Get rid of stubborn tarnish on metal with vinegar, lemon juice, and other household ingredients

As some metals age or become exposed to certain environmental conditions, they develop a kind of murky, discolored buildup known as tarnish. But just because one of your favorite pieces of jewelry or decor has become tarnished doesn’t mean that it’s ruined—tarnish only forms on the outer surface of the metal, which makes it easy to clean off with the right ingredients. You can give metal items their original gleam back in just a few short moments by applying a DIY polish made from common household items like white vinegar, lemon juice, salt, or mild liquid soap.

Things You Should Know

  • Mix equal parts warm water and white vinegar. Use a toothbrush to scrub the tarnish off the metal with the mixture.
  • Combine ½ cup of vinegar, 1 teaspoon of salt, and ¼ cup of flour for stubborn tarnish. Apply the paste and let it sit for 10 minutes before washing it off.
  • Buff the metal with the cut side of a lemon to dissolve tarnish.
Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Soapy Water

  1. 1
    Squeeze a few drops of mild liquid dish soap into a bowl of warm water. Once you’ve added the soap, stir the solution by hand until it begins to foam lightly. You don’t need to use a whole lot of soap—just enough to get the water nice and sudsy.
    • If possible, run enough water into the bowl to completely submerge the item you want to clean. This may require you to find a larger container.
    • Stay away from soaps containing harsh chemicals or abrasives. These can create small scratches in porous metals.
  2. 2
    Soak your item in the soapy water bath for up to 15 minutes. Place the metal piece inside the bowl, making sure it sits beneath the surface of the solution. If your item is too big to fit inside the bowl, dip a clean cloth in the solution and lay it over the tarnished area to allow it to soak in.[1]
    • Move the item through the solution periodically to help loosen the gunk and grime as it dissolves.
    • Exposing metals to water for prolonged periods of time could lead to corrosion or deterioration in the long term. If you hope to preserve your item for as long as possible, consider finding another way to get rid of tarnish, or have it cleaned professionally.

    Tip: Regularly washing your metal items with soap and water can help to prevent tarnish from forming.[2]

  3. 3
    Wipe the item lightly with a soft cloth or sponge. A little pressure should be enough to remove whatever tarnish is left on the piece. If you encounter any particularly difficult spots, go over them with a soft-bristled brush. The bristles will make it easier to sweep out nooks and crannies that your sponge can’t reach.[3]
    • If you’re scrubbing your item with a sponge, make sure you use the non-abrasive side to avoid accidentally damaging it.
  4. 4
    Rinse your item and dry it with a microfiber cloth or clean towel. Hold the piece under a stream of warm water, turning it slowly to ensure that it’s completely free of lingering soap residue. Shake off the excess water before patting the item dry by hand. When you’re done, it will be as splendid as the day you bought it.[4]
    • It’s also okay to let jewelry and other small, delicate pieces of metal air dry if you don’t want to go to the trouble of drying them manually. Just set your items on a drying pad made from a folded towel.
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Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

White Vinegar

  1. 1
    Combine equal parts warm water and distilled white vinegar. Run just enough water into a small container to completely submerge the head of a toothbrush. Then, pour in an equal amount of vinegar and stir the two liquids together to form a mild solution.
    • White vinegar contains acetic acid, which is strong enough to eat away at heavy buildup but still mild enough to protect your prized metal belongings.[5]

    Tip: It’s important that you use distilled white vinegar only. Since white vinegar has a slightly lower concentration of acetic acid than other types of vinegar, it’s less likely to damage your metals.

  2. 2
    Dip a toothbrush or similar soft-bristled brush in the vinegar solution. Swish your cleaning utensil through the diluted vinegar for a few seconds to thoroughly saturate the bristles. The combination of the soft, flexible bristles and the mildly acidic vinegar solution will be perfect for cleaning tarnish metal items without damaging them.[6]
    • Be sure to use a toothbrush that’s either brand new or has recently been deep-cleaned. You don’t want to accidentally introduce any other tarnish-causing substances to the metal.
    • A shoe-polishing brush or all-purpose scrubber will also be gentle enough to get the job done if you don’t happen to have a toothbrush handy.
  3. 3
    Rub the tarnished item gently with the toothbrush. Run the head of your brush over the surface of the piece using smooth, tight circular motions. Use the bristles to get down deep into grooves, contours, recesses, and other hard-to-reach spots. You should be able to see the tarnish fading and the item’s original luster returning within a few seconds.[7]
    • Re-wet your brush when it begins to dry out or clean less effectively.
    • Work patiently and carefully. The larger or more discolored your item is, the longer it will take to brighten up.

