So, you have heard about tulpae (or tulpas), the independent thought forms that share your brain like an imaginary friend, but have their own thoughts, feelings, and ideas independent from your own. Having a tulpa may come with many benefits, although many start creating one simply because they want a companion that understands them better than anyone else. Tulpas are often associated with My Little Pony lovers, but many different tulpae exist.

Part 1
Part 1 of 6:


  1. 1
    Think long and hard before you create a tulpa. Your tulpa will be a life-long companion and will be with you for the rest of your life, spend some time thinking about it because if you change your mind after creating a tulpa, you could get rid of them but tulpas are people with their own personality and thoughts. Getting rid of a tulpa is killing them and that means would mean you're killing a person. Making a tulpa is no easy decision.
  2. 2
    Plan out your tulpa. You can start by thinking about the form or personality you want them to have. You don't have to choose a permanent form or personality for them, as it is very likely that they will deviate from what you originally planned.
  3. 3
    Plan your tulpa's appearance. You can plan out your tulpa's appearance by drawing if it helps, or just by visualizing them.
    • You should not create a tulpa based on any real humans, living or dead.
    • If you create a tulpa based off a fictional character, make sure to let your tulpa know that they are not that character, they just have their appearance.
  4. 4
    Plan your tulpa's personality. One way to think of a personality is simply list as many personality traits you want your tulpa to have. When you've thought about a form you can either read these traits to the tulpa, or meditate on them for a while, few minutes on each, to "install" them into your tulpa. Some people tend to skip the personality step, and that is fine, your tulpa will just develop their personality themselves. This can also deviate. But no worries, it is unlikely that their personality will deviate into something harmful.
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Part 2
Part 2 of 6:


  1. 1
    Visualize your tulpa. Sit down and close your eyes. Imagine your tulpa in your head; look at them from any possible angle you can think of. Try to visualize every detail of their appearance. Be patient, and take time visualizing them, and remember that some part can be very difficult such as a face. Also remember, you can do this any way you want, whatever suits you best. When you visualize, you could either just visualize your tulpa in an empty space, an imaginary place, or just the space in front of you.
  2. 2
    Try to touch your tulpa in your imagination. Try to feel their hair (if they have any) and the details on their body. When that step is complete, you will be able to feel your tulpa's form or surface by applying a little pressure, but you won't be able to touch them as if they were a solid, physical thing. Your hand will go through.
  3. 3
    Create a scent, if you wish. If you want to, you can associate a scent with your tulpa a during this step. Make sure the same scent remains whenever you smell your tulpa.
  4. 4
    Visualize your tulpa's movements. Imagine how your tulpa moves and walks. Think about the gestures they use. Work on their expressions last. Try to imagine a conversation with them, and think about what their reactions would be. Always remember, each of these steps take time, never rush it.
  5. 5
    Wonderlands. If you want, you can create a place in your imagination, called a wonderland. This is a place where you can work on your tulpa, and this will be the place that your tulpa can live in. You can be there too, just imagine yourself there with your tulpa. You can do anything you like there, it's your own world. It can be very helpful because if you are in a busy place like in a crowd of people, or doing something like cycling somewhere, it can be difficult to visualize your tulpa anywhere, so they can rest in the wonderland until you are able to visualize them again.
    • Let your tulpa edit the wonderland. They can change it and anything with it whenever they want, just as you can.
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Part 3
Part 3 of 6:


  1. 1
    Talk to your tulpa. You can talk to them inside your mind or out loud. The subject doesn't matter at all. You can talk to them about weather, your day at work/school, your friends, a TV show you like... As long as you direct your talking to the tulpa, you'll do fine. The process is gradual and first contact from your tulpa can be difficult to discern; they won't necessarily jump into speaking full sentences right away.
    • This is completely optional, but you could use a method like 'parroting' or 'puppeting' though some people can find this controversial. But, many others believe that this can help a developing tulpa and encourage them to try to communicate. Sometimes if you are not sure if the answer you got was you parroting or your tulpa, always assume it was your tulpa.
    • This step can take a while. Be patient.
  2. 2
    After your tulpa talks, you can choose a voice for them if they haven't created one themselves. You can create a completely new voice in your head, but it may be easier to pick a voice you know well enough to imagine it saying anything.
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Part 4
Part 4 of 6:

Check Sentience

  1. 1
    Determine whether your tulpa is sentient. Close your eyes and tell your tulpa you're opening your mind to them. Imagine them walking through a door that leads into your subconsciousness. Your tulpa can now see your memories, how you feel and everything about you as a person. Don't do this right away, but wait until there's trust between you, so that your tulpa won't take this for granted. Signs of sentience:
    • Tulpa talks back to you with full sentences and has their own opinions. They may communicate with you in other ways as well, such as through emotions.
    • Tulpa does things you didn't expect them to do.
Part 5
Part 5 of 6:

Moving your Tulpa into Reality

Community Q&A

  • Question
    Can I create a non-human tulpa?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Yes, you can create a tulpa in any kind of form.
  • Question
    Can anyone else see my Tulpa?
    Jasper Stuart
    Jasper Stuart
    Community Answer
    Not unless you share a brain with them. However, if you want them to be able to socialize with people, you can proxy for them online or find friends in real life who have tulpas or are open to them.
  • Question
    How can a tulpa help me in my daily life?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    You can ask it for advice, or you can just talk to it (in your head) when you feel like talking.


  • You need to be sure you want a tulpa before you start creating one. Don't rush the decision. Think about it like you would think of having a child. You should really think this through, as a tulpa is a big responsibility and a life-long companion.
  • Also consider that it could be detrimental to your own mental health if you already have a hallucinogenic mental disorder. As as the later stages of development lead to actually hearing/seeing them, it could make any other hallucinations you may have much more vivid and life-like. So be sure that you can handle it if you've got a mental disorder. It would not be good for both you and the tulpa you're trying to create.

  • It is best you don't tell anyone about your tulpa unless you're sure what they will think about it. Many people might assume that it is related to a mental disease schizophrenia, even though that is not true.

About This Article

wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, 31 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 348,025 times.
1,205 votes - 89%
Co-authors: 31
Updated: January 9, 2023
Views: 348,025
Categories: Games
Article SummaryX

Tulpas are independent imaginary people that occupy your brain, similar to imaginary friends, and with enough work, you can create your own. To begin creating your tulpa, close your eyes and begin to visualize how they look. Tulpas tend to look like people, but it is possible to make your tulpa look any way you want. Try to picture their appearance from every angle and smaller details such as their face and hair. Then, try to touch your tulpa as you imagine them. See what their hair and clothes feel like. Also, try to visualize how your tulpa moves. Imagine them walking, using different expressions, and making gestures. This will all help to build your tulpa into a full being. For more ideas on creating a tulpa, such as how to check if your tulpa is sentient, read on!

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