A good gift shows you care enough about someone to really consider what they might like. Here are some ideas to focus your thoughts and get you started towards finding the gift of their dreams.

Gift Ideas

Method 1
Method 1 of 1:

Finding the Perfect Gift

  1. 1
    Decide on your budget; this will help to narrow your choice from the overwhelming to the manageable.
  2. 2
    Consider the occasion; do you want to give something they will cherish forever, or something fun that will make them laugh?
  3. 3
    Think about the personality of the recipient. Are they girly, elegant, flamboyant, quirky, eccentric, traditional? Do they like practical things they can use or would they appreciate something decorative?
  4. 4
    Think about the colours they choose to wear, the accessories they like. Do they like chunky jewellery, fun prints, understated, classic styles?
  5. 5
    Think about their circumstances. Perhaps they have just moved to a new home that needs decorating, or they have a stressful job and would benefit from some pampering products?
  6. 6
    If the gift is something they might continue to use in future, such as skin care products, try to find some that work well as a gift but are also affordable enough to buy again. Expensive beauty products tend to get put in a drawer for special occasions because the recipient wouldn't necessarily treat themselves when buying something they use every day.
  7. 7
    Get a gift you can personalize. A frame could hold a cherished photo or poem; a photo album could be filled with photos from a recent event. You could even put together a 'hamper' of gifts, for example if the recipient has just moved house, you could fill a box with relevant treats and useful products such as housewarming gifts.
  8. 8
    Find out if the recipient has a hobby or particular interest. For example, if they like making jewelry, why not find them a book about it, and maybe include some pretty beads and jewelry making tools. If they like gardening, what about a trug full of things like gardening gloves, secateurs, gardener's hand cream and a book about plants? Or a specialist cookery class and apron for an aspiring chef? Their favorite art supplies for an artist?
  9. 9
    Consider these options.
    • A memory box which can make a great original gift. You can buy boxes with a glass or perspex cover which slides off, allowing you to cover the back with photos, poems, or artwork, and then accessories the interior with mementos relevant to the recipient or memories you share.
    • For milestone birthdays like 18 or 21, a photo album showing the stages of someone's life is an imaginative and thoughtful idea (and will require some work!), which can be kept forever.
    • For another milestone birthday idea, or indeed for a christening, why not fill a beautiful hand-painted box with gifts?
    • A fun idea for little children (or big ones!) is a treasure hunt which reveals progressively larger presents until the grand prize at the end! For this you can find all sorts of little gifts like pencils, hair clips or bath bombs for example.
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Community Q&A

  • Question
    What should I paint on a mug as a Christmas present for my 13-year-old sister and parents?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    It could be anything your sister or parents like. If you can't think of anything, try something simple such as a Christmas tree.
  • Question
    What gift can I give my math teacher?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    You could give her anything, it doesn't have to be math related, maybe chocolates, candles, a book, or some flowers. You could even make a card or craft at home. I'm sure she'll appreciate whatever you give her.
  • Question
    My friend is having a birthday party soon, but I don't know what to get him! Any suggestions?
    Community Answer
    You should probably something that matches his personality. If you can't find anything like that, just get him his favorite candy.

About This Article

wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, 21 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 57,714 times.
58 votes - 70%
Co-authors: 21
Updated: December 30, 2022
Views: 57,714
Categories: Gift Giving