    Warning: Scrubbing tarnished metal can cause pieces of the metal to come off. Use gentle pressure to avoid damaging the item.[8]

  4. 4
    Rinse your item with warm water and dry it by hand. As soon as you’re done scrubbing the tarnished piece, hold it under a stream of warm water to wash off any remaining traces of vinegar. Afterwards, buff the metal dry with a microfiber cloth or a soft, lint-free towel.[9]
    • If the item you’re cleaning is too big to fit under a faucet, wet a clean cloth and use it to wipe the area you just polished.
    • Make sure you rinse and dry your item right away. Otherwise, the acetic acid in the vinegar could continue to break down the outermost layer of metal, potentially ruining the finish.
  5. 5
    Make a paste from vinegar, flour, and salt to clean heavily tarnished items. A good scrub with a mild vinegar solution should be enough to restore most metals. If it’s not, you can up your cleaning power by mixing 12 cup (120 mL) of vinegar, 1 teaspoon (5.7 g) of salt, and about ¼ a cup of all-purpose flour into a thick paste. Apply the paste to the stubborn tarnish, let it sit for about 10 minutes, then rinse it with clean water and dry it by hand.[10]
    • Alternatively, you can soak small tarnished pieces in your vinegar solution overnight, as long as they’re not made from a soft, porous, or plated type of metal.[11]
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Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Lemon Juice and Salt

  1. 1
    Cut a lemon in half. Lay the lemon on its side on a cutting board and use a sharp knife to slice it down the middle widthwise. Place the remaining half in a plastic bag or folded paper towel and stash it in the refrigerator for later use.[12]
    • If you grabbed your lemon out of the refrigerator, roll it on the countertop for 20-30 seconds before you slice it. This will help soften the skin and break up the tiny membranes inside, making it juicier.
    • Much like vinegar, lemon juice is high in citric acid, which is useful for cutting through tough tarnish safely and effectively.[13]
  2. 2
    Sprinkle 1-2 teaspoons (5.7-11.4 g) of salt onto the cut side of the lemon. The salt will stick to the moist surface of the lemon, creating a makeshift scrubber loaded with shine-enhancing citric acid. For best results, use coarse kosher or flake salt, which will offer more scrubbing power.[14]
    • You can also get the same effect using baking soda. In fact, baking soda and lemon juice make a great 2-ingredient polishing paste for items that are almost entirely consumed by tarnish.
  3. 3
    Rub the lemon onto the tarnished metal. Use the lemon just the way you would an ordinary sponge or scouring pad, gliding it back and forth or in gradually widening circles over the surface of the item. Give the lemon a squeeze periodically to release more juice onto the metal.[15]
    • The salt will act as a mild abrasive, but it still won’t be as cleaning tool, so you may need to go over problem areas a few times to really get them clean.

    Warning: Never use lemon juice to clean genuine gold—citric acid is potent enough to wear down the soft, porous metal.[16]

  4. 4
    Rinse and dry the item. When you’re satisfied with the look of the piece, hold it under a stream of warm water or give it a good wipedown with a wet cloth. Use a microfiber cloth or lint-free towel to soak up any moisture remaining on the surface of the metal, then marvel at its like-new appearance.[17]
    • Avoid drying your metal belongings with paper towels, as these can leave behind small particles.
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  • Never use ammonia or soak your metal item in water for too long as this may lead to corrosion.[21]
  • Be aware that metal is more porous and delicate than it might seem. Use anti-tarnish products specifically meant for the type of metal you need to clean for best results.[22]

Things You’ll Need

Cleaning Lightly-Tarnished Metals with Soap and Water

  • Shallow bowl
  • Warm water
  • Mild liquid dish soap
  • Soft cloth or sponge
  • Microfiber cloth or lint-free towel
  • Toothbrush or similar soft-bristled brush (optional)

Dissolving Tarnish with White Vinegar

  • Small container
  • Warm water
  • Distilled white vinegar
  • Toothbrush or similar soft-bristled brush
  • Microfiber cloth or lint-free towel

Polishing Tarnished Metal with Lemon Juice and Salt

  • Lemon
  • Salt (kosher or coarse flake preferred)
  • Sharp knife
  • Cutting board
  • Baking soda (optional)
  • Warm water
  • Microfiber cloth or lint-free towel

About This Article

Michelle Driscoll, MPH
Co-authored by:
Founder, Mulberry Maids
This article was co-authored by Michelle Driscoll, MPH. Michelle Driscoll is the Owner of Mulberry Maids, which is based in Fort Collins, Colorado. With five years of experience, her business specializes in cleaning homes and small offices. She holds a Masters in Public Health from the Colorado School of Public Health. Additionally, Mulberry Maids has an A+ rating from the Better Business Bureau. This article has been viewed 77,933 times.
25 votes - 82%
Co-authors: 4
Updated: December 23, 2022
Views: 77,933
Categories: Cleaning Metals