Raki is a drink commonly enjoyed in Turkey, and it is used as a celebratory and social beverage. It’s made from grapes and raisins, and it’s flavored with anise. It’s a very potent drink, so it’s often diluted with water or ice, which gives it a milky color and its nickname, “lion’s milk.” When drinking raki, it’s usually served with melon and cheese and used to give toasts. You can order a single drink for yourself, or get larger bottles to share with friends if you’re traveling in Turkey.[1]

Method 1
Method 1 of 2:

Enjoying the Raki Experience

  1. 1
    Enjoy raki socially with other people while having a good conversation. If you’re traveling in eastern Europe, chances are you’ll come across raki at a restaurant or gathering. It’s commonly served when people gather together to have fun or celebrate something.[2]
    • Depending on where you live, it may be hard to find raki to purchase. You can buy bottles online, or if there is a large ethnic community in your area, a specialty grocery store may carry it.
  2. 2
    Sip your raki and drink it straight if you like strong liquor. Raki has an alcohol-by-volume (ABV) of 45% to 50%, so it’s one of the stronger liquors, and some homemade varieties are even stronger. It’s not traditional to take raki as a shot, so be prepared to sip your drink.[3]
    • Luckily, raki is nearly always served with snacks or a light meal or some sort, so you won’t have to drink on an empty stomach.
  3. 3
    Dilute your raki with ice or water if you don’t want to drink it straight. If you’re at a gathering, there will probably be a bowl of ice on the table and a pitcher of cold water. You can add as much to your drink as you’d like. Adding ice or water also changes the color of the raki to a milky white, which is why coupled with its high ABV, it’s often fondly called “lion’s milk.”[4]
    • Raki is flavored with anise, which contains a compound called anethole. Anethole can’t dissolve in water, so when you add water to your drink, it separates the anethole from the liquor and creates an opaque milky color.
  4. 4
    Eat a little bit of cheese and melon before sipping your raki. At a minimum, raki is traditionally served with bowls of cut melon and dishes with cheeses, most often feta. At a more extensive gathering, you’ll probably encounter a mezze platter, which is a spread of things like hummus, baba ganoush, tzatziki, fresh cut vegetables, stuffed grape leaves, olives, tabouli, and other tasty dishes.[5]
    • A mezze platter is very similar to tapas, or small dishes meant to be shared with others. This supports the communal aspect of drinking raki with others.
  5. 5
    Make a toast to your companions as you eat and drink. Before you sip your drink, you can say “serefinize,” which means, “in your honor” or “cheers!” Clink together the bottoms of your glasses when you toast others, and enjoy the friendly communal atmosphere.[6]
    • Touching the bottoms of glasses signifies that you’re thinking of the other person.
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Method 2
Method 2 of 2:

Ordering Your Drink in Turkey

  1. 1
    Order a single drink for yourself by asking for a kadeh. The “kadeh” is actually the kind of glass that raki is served in. By ordering one, you signify that you just want a single serving of the drink. Say “bir kadeh raki,” which is pronounced, BEER kah-DEH rah-KUH.[7]
    • If your waiter adds ice or water for you rather than providing a pitcher and bowl on the table, say “taman,” when enough has been added to your drink.
  2. 2
    Purchase a half-bottle of raki if you’re drinking with several friends. Purchasing drinks for others is a sign of goodwill and helps set the tone for the night. You can say “bir otuzbeşlik raki” to order a half-bottle to be delivered to your table.[8]
    • The pronunciation for the half bottle is BEER OH-tooz-BESH-leek rah-KUH.
  3. 3
    Get a full bottle to enjoy with friends over the course of several hours. Order a “bir şişe raki” (BEER SHEE-sheh rah-KUH), which will provide you with about 24 ounces (680 g), or about 16 drinks. If you do this, plan to stay at the same place for a long evening of drinking, eating, and talking with your companions.[9]
    • This full bottle is also sometimes called a “yetmişlik” (yeht-MEESH-leek).
  4. 4
    Try a cocktail for a new twist on this classic drink. Several high-end restaurants and bars have started creating raki cocktails to elevate their patrons’ drinking experiences. Most often, raki is mixed with some kind of citrus-flavored liqueur, lime, and pomegranate juice.[10]
    • If you don’t see a raki cocktail advertised anywhere, chances are the location you’re at doesn’t offer them.
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Co-authors: 6
Updated: January 15, 2020
Views: 18,895
Categories: Drinks