Corona is a pale lager made by Cerveceria Modelo in Mexico. It is one of the best selling beers in the entire world and available in over 150 countries. Many places in the United States and abroad serve Corona beer with a traditional lime or lemon wedge. However, there are many different ways you can prepare and drink Corona beer. You can drink Corona by itself or create a new mixed Corona drink by adding numerous different ingredients to enhance the natural flavors within the beer.

  • At this time our world is being affected by COVID-19 (Coronavirus). However, despite some rumours, drinking Corona beer will not make you sick with COVID-19.
Method 1
Method 1 of 2:

Drinking a Traditional Corona

  1. 1
    Cool the Corona. You can place your beer in the freezer, fridge or cooler. Depending on the method and the initial temperature of the beer, it could take anywhere from 30 minutes to a few hours to cool the beer - so in deciding which method to use, consider how soon you want to open your first beer.
    • Be careful not to leave your beer in the freezer for more than 30 minutes, as it may explode.
    • Using a cooler with ice water is the fastest method to cool beer (it transfers heat more quickly).[1] With this method, allow the ice to settle inside the cooler for an hour or longer. Once the ice melts a little, place the Corona beers inside the cooler.
  2. 2
    Open and dress the Corona with salt and lime. Use a bottle opener to remove the bottle cap from the top of the beer - as all Corona bottles require a bottle opener. Sprinkle the rim of the bottle with a little sea salt, Lucas brand seasoning or other salt-based seasoning of your choice. Place a lime wedge over the opening of the beer bottle and squeeze the lime juice into the bottle. Push the lime wedge into the bottle to flavor the beer even more.
    • If you'd like to mix the drink more completely, try putting your thumb over the top of the beer and slowly turning it upside down a few times. Be careful: Turning the beer upside down at a fast rate will cause the beer to release carbonation and explode.
  3. 3
    Take a drink and enjoy your Corona. But remember to drink responsibly.
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Method 2
Method 2 of 2:

Drinking a Mixed Corona

  1. 1
    Cool the Corona. Using the first step in Method 1 of this article is a good reference point for cooing beer quickly. A cool Corona will be necessary for all mixed drinks.
  2. 2
    Make your own mixed Corona. Add one to all of the following to a mixer or empty cup with half a Corona in it: lemon, Tabasco sauce, spicy tomato juice, salt and/or pepper. These ingredients are most common in corona, besides the lime and salt combination. Adding these elements of flavor to your Corona will really improve the taste and can be fun to experiment with.
    • If you decide that you want to only add one or two of the ingredients, you can go ahead and put the ingredients directly into your Corona bottle and skip putting them in a mixer.
    • Make sure that you'll enjoy each flavor that the different ingredients create. You can do this by tasting each ingredient mixed in a shot glass with Corona.
    • Place a few ice cubes into the mixer or cup with the ingredients if the Corona becomes warm in the process.
  3. 3
    Make a Red Corona. Add 1 shot of vodka, 1 teaspoon of grenadine syrup and 1 slice of lime to a 7/8 full bottle of Corona.
    • Remember that putting your thumb over the top of the beer and slowly turning it upside down a few times is a good way to mix the drink. Be careful: Turning the beer upside down at a fast rate will cause the beer to release carbonation and explode.
    • Try adding these ingredients to a cup or mixer if you have trouble mixing them in a Corona bottle.
  4. 4
    Make a Mexican Bulldog Margarita. Add 1 ounce of tequila, 7 - 10 ounces of margarita mix and 8 - 10 ice cubes into a blender. Blend the ingredients into a homogeneous mix. Pour the mix into a 16 ounce (or larger) drinking glass and place an upside-down Corona bottle in the drink.[2]
    • Make sure that the drinking glass' rim is wide enough to support a Corona bottle without tipping over. If the only drinking glasses that you have are small, you can try using a Coronita (a smaller Corona).
  5. 5
    Drink your mixed Corona. Whatever you way decide to mix your Corona, it's going to be delicious - it's Corona. Don't forget to add a lime garnish and salt if you haven't already.
  6. Advertisement

Community Q&A

  • Question
    Why is Corona drunk with lemon?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    A slice of lemon or lime is often added to the drink to give it a lightly citrus taste.
  • Question
    How do you drink an inverted-bottle cocktail?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Drink it with a straw, but be careful not to accidentally tip over the bottle as you drink.
  • Question
    What type of lime is best?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Any type of lime will work as long as it's fresh and juicy.


  • When cooling your Corona in the freezer, do not leave the beer unchecked for more than 30 minutes. An exploded beer can be quite a mess to clean up.
  • Corona is an alcoholic beverage, so enjoy in moderation and drink responsibly.

Things You'll Need

  • Way to cool beer
  • Corona beer
  • Sea salt
  • Lime wedges
  • Chili pepper powder
  • Lemon juice
  • Salt
  • Black pepper
  • Tabasco sauce
  • Spicy tomato juice
  • Vodka
  • Tequila
  • Lime margarita Mix
  • Grenadine syrup

About This Article

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Co-authors: 29
Updated: November 29, 2022
Views: 517,897
Categories: Beer and Cider
Article SummaryX

To drink a Corona, start by inserting a lime wedge into the bottle and pushing it in to flavor the beer. Next, sprinkle a little sea salt over the opening to complement the lime. To try something different, add a shot of vodka, 1 teaspoon of grenadine syrup and a slice of lime to your bottle. Then, put your thumb over the opening and slowly turn it upside down a few times to mix the contents. Alternatively, you can just add some lemon, Tabasco, or tomato juice to your beer to create different flavors. For tips on making a Mexican Bulldog Margarita with a Corona, read on!

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