Once you make a wrap, your last step is folding it up. Folding up a wrap makes it portable and easy to eat. Use the standard fold method, cylinder roll technique, or the envelope method to easily fold your wrap. Use any method you'd like, as this is based on personal preference. Roll your wrap tightly, tuck in the ingredients if they fall out, and cut your wrap in half if you’d like. With a little preparation, you can easily fold your wrap and dig in!

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Using the Standard Fold

  1. 1
    Fold the sides of the wrap halfway towards the center. Bring both the left and the right side of your wrap about 1–3 in (2.5–7.6 cm) towards the middle of the wrap. Leave about 2–3 in (5.1–7.6 cm) in between both sides, depending on how large of a wrap you are using.[1]
    • This way, your wrap’s contents do not fall out as you take a bite.
  2. 2
    Bring the bottom third towards the center. To make your fold, lift up on the bottom edge of your wrap, and move it towards the center about one third of the way up.[2]
    • While this doesn’t have to be perfect, keeping about two thirds of the wrap exposed helps you tightly wrap it up.
  3. 3
    Tuck your filling back into the wrap as you roll it up. As you move the wrap, your filling may slide out. As you make the fold, use your hands to pull back on the filling from outside the wrap. This keeps it tucked in as you make your folds.[3]
    • Tucking the filling into the wrap helps you fold it tightly, and the filling is less likely to come out.
  4. 4
    Continue folding the wrap from the bottom until you reach the end. Fold the wrap up, then flip the wrap on top of itself to make your additional fold. Then, make more folds until you reach the end of your wrap.[4]
    • You may fold your wrap 1-3 times, depending on its size.
    • The amount of filling also determines how many folds you’ll make. If your wrap is super stuffed, you may only have to fold it 1 more time. If it is on the thinner side, 2 folds may work great.
  5. 5
    Dab of smear of your choice on the edges to keep the wrap together. Smear a dab of hummus, condiment, or sauce on the inside edge of your wrap. Use a dollop of spread about the size of a quarter so you don’t get it all over your wrap.[5]
    • While this is optional, it helps keep your wrap securely folded as you serve and eat it.
    • If you use too much spread, it may make a mess across your wrap.
  6. 6
    Press down on the wrap after it is folded to keep it in place. Once your wrap is folded and you’ve smeared the spread, gently apply pressure on the smooth side of the wrap. You can use your hands or a spatula to do this.[6]
    • This helps the wrap maintain its shape, and it spreads the hummus, condiment, or sauce across the wrap.
  7. 7
    Slice the wrap in half diagonally so it is easy to eat. Use a sharp knife to make a clean cut. Angle the knife across the wrap diagonally, and press down on the knife with consistent pressure to make your slice. Then, separate your wraps and serve them.[7]
  8. Advertisement
Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Doing the Cylinder Roll

  1. 1
    Fold the bottom edge of the wrap towards the center. Move the bottom 3–4 in (7.6–10.2 cm) of the wrap over top of your filling, and then pull back on the wrap to tuck your filling inside.[8]
    • This helps you wrap it up tightly so nothing falls out.
  2. 2
    Roll the wrap evenly until you reach the end of the tortilla. With your hands holding your first fold in place, gently roll the bottom of the wrap upwards. Then, continue to roll the wrap in one even motion.[9]
    • Make your roll from the bottom of the wrap to the end.
    • If you take a pause in between folds, your wrap may loosen up and your contents may fall out.
  3. 3
    Spread a bit of condiment, sauce, or hummus on the edge of your wrap. When you get to the end of your wrap, hold your wrap with 1 hand and use the other to scoop a quarter-size dollop of spread on the inner edge. Spread a topping of your choice across about 3–5 in (7.6–12.7 cm) of the wrap.[10]
    • This helps the wrap stay in place as you cut, serve, and eat it.
  4. 4
    Tuck the ends of the wrap inside. Once your wrap is secure, use your fingers to poke the loose ends of your wrap towards the middle. Fold the ends inward about 3 times, and pinch the corners so they stay in place.[11]
    • This helps keep everything in a neat bundle.
  5. 5
    Make a diagonal cut in the middle of your wrap to easily serve it. Use a sharp bread knife, and position it at a 45-degree angle at the center of the wrap. Then, press down on the knife starting at the tip to make your cut.[12]
    • This is an attractive way to serve your wrap because you can easily show off the filling.
  6. Advertisement
Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Using the Envelope Fold

  1. 1
    Fold the left and right sides into the middle of the wrap. Pick up the edges on either side and overlap them in the center. Overlap the sides about where the inner filling stops so you can tightly fold your wrap.[13]
  2. 2
    Roll up the wrap starting from the bottom. Gently secure your folds in place with 1 hand, and use the other hand to bring the bottom of your wrap towards the middle. Pull back on the wrap slightly to tuck the filling into place, and continue to roll the wrap until you reach the outer edge.[14]
    • You should easily complete the wrap in 1-3 rolls.
  3. 3
    Cut your wrap in half and serve it on a plate or paper towel. Once your wrap is folded, it is ready to eat! To serve, use a sharp knife to cut the wrap in the middle at a 45-degree angle. Then, either place each half in a paper towel, or put them both on a plate.[15]
    • You can use a bread knife or steak knife, for example. The serrated edges make it easy to cut through the wrap.
  4. Advertisement


  • If you have filling toward the edges of your wrap, push them to the middle. This way, they do not fall out as you take a bite.

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8 votes - 88%
Co-authors: 9
Updated: September 8, 2022
Views: 425,259
Categories: Food Preparation
Article SummaryX

To fold a wrap, start by folding each side halfway towards the center, leaving about 2 inches between both sides. Then, fold up the bottom about one third of the way up the wrap. Finish by folding the top third down to close it. Alternatively, fold your wrap from the bottom upwards, then continue rolling it up until you reach the end. Tuck both sides into the roll you’ve just made before cutting the wrap in half diagonally so it’s easier to serve. For tips on how to do the envelope fold, read on!

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