Expert tips for a salon-level waxing session (without the awkwardness)

Are you ready to take your manscaping to the next level? A Brazilian wax involves removing all of the hair from your downstairs area, so it’s a great way to give yourself a refreshing new look. But if you want to avoid awkwardness with a professional waxer or you’re just looking to save a little money, waxing yourself at home is your best option. Fortunately for you, we’ve got all the tips you need to minimize pain and give yourself a salon-caliber wax from the privacy of your own bathroom.

Things You Should Know

  • Take a warm shower and use scissors to trim your hair to just under 12 inch (1.3 cm) long.
  • Warm up hard wax, then use a tongue depressor to smooth the wax on. Let the wax cool for about 30 seconds so it fully latches onto the hair.
  • Rip the wax off quickly in the opposite direction of hair growth.
Part 1
Part 1 of 3:

Preparing Your Hair and Wax

  1. 1
    Trim your hair to just under 12 inch (1.3 cm) long. Any hair that is shorter than 14 inch (0.6 cm) is going to be very difficult to remove, and could result in pulled skin and a lot of pain. The same goes for hair longer than 12 inch (1.3 cm). Use a scissors or an electric trimmer to trim your hair to an even length wherever you plan to wax.
    • If you shave, this is usually about 2 weeks of hair growth. Anything longer than 4 or 5 weeks of growth is too long.
  2. 2
    Take a hot shower and pat your skin dry. This helps prep your skin to release the hairs more easily by opening up your pores a bit. Time your shower so that your skin is still warm and supple when you begin waxing.[1]
    • Exfoliate your skin while you're in the shower. Taking off the dead skin cells will give you a cleaner wax. A few days prior to the waxing, carefully scrub the entire area you plan to wax using a loofah or some body scrub.
    • Don't put on lotion or oil after your shower. Adding extra products will make your hair slippery, which can make the wax harder to use.
    • If you want, you can sprinkle on a little baby powder. This helps to keep the wax from adhering to the skin and can help with pain management.
  3. 3
    Heat up the wax and test it. To get everything you need, buy a waxing kit that contains wax, a wax warmer, and gloves. Read the instructions that came with your waxing kit carefully, and heat up the wax until all of it is melted and runny. Stir it up with one of the waxing sticks. Once it's melted, test it by putting a small dab on the back of your hand. If the wax feels too hot, wait for it to cool down a bit before starting. If it's difficult to spread, heat it up a bit more.[2]
    • Throughout the waxing process, you might need to pause to reheat the wax, especially if this is your first time waxing—you don't want to rush things!
    • If you don’t have a wax warmer, you can just use the microwave. Put the wax in a microwave-safe bowl, then heat it up 30 seconds at a time until it’s the consistency of warm honey.
    • Some people like to make their own wax using a mixture of honey, sugar and other ingredients. If you go this route, be sure to test it on another part of your body to make sure it takes off the hair cleanly without getting stuck to your skin.
Part 2
Part 2 of 3:


  1. 1
    Apply the wax in small patches with a tongue depressor. Dip a waxing stick in your tub of wax and apply a patch—less than 1 inch (2.5 cm) square—to an area of hair. Removing just a little at a time is the best way to manage the discomfort and ensure that you don't end up hurting yourself.[3]
    • Apply with wax in the direction of your hair growth. It grows in all different directions down there, so be careful to examine each patch of hair before applying the wax.
    • Use the stick to apply the wax in one smooth stroke, like you're spreading cheese on a cracker. Don't rub it in or move the stick from side to side, since that could pull or tug on your skin.
    • Some kits come with wax strips, or small strips of cloth. You can use wax strips by smoothing them out onto the wax, but it’s totally optional. Many people find that for Brazilian waxes, just pulling the wax by hand is much easier.
  2. 2
    Pull the wax against the direction of hair growth. Let the wax cool for just about 30 seconds to 1 minute. Then, use your free hand to hold your skin taut as you gently peel up 1 edge of the wax. Grab the wax and pull it back in a smooth, quick motion against the direction of hair growth.[4]
    • While it might seem easier to go in the same direction as your hair growth, this can make the wax stick, and could even hurt more.
    • Is your skin stinging? Press your hand against your skin, using gentle pressure.
  3. 3
    Repeat the process throughout your entire groin area. Once you have your first wax strip down, move onto the pubic hair around your genitals. Keep working in small sections, laying the wax down in the direction of your hair growth. Let it dry for about 30 seconds, then rip it back quickly against the growth of your hair.[5]
    • If your pain levels increase, apply more baby powder to your skin. This will keep the wax from sticking to your skin to reduce that stinging feeling.
  4. 4
    Wax your scrotum while pulling the skin taut. While it’s totally optional to wax your balls, many men prefer to wax everything. Use 2 fingers to pull an area of the scrotum as smooth as possible, then apply the wax with a tongue depressor. Let the wax cool for about 30 seconds, then pull the wax off quickly, keeping your skin taut. Work in small, 1 in (2.5 cm) sections to wax your entire scrotum.[6]
  5. 5
    Wax your rectal area last. If you have hair growth behind your scrotum and back toward your anus, you may need to get flexible to reach everything that needs to get waxed. Move your legs into a comfortable position so that you can access the area between them. Spread the wax in a 1 inch (2.5 cm) square, just like you did at the base of your penis. Let the wax cool, then tear the wax off quickly.
    • Many men find that the rectal area is the most painful, which is why it’s good to save this area for last.[7]
Part 3
Part 3 of 3:


