Breakfast, named after the act of breaking your fast, is often referred to as the “most important meal of the day,” and it truly is. Your first meal of the day does exactly what it says it will: it breaks your fast that you held overnight while sleeping. Eating in the morning will give you energy and focus as you start your day, so don't even think about skipping it, or you will feel sluggish and regret it. Whether you're short on time, short on cooking skills, or simply in the mood for a delicious breakfast, you can never go wrong with a bowl of cereal for breakfast.

Part 1
Part 1 of 4:

Eating Your Cold Cereal

  1. 1
    Pour your cereal into your bowl. The amount of cereal you pour depends completely on your appetite. A big, heaping bowl of cereal may keep you full for hours, and a little bowl can be a great snack. Be careful not to overflow the bowl because you still need room for your milk.[1]
    • If you are health-conscious or unsure what a proper portion size is, check the nutrition label on the side of the box. The recommended portion size will be listed there.
    • Once you've poured your cereal, make sure you close the bag or the box completely so that your cereal doesn't go stale. You can also place the remaining cereal into a Tupperware or cereal keeper to prolong its life.
  2. 2
    Add your milk. When it comes to this step, everyone has a personal preference. Begin pouring slowly until the cereal begins to float a bit. If you want your cereal to have only a bit of moisture and retain its crunch, pour a small amount.https:[2]
  3. 3
    Consider adding toppings. Some people add a bit of fruit to their bowls of cereal, like chopped-up bananas, strawberry slices, or blueberries. If your cereal could use a little pizazz, add some cinnamon or sugar. Be creative! You can add anything that you want to your cereal, particularly if it's bland on its own.[3]
  4. 4
    Eat at your own pace. This is an important aspect of cereal eating. If you eat your bowl of cereal pretty quickly, it will still have a bit of crunch. If you take your time savoring each bite, the cereal will gradually get softer. Eat however slowly or quickly you want to. Just make sure you're enjoying your bowl of cereal fully.
  5. 5
    Drink the milk at the bottom. Once you've eaten all your cereal, you will likely still have a little bit of milk at the bottom of your bowl, especially if you poured a lot. There's no need to waste this delicious and now cereal-flavored liquid. You have a few options for this.
    • You can pick up your bowl with two hands and drink your milk.
    • You can add a little bit of cereal to eat with the remaining milk.
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Part 2
Part 2 of 4:

Eating Your Hot Cereal

  1. 1
    Cook your hot cereal. Whether you've chosen to make oatmeal, cream of wheat (also known as farina), grits, or another type of hot cereal, they will all have specific cooking instructions. Make sure you read the packaging it came in to understand how you need to cook it. When it comes to hot cereal, there are usually options for people who love cooking and options for people who don't want to put much effort into making it.[4]
  2. 2
    Add any toppings you desire. After you've cooked your hot cereal, you can add some fun flavorings and toppings to it. For oatmeal, you can add things like brown sugar, nuts, fruit, or even chocolate chips. Add butter to the cream of wheat or grits for a savory breakfast, or even pop an entire egg into it. Adding a dollop of peanut butter onto hot cereal is a great option, as the heat from the hot cereal will warm the peanut butter, allowing it to melt and blend well. Adding cinnamon and sugar to any of your hot cereal options can make a sweet, delicious breakfast.[5]
  3. 3
    Eat your cereal. Let it cool before diving in because burning your mouth is a painful way to start your day. If you're eager to begin eating, blow on each bite before popping it in your mouth. If you've added yummy mix-ins and toppings, make sure to stir them throughout your hot cereal so that you have some left for your final bites.
    • Hot cereal can stick to the sides of your bowl, so make sure you scrape your spoon along the sides to get every bit.
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Part 3
Part 3 of 4:

