundry that’s been piling up or organize your garage. Get to those less-than-desirable tasks and you’ll pass the time and feel accomplished when you’re finished.[8]
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Get outside for a bit.

  1. Make your mind and body feel better. Take a nice walk or go for a bike ride. A Stanford study found that walking increases creativity and has a positive impact on your mood.[10] You could also head to the gym to get a really good workout in. Exercise releases endorphins that can make you feel happier and more relaxed, and while you’re focusing on exercising, you won’t think about the time as much.
    • You don’t necessarily have to exercise, but some time outside can help boost your mood.
    • If you can’t exercise outside, working out or relaxing indoors can also kill some time.
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Community Q&A

  • Question
    How do I wait for a friend to come over in 1 hour?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Watch an hour long TV show, or read a book for an hour. If you like to bake, this is another good option, because between prep and cook time, baking usually takes about an hour.
  • Question
    How do I make a week go by faster when I'm in school?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Try some of the ideas above, or checkout the related wikiHow article on How to Make School Time Fly.
  • Question
    I get my phone back in one week, but I feel I need it by my side at all times. How can I make time pass by faster?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Try something you have been wanting to do without your phone. Read a book. Take long walks. Spend time with friends.


  • Pay attention to your surroundings, especially if you’re doing activities such as driving or operating machinery.

About This Article

Jessica Elliott, ACC, CEC
Co-authored by:
Certified Executive Coach
This article was co-authored by Jessica Elliott, ACC, CEC. Jessica Elliott is a Certified Executive Coach and multi-passionate entrepreneur. She's the founder of LIFETOX, where she hosts mindful experiences and retreats, and J Elliott Coaching, which she provides executive consulting for professionals, teams, and organizations. Jessica has had over fifteen years experience as an entrepreneur and over five years of executive coaching experience. She received her ACC (Associate Certified Coach) accreditation through the International Coaching Federation (ICF) and her CEC (Certified Executive Coach) accreditation through Royal Roads University. This article has been viewed 207,820 times.
22 votes - 69%
Co-authors: 83
Updated: March 20, 2023
Views: 207,820
Article SummaryX

Time can seem to drag by when you’re looking forward to something, but you can make time pass quicker if you stay busy. Try hanging out with your friends, running some errands, or tidying your home. You can also use your time productively by studying or doing some work. If you don't have anything important to do, relax in front of the TV, read a book, or listen to music. Try working out or going for a walk to release some energy if you feel restless. Avoid checking the clock, since this will make it feel like time is passing slower. If you need to catch up on sleep, take a nap until you need to get ready instead. For more tips, including how to do get creative to pass the time, read on!

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