  1. 1
    Clean the area with oil. Rub the oil that came with your waxing kit (or another oil made for use on skin, like baby oil or coconut oil) to remove those bits of wax that are still stuck to your body. Gently massaging the dried wax with oil should loosen it right away. Then, hop back in the shower and rinse yourself off with warm water.[8]
    • Once all the wax is off, you can use a mild body wash to wash the area.
    • Although it may be tempting, don’t take a scalding hot shower after a waxing session. Your skin is likely going to be slightly dry and irritated, and hot water can make it more painful.
  2. 2
    Apply a moisturizer to hydrate your skin. A natural moisturizer will help soothe your skin, which may be red and irritated after your wax. Moisturizer will also help prevent infection and ingrown hairs.[9]
    • Look for a moisturizer that’s non-comedogenic, meaning it won’t clog your pores.
    • If your skin feels inflamed even after moisturizing, apply a cool compress to help the inflammation go down.
  3. 3
    Don't wear tight underwear or clothes for a few days. Your skin needs room to breathe and heal. If you have time, spend a few hours wearing nothing but your bathrobe around the house. For the next few days, wear boxers instead of briefs, and stay away from tight items like skinny jeans until the waxed area is no longer red.[10]
    • Similarly, you may want to stay away from sexual contact or nude sunbathing for a few days. Since your skin is newly exposed, it will get irritated quickly.

Community Q&A

  • Question
    Will my penis be sore afterward?
    wikiHow Staff Editor
    wikiHow Staff Editor
    Staff Answer
    This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.
    wikiHow Staff Editor
    wikiHow Staff Editor
    Staff Answer
    Yes, it's likely that after waxing for the first time, you will experience some pain and discomfort. Take care of yourself by wearing loose cotton underwear and moisturizing well. As you wax more often, you'll get used to the discomfort, and you won't feel as bad afterward.
  • Question
    Is it true that, over time, the hairs grow in less and less with waxing?
    wikiHow Staff Editor
    wikiHow Staff Editor
    Staff Answer
    This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.
    wikiHow Staff Editor
    wikiHow Staff Editor
    Staff Answer
    Yes, this is true. The more you wax, the more you "damage" the hair follicles that grow your hair. Over time, you may notice that the hair that grows in after waxing is thinner or patchier than it used to be. However, this is usually not permanent, and if you stop waxing for a while, your hair will likely grow back like it normally does.
  • Question
    What happens if I get an erection during waxing?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    I worker as a waxer, and guys get erections all the time. It is better to get one before applying the wax. If you feel one coming on, just tell your waxer -- we are professionals, and it does not bother us at all.


About This Article

Dedra Allen
Co-authored by:
This article was co-authored by Dedra Allen and by wikiHow staff writer, Hannah Madden. Dedra Allen is a Cosmetologist and the CEO of Jdoah Beauty Salon in Thomasville, North Carolina. She has over 12 years of experience and specializes in working on short hair, relaxed hair, hair removal, and hair growth. She graduated with a Cosmetology degree from the Cutting Edge Institute. This article has been viewed 1,136,883 times.
8 votes - 85%
Co-authors: 19
Updated: December 18, 2022
Views: 1,136,883
Categories: Waxing
Article SummaryX

To do a male Brazilian wax, start by trimming your hair to just under ½ inch to make it easier to wax. You should also take a hot shower, which will open your pores and make the process less painful. After you get out the shower, use a stick to apply the wax in small patches less than 1 square inch to reduce pain and discomfort. Lay the strips on top of the wax and pull against the hair growth so the hairs come out cleanly. Start with the hair at the base of your penis and work your way back to your scrotum and backside. For more tips, including how to care for your skin after a Brazilian wax, read on!

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