If you’re a teen looking to boost their self-discipline, congrats! The fact that you’re even looking into this is a sign that you’re on the right track. Self-discipline is all about your ability to control yourself and focus. It’s easy to bounce around from one impulse to another, but discipline allows you to work hard and achieve your dreams. If you want to build your self-discipline, we’ve got what you're looking for!


Learn to accept your options and decide on the best choice.

  1. Every day we're faced with countless decisions. In these moments we have to make the right choice - the safest, most comfortable choice.
    • Imagine yourself in bed and your alarm clock goes off, and you have to get ready for school. Whether you're home schooled or not, just imagine yourself in that particular situation. Would you smack the snooze button and wish for another day, or would you get up, despite the sleepiness, and groom yourself for school? Decisions like this are complicated ones, and take discipline to complete.
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Practice meditation.

  1. The whole reason why some of us can't keep track of what we do is because we don't know how to use time management. This is when you control the usage of time spent into a particular subject or action being done.
    • What? Ok, let's say it like this. How much time do you usually spend in your "leisure" time? How much time do you usually spend with chores? Think about that. Which time is more? Normally, as teens, we usually spend more time doing leisure things when we have that time. Now, this is not saying that you have to spend the rest of your life doing chores. The point is, try splitting your leisure time in half and focus on the things that really matter.
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Do not come up with excuses not to do something.

  1. This is the number one problem we all have when we don't want to do something, especially being as teens. The idea behind it is that when we're left to our own devices, it's easy to come up with excuses not to do something. Don't wait until you "feel like it".
    • Sometimes we may say to ourselves, "I'm tired and I don't feel like it because it's too hard!" Bla, bla, bla! Sometimes it takes a little bit of pain to accomplish what we're trying to get accomplished. Really, our body is ready for it, but our mind isn't, because we need to feed it.
    • To feed your mind, think good thoughts. Do good things. Whether you notice it or not, when you do good things, your mind will pick up on that good deed, and will try to accomplish it again. That's how "habits" are formed.
  1. Why should we set goals? Just think about it. They give you a very clear direction in life and help you connect your daily action to a greater purpose. This is suggesting that your life means something and you're not roaming around thinking you have no purpose.
    • When you create goals, make sure they're: smart, specific, relevant, timely, and attainable.
    • Don't set a simple, unspecific goal like I want to lose weight. Make it specific and strong like I want to loose 10 lbs. of fat by August 6.
    • Remember to set realistic expectations. If you set extreme goals, they're going to be harder to accomplish and you may lose motivation. Think big, but start small.[1]
    • Get into the habit of working on one thing at a time, since trying to change too much at once isn't really feasible.[2]
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Hack your mind with the 5-minute rule.

  1. Our mind can be our greatest ally, and biggest foe. One of our mind's greatest flaws is that it often struggles to get things started. But once we're in the flow, it's easy to keep the pace.
    • If you're really struggling to get going with your work, exercising, meditation, etc., do it for just five minutes. This will train your mind to get use to how things go.
    • Usually when you start for 5 minutes, you usually (unknowingly) start going ahead of five minutes.[3]

Commit to what you're trying to do.

  1. This is another mind thing. If you're sorta-committing, there'll always be a little voice in your head saying, Ahh, I'll take this day off. You waste a lot of willpower trying to fight that voice.
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Expert Q&A

  • Question
    What are some examples of building self discipline?
    Kari Samuels
    Kari Samuels
    Intuitive Counselor & Happiness Coach
    Kari Samuels is an international Intuitive Counselor and Happiness Coach. With more than 21 years of experience, she specializes in intuition, energy healing, numerology, and astrology. Kari assists people in reclaiming their innate intuitive gifts and restore well-being through self-empowerment. She has a popular Youtube channel and has been featured on Hay House Radio and other podcasts.
    Kari Samuels
    Intuitive Counselor & Happiness Coach
    Expert Answer
    Setting up an exercise routine is a good example! You could build self-discipline by starting off with small, 5-minute exercises and working your way up.
  • Question
    What are the ingredients of self discipline?
    Kari Samuels
    Kari Samuels
    Intuitive Counselor & Happiness Coach
    Kari Samuels is an international Intuitive Counselor and Happiness Coach. With more than 21 years of experience, she specializes in intuition, energy healing, numerology, and astrology. Kari assists people in reclaiming their innate intuitive gifts and restore well-being through self-empowerment. She has a popular Youtube channel and has been featured on Hay House Radio and other podcasts.
    Kari Samuels
    Intuitive Counselor & Happiness Coach
    Expert Answer
    Being able to pace yourself is a major ingredient of self discipline! Break your large goals down into small, actionable things that you can do every day.


  1. Kari Samuels. Intuitive Counselor & Happiness Coach. Expert Interview. 12 October 2021.
  2. Kari Samuels. Intuitive Counselor & Happiness Coach. Expert Interview. 12 October 2021.
  3. Kari Samuels. Intuitive Counselor & Happiness Coach. Expert Interview. 12 October 2021.
  4. Kari Samuels. Intuitive Counselor & Happiness Coach. Expert Interview. 12 October 2021.

About This Article

Kari Samuels
Co-authored by:
Intuitive Counselor & Happiness Coach
This article was co-authored by Kari Samuels. Kari Samuels is an international Intuitive Counselor and Happiness Coach. With more than 21 years of experience, she specializes in intuition, energy healing, numerology, and astrology. Kari assists people in reclaiming their innate intuitive gifts and restore well-being through self-empowerment. She has a popular Youtube channel and has been featured on Hay House Radio and other podcasts. This article has been viewed 39,165 times.
16 votes - 89%
Co-authors: 13
Updated: January 27, 2022
Views: 39,165
Categories: Self Discipline