This article was co-authored by Kathi Burns, CPO®. Kathi Burns is a board certified Professional Organizer (CPO) and Founder of Organized and Energized!, her consulting business with a mission to empower people to master their environment and personal image by assisting them in taking control, making change and organizing their lives. Kathi has over 17 years of organizing experience and her work has been featured on Better Homes and Gardens, NBC News, Good Morning America, and Entrepreneur. She has a BS in Communication from Ohio University.
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Have you ever wanted to have an organized room? You've come to the right place! In this article, you'll find out how to make a messy room into the clean, organized room you've always dreamed of!
1Take everything off your bed, except for the mattress. Then, wash your bedding. While this is in the wash, try to pick up some of the items on the floor or continue with the steps. Flip your mattress to increase the lifespan and your comfort. When the washing is done, make your bed! Be sure to style the pillows any way you like! Make the bed neat, but also add a touch of your own personality. Making the bed makes a big difference in your room.[1]
2Take down the curtains on your window and put them in the washer.[2]Advertisement
3Organize your bedside table. Take everything off and out of it. Organize the drawers and the top of it. Wipe down the bedside table and go through the items you cleared off the bedside table. Put anything important you might need on the top of it like a cell phone, etc. But try not to make it too cluttered.EXPERT TIPBoard Certified Professional OrganizerKathi Burns, CPO®
Board Certified Professional OrganizerStart decluttering in an area where you can have a quick win. You'll be encouraged by your progress and continue decluttering the rest of the room instead of getting overwhelmed. Start with your sock drawer or nightstand, any area you're not emotionally attached to, before moving up to larger projects.
4Organize your desk, because school is very important and schoolwork is easiest in an organized area. Take everything off the desk and sort it. Keep only stuff important to work or school and find homes for everything else. Wipe down the desk and neatly organize the items on the desk. Also, wipe down your desk chair. You are more likely to work well if you feel comfortable, clean, and organized.[3]
5Organize your bookshelf. Clear out the bookshelf and sort the items. Next, wipe down the shelves and give it a minute to dry. Next, organize books and keepsakes. Remember, you DO NOT want to create a junk shelf so DO NOT put things that are irrelevant to the other items on the bookshelf.
6Organize the clothes in your closet a certain way. First, clear out the closet. Wash all your clothes. If clothing does not fit anymore, then donate it. Vacuum/mop/shampoo the floor and wipe down shelves, racks, and other parts of the closet. Next, hang up delicate items (note that knitted items should be folded in drawers to prevent stretching of the threads). Get more wear out of your closet by bringing a few rarely worn items to a more prominent position. If you don't wear items you should get rid of them, making space for clothing you will wear. Then, hang up or place the rest of your clothes on shelves. Put like clothes together (sweaters with sweaters, dresses with dresses, jeans with jeans, etc.) Now, organize your shoes neatly. You should always keep shoes with clothes so in the morning, you can dress from the head to the shoes.[4]
7Take everything out of your dresser, fold the stuff, and wipe it all down! Then, organize your clothes in the dresser. It is a good idea to keep all socks and all underwear together, so you can instantly see if you are running out! Try not place things on top of the dresser but if you do, do not clutter it. Try placing relevant items on it, like a jewelry box or alarm clock.[5]
8Tidy up anything else not listed in this article. Be sure to wipe down all surfaces that you clean off. If you have a mirror, a TV, or a computer in your room, wipe off the screens. Take out the trash and take the donated items to a donation station (Goodwill or a thrift store) Be sure that you have a place for everything but if it doesn't belong in your room, take it to where it does belong!
9Dust, vacuum or mop, wash windows, and if you like, spray your favorite air freshener scent. Then, open all the blinds! Sunlight is the finishing touch!
10Make sure that you like the way your room looks. If you get bored with it, change it up. Make sure if you do move things around, to get help so you don't hurt yourself.
11Go through any bins with unused things. Donate unneeded or unwanted things. For the things you want to keep organize it back into the container and find a place for the bin where it does not look cluttered.[6]
12Enjoy your now clean and organized room! Be sure that if you do take something out that you put it away. Begin a daily routine to help you make sure that your room stays looking good!
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About This Article
To deep clean and organize your room, choose a day that you have a few hours free or spread it out over a weekend to get the job done. First, pick up everything in your room that’s out of place and put it back where it belongs. Then, wash all of your dirty laundry and put clean sheets on your bed to freshen up your room. Once you’ve done your laundry, start deep cleaning by dusting all of the surfaces. Vacuum the floor and your mattress to get rid of any mold spores and dust mites. When your room is clean, move onto organizing all of your belongings. Declutter your desk, wardrobe, and bedside table and take out anything you no longer want. Once you’re finished cleaning your room, donate or sell any unwanted items. For more tips on deep cleaning and organizing your room, like how to wash the walls, read on!