Charming, worldly, and bold, a Sagittarius man is a confident and adventure-loving soul. This fiery sign loves romance—which is great, because being with a Sagittarius means you’re going to have a great time! But if you’re finding yourself seduced by a Sagittarius man, you may be wondering how long this is going to last. We’re here to help you figure this out, with 12 ways to tell if a Sagittarius man is playing you.


He tells you he's looking for something casual.

  1. Ask your Sagittarius if he sees a future in your relationship. A Sagittarius will appreciate an open conversation, even if it's difficult. This is the zodiac sign that most respects honesty and straightforwardness, both in themselves and in others.[1] He'll probably let you know how he really feels.
    • This is a sign that doesn’t like stringing people along, and opening up a straightforward conversation is the easiest way to see where your relationship is at. Saying something like, “Would you ever be interested in a relationship with me?” is a good way to open this kind of conversation.[2]
    • If he isn’t messaging you unless it’s already night, he’s probably not looking for anything more than a casual fling. A Sagittarius that wants something more won’t just talk to you only when he wants a hook-up.
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He hasn’t told you that he cares for you.


He avoids bringing you into his life.

  1. If a Sagittarius keeps you away from his adventures, he could be playing you. Sagittarians want to settle down with an adventurous companion who will join them in their constant movement. If he’s avoiding bringing you along while he's checking out new places, this could be a sign that he doesn’t see you as a romantic partner yet.[8]
    • This doesn’t mean that he needs to invite you to everything he does—a Sagittarius will always want to have an independent circle of friends, and will want you to as well. But if he’s not making an effort to have new experiences with you, chances are he’s not interested in a deeper relationship.[9]

He hasn’t given you any sign he wants to settle down.

  1. Ask your Sagittarius where he sees himself in a few years. If your Sagittarius is still talking about their life without any indication they would want to share it with another person, believe them. No one can force a Sagittarius to settle down when he doesn’t want to![10]
    • When a Sagittarius is ready to settle, he’ll be loyal and a wonderful partner. But getting to that point might take a while! Being ruled by playful Jupiter means that the childlike sensibilities of a Sagittarius outlast a lot of the other signs, which can keep them away from commitment.[11]
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He doesn’t move past the flirting stage.

  1. Think through your conversations with your Sagittarius. Then, ask yourself whether there was ever a time when he got more serious, and wasn’t just flirting. It can be tough to tell sometimes, since Sagittarians are often funny, even while discussing serious subjects.[12]
    • Sagittarians love to flirt, and they’re good at it too. These charmers can sweep you off your feet with their self-confidence and wit. But part of what makes them such good flirts is that they treat flirting like a game, and since it is a game to them, they can back out at any time. If you aren’t able to identify a moment when he ever got more real with you, this could be a sign he hasn’t decided to commit his feelings to you yet.[13]

He’s not interested in repeated adventures.

  1. A Sagittarius always wants to try new things, so he might move on fast. A Sagittarius is looking for adventures and excitement. He wants to collect as many different experiences as possible, and he might lose interest after one great night out with you. This doesn’t mean that he doesn’t like you—in fact, Sagittarians often count former flings as close friends.[14]
    • This sign can have a very one-and-done personality, moving on to the next thing very quickly. If he seems reluctant to keep going out with you, try not to take it personally. The Sagittarius will think of his time with you fondly, and will hope you will too.[15]
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He doesn’t respect your ideas.

  1. Sagittarians love two-way conversations with people they’re interested in.[16] If you’re feeling brushed aside in your more abstract discussions with a Sagittarius, that could be a sign that they’re more interested in showing off than a long-term commitment.
    • Ruled by philosophical Jupiter, Sagittarians love deep talks about politics, philosophy, and art, and will want to have a romantic partner that can contribute to these conversations. A Sagittarius will want to get to know how you see the world if he’s really interested. Ask him what kinds of movies or books he likes, and see how he responds when you tell him about your own opinions.[17]

He lies to you about where he’s been.

  1. A Sagittarius confessing a lie is bad, and getting caught in one is worse. If a Sagittarius has traded in his trademark honesty for keeping you in the dark, he isn’t showing you the respect you deserve. Lying to you about who he’s been talking to and where he’s been is a big red flag that he’s just playing you, so don’t let him get away with it.[20]

About This Article

Angel Eyedealism
Co-authored by:
Astrologer & Performance Artist
This article was co-authored by Angel Eyedealism. Angel Eyedealism is an Astrologer and Performance Artist based in the Lower East Side of Manhattan. With nearly three decades of astrology experience, Angel specializes in relocation astrology and astrocartography. Eyedealism has been featured in numerous media outlets such as Vogue, Cosmopolitan, The Atlantic, The Washington Post, Refinery29, NBC, MTV, Showtime, and Bravo. Angel aims to help others through a straightforward, kind, and humorous astrological lens, utilizing her entertainment and singing skills for performance art astrology readings. This article has been viewed 41,006 times.
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Co-authors: 4
Updated: March 17, 2023
Views: 41,006