When you’re dealing with problems in your marriage, it can sometimes feel like you’re all alone. Fortunately, there are many ways you can communicate with your spouse and come up with solutions to solve your problems together. We’ve compiled a list of ways you can cope with your marriage problems to talk with your partner and work toward fixing your relationship, one step at a time.

This article is based on an interview with our licensed marriage and family therapist, Moshe Ratson, MFT, PCC. Check out the full interview here.


Communicate about issues in your relationship.

  1. Open communication is the key to any healthy relationship. You and your partner need to talk about any struggles you’re going through.[1] When you let things go or assume they’ll get better on their own, they tend to fester, which can lead to resentment over time. When you notice issues cropping up, sit your spouse down and talk with them about it.[2]
    • You can bring up issues in the relationship by saying something like, “Hey honey, could we sit down and talk later this evening? I have a few things I’d like to chat with you about, just to make sure we’re on the same page.”
    • To avoid putting your spouse on the defensive, use “I” statements. [3] For instance, instead of saying, “You always come home late,” you might say, “When you stay out late without telling me where you’re going, I feel worried.”
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Try to understand your partner’s perspective.


Come up with solutions together.

  1. The goal is to reach a decision that benefits both of you. Even if it’s an issue that only one of you is having, you should try to reach a win-win solution: something that makes you both feel like you’re improving your relationship and growing closer together.[6] This may take a little while, and you might have to talk multiple times with your spouse, but in the end, it will be worth it.[7]
    • For instance, if the issue is that you feel you do more chores around the house than your spouse does, you might create a chore list that you both work on throughout the week. That way, you can both see how many chores the two of you are doing, and you both feel like you’re equally contributing to the household.

Accept the things you can’t change about your partner.

  1. There may be recurring issues that crop up over time. This can sound like a red flag, but in reality, it’s normal for most long-term relationships. You and your partner will probably disagree about similar things a lot, and that’s okay. The important thing is that you stay respectful and kind when addressing these disagreements, whether it’s the first time or the fiftieth time.[8]
    • For example, maybe you like to clean up the house at the end of each day, while your partner prefers to do a big cleanup at the end of the week. You two might discuss this a lot over your relationship, but it’s not necessarily a bad thing—it’s just a difference in preferences.
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Forgive your partner if you can.


Show love to your partner every day.

  1. Express your appreciation for your partner whenever you can. Give your partner a hug when you get home, pick them up a snack when you’re at the store, or send them a sweet text while you’re at work. These small acts of love might not seem like much, but they can remind you why you fell in love in the first place.[12]
    • It helps if you know your partner’s love language. For instance, if their love language is physical touch, they might appreciate a shoulder rub or a massage. Or, if their love language is acts of service, you might do some chores around the house.
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Make romance part of your daily life.


Remind yourself of your partner’s positive qualities.

  1. It can be easy to focus on the negatives in your relationship. Instead, try to come up with a few positive things that your partner does: maybe they’re awesome at organizing, or maybe they are super handy around the house. Whatever it is, no matter how small, keep those things in mind as you examine your marriage and your relationship.[15]
    • If it helps, you could even make a physical list on paper to look at every time you need a pick-me-up. For instance, your list might say: makes me breakfast on Sundays, is a great parent, is very patient with the kids, is an awesome cook.
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Work on yourself.

  1. Examine your own contributions to any issues in the relationship.[16] It takes two to tango, just like it takes two to make a marriage work. Even if you feel like you’re completely in the right, try to look at it from your partner’s perspective. Then, you can start implementing small changes in yourself that will lead to bigger changes overall.[17]
    • For instance, if you and your spouse often fight when you have to stay late at work, you may be dedicating too much time to your job and not enough time for your spouse. You could work on that by reevaluating your schedule and prioritizing quality time with your partner.

Commit 100% to your spouse.

  1. Make sure you’re fully invested in making your marriage work. If you have one foot out the door already, your marriage problems will probably only get worse. Instead, tell yourself to try everything to fix your relationship, no matter what the outcome is. If you dedicate yourself to trying in your marriage, you’re much more likely to get to a healthy, happy place.[18]
    • It’s not uncommon to start looking for a “way out” of the marriage when things get tough. Keep in mind, though, that almost all long-term relationships go through rough patches at one point or another, and most of them make it through to the other side.
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Focus on other things that make you happy.

  1. If you can’t find happiness in your marriage right now, find it in your hobbies or friends. Marriages sometimes go through rough patches, and that’s okay. Try to spend more time doing things you love, like hanging out with close friends, diving into hobbies, and getting out into nature. Try not to ignore your responsibilities or your home life (don’t leave your spouse to take care of the kids every weekend), but inject a little fun into your routine to make your life easier.[19]
    • You can also focus on self-care and do things that don’t take much time at all. Spend 10 to 15 minutes soaking in a bubble bath, reading a good book, taking a walk, or listening to music.

Go to couple’s counseling if you need to.


  1. Moshe Ratson, MFT, PCC. Marriage & Family Therapist. Expert Interview. 18 September 2019.
  2. Jin S. Kim, MA. Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist. Expert Interview. 14 May 2019.
  3. Moshe Ratson, MFT, PCC. Marriage & Family Therapist. Expert Interview. 7 August 2019.
  4. https://smartcouples.ifas.ufl.edu/media/smartcouplesifasufledu/docs/pdfs/10-Rules-for-Constructive-Conflict.pdf
  5. Raffi Bilek, LCSW-C. Licensed Certified Social Worker – Clinical. Expert Interview. 15 October 2021.
  6. Moshe Ratson, MFT, PCC. Marriage & Family Therapist. Expert Interview. 18 September 2019.
  7. https://smartcouples.ifas.ufl.edu/media/smartcouplesifasufledu/docs/pdfs/10-Rules-for-Constructive-Conflict.pdf
  8. https://smartcouples.ifas.ufl.edu/married/coping-with-problems-and-challenges/coping-with-change-in-your-marriage/
  9. https://www.gottman.com/blog/10-things-try-giving-marriage/

About This Article

Moshe Ratson, MFT, PCC
Written by:
Marriage & Family Therapist
This article was written by Moshe Ratson, MFT, PCC and by wikiHow staff writer, Hannah Madden. Moshe Ratson is the Executive Director of spiral2grow Marriage & Family Therapy, a coaching and therapy clinic in New York City. Moshe is an International Coach Federation accredited Professional Certified Coach (PCC). He received his MS in Marriage and Family Therapy from Iona College. Moshe is a clinical member of the American Association of Marriage and Family Therapy (AAMFT), and a member of the International Coach Federation (ICF). This article has been viewed 16,125 times.
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Co-authors: 9
Updated: March 10, 2023
Views: 16,125
Categories: Marriage Problems