Picking Your Ingredients

  1. 1
    Choose your cereal. If you have ever walked down the breakfast cereal aisle, you probably know that the options are endless. Different types of cereals will give you very different breakfasts. Some are sweet and packed with sugar, while others are healthier and packed with whole grains and fiber. Not all cereals are created equally, so it's good to explore your options.
    • Colorful, sweet cereal can almost taste like dessert for breakfast. These types of cereal include Fruit Loops, Lucky Charms, Cookie Crisps, Trix, and Cinnamon Toast Crunch. While these kid-friendly cereals may certainly taste yummy, they're chock full of sugar and should be eaten in moderation.[6]
    • For a healthier option, look for cereals that are high in fiber and list a whole grain ingredient first. The higher protein content is a plus because it will keep you full longer. Total, Cheerios, Life, Kix, and Raisin Bran are all great choices.
    • Don't forget to look at hot cereals. These include oatmeal, grits, cream of wheat, rice, quinoa, and more! Most come in various breakfast flavors, but you can also select plain versions and add your own mix-ins and toppings.[7]
    • Granola and muesli are also healthy, filling options that will add a satisfying crunch to a yogurt bowl. You can learn how to make muesli here, and learn how to make granola here!
  2. 2
    Select your milk. Just like cereal, you have a lot of options. Between the different types of cow's milk, lactose-free milk, and nondairy milk, you will likely find something that works perfectly with your cereal of choice.
    • Cow's milk is the standard milk that most people think of when they hear the word. The types you'll see in the normal grocery store are whole milk, 2% milk, 1% milk, and skim milk. Whole milk tastes richer and has 3.25% fat. Both 2% milk and 1% milk have had their fat reduced (to 2% and 1%, respectively). Skim milk is 0% fat and tastes the least rich but has the fewest calories as well. You can choose amongst cow's milk depending on your personal taste preference and diet.[8]
    • Lactose-free milk is perfect for anyone who gets stomach discomfort after drinking milk. Many people are lactose intolerant, and cannot break down the lactose in milk. Lactose-free milk is regular milk that has been combined with lactase, the enzyme that breaks down lactose. This prevents the gastrointestinal problems that arise from a lactose intolerance.[9]
    • Dairy-free milk is another excellent option for anyone who doesn't like the taste of cow's milk, follows a vegan diet, or simply wants something different. It even comes in different flavors like vanilla and chocolate. Coconut, soy, flax, cashew, almond, and several other milks are on the market as non-dairy milk alternatives.
  3. 3
    Grab some optional add-ons. One way to add some flavor, texture, or health benefits to your breakfast cereal is to throw in a little something extra. Fruit, like blueberries and bananas, will add various beneficial vitamins and nutrients. Adding nuts can add a nice crunch to your cereal, as well as protein. Adding a dollop of nut butter, like peanut butter or almond butter, can add some healthy fat and protein. Cinnamon can add a big punch of flavor to your morning meal, and it has the added benefit of being virtually calorie-free.
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Part 4
Part 4 of 4:

Setting Up for Your Cereal

  1. 1
    Select your bowl. You can always grab your average cereal bowl, but there are other options. If you've woken up with a voracious appetite, you may want to find the biggest bowl you can. Big mixing bowls can do the trick. If you're not particularly starving, you can use a tinier bowl, such as the ones used for side salads.
    • Feel free to get creative and use coffee mugs, Tupperware, or other containers to eat your cereal. Don't feel confined to the bowl.
  2. 2
    Pick your spoon. The spoon you choose can have a big effect on your cereal eating experience. A smaller spoon means smaller bites, so it will take you longer to eat your cereal. Eating slowly can help prevent overeating, so a small spoon is great for anyone on a diet or just trying to eat lightly. On the contrary, a bigger spoon means bigger bites. If you're hungry and ready to shovel in some cereal, grab a big spoon.
  3. 3
    Choose a dining spot. For a more formal cereal experience, set your place at your dining room or kitchen table. You can use a placemat, put a napkin in your lap, and “enjoy” a proper meal. For a more relaxed breakfast, eat your cereal in front of the TV , while you're at the computer, or even in bed!
    • If you're really crunched for time, pour your cereal and milk into a travel mug. Bring a plastic spoon and eat your cereal while you're in the car, on a bus, or walking to school.
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Alternatives to Milk

Community Q&A

  • Question
    Why is my cereal dry when I put milk in it?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    It hasn't absorbed the milk, yet. Give it some time. Be careful to not let it sit for too long, or it will become too soggy.
  • Question
    Why would I need to learn how to eat cereal?
    Top Answerer
    Most people already have the know-how when it comes to eating any type of food item. Those not used to western culture may like to fit in with North American ways without feeling embarrassed by having to ask somebody. Others who've known since childhood may feel that there's an exact etiquette to eating cereal they either want to know or want others to know.
  • Question
    Is eating dry cereal and milk separately not an allowed method of eating a bowl of cereal?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    There is no "allowed" method of eating cereal. Eat it however you want.

About This Article

Katie Hake RDN, LD
Co-authored by:
Registered Dietitian, Nutritionist
This article was co-authored by Katie Hake RDN, LD. Katie Hake is a Registered Dietitian, Licensed Nutritionist, Fitness Professional and the Owner of Katie Hake Health & Fitness, LLC. She specializes in constructing sustainable life changes in health and fitness. Katie received a dual degree BS in Dietetics and Nutrition & Fitness and Health from Purdue University. This article has been viewed 522,472 times.
16 votes - 55%
Co-authors: 145
Updated: March 8, 2023
Views: 522,472
Categories: Eating Techniques
Article SummaryX

If you want to eat a bowl of cold cereal, pour the cereal into the bowl first, then slowly pour milk over the cereal. Add sliced fruit, like berries or bananas, to your cereal bowl for extra flavor and nutrients! As you eat your cereal, it will start to become soggy, so eat quickly if you want your cereal to stay crunchy. After all of the cereal is gone, you’ll probably have milk in the bottom of the bowl. You can either add more cereal drink the milk straight from the bowl! Read on for tips on eating hot cereal!

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