Ohaguro is the fading ancient practice of dyeing teeth black. The name means "black teeth" in Japanese. Nowadays, especially in Western countries, people want to achieve white and shiny teeth, with modernization, this aesthetic was adopted by Asian countries too, where teeth blackening was born; that's why its practice is now so rare. However, it's still possible to see blackened teeth in isolated villages in China, Vietnam, Taiwan, India, Micronesia (even if in some cases, they're black due to betel nut chewing) or even on Kyoto geisha. You might be interested in this disappearing tradition and want to try it. Here, you will learn how to make the dye you need and apply it in just a few steps using ingredients that are quite easy to find.


  1. 1
    Gather your supplies. You will have to get yourself an apple cider vinegar bottle, or either grape vinegar, this will work fine too (both can be commonly found in supermarkets), and some steel wool, which you can find in a hardware shop (Common nails, needles and pins work fine too! You just need to be careful when handling them.). Then you will need either matcha (green tea powder you can find in most Asian groceries, or either make at home; in this case, you will have to be careful to make a very thin powder) or gallnut (also known as tannins) powder. The choice is up to you, green tea powder is easier to find, gallnut powder is proved to prevent some strains of streptococcus bacteria, but both will work fine for the mixture.
  2. 2
    Leave the steel wool soaked in a container filled with vinegar for five to seven days, until you obtain a dark (bad smelling) substance and you see a silvery-to-rust colored bubbly foam forming on the surface. This is ferrous acetate; despite the scary name, this liquid isn't harmful for humans. To alleviate the bad smell you can correct the liquid with cinnamon or another spice powder depending on your tastes.[1]
  3. 3
    Put the obtained liquid in a bowl and add gallnut powder or tea powder. This will make the ferrous acetate turn black and non-water-soluble. Mix everything until you obtain a smooth and deep black mixture.[2]
  4. 4
    Apply to your teeth! Pick up a soft paint or calligraphy brush and soak it in your ohaguro stain mixture; then put it on your teeth in front of a mirror, trying to be precise, just not to waste it, as it can be easily washed away from your gums, tongue and palate. Achieving a deep black will require a few layers. Once you will have achieved the shade you like, rinse your mouth with water until it's free from residues.[3]
  5. 5
    Here you go! If you want to keep your teeth dyed, you should put the mixture on once a day or once every few days.
  6. Advertisement


  • Be sure to know if you are allergic to any of the listed ingredients before using this mixture.
  • If you live in a Western or very modernized city, people might take an over attention about your blackened teeth.
  • If you're a kid, you should ask your parents or tutor before applying this dye. Even if after you apply it, it will completely fade within a few days.
  • You shouldn't apply this dye if you have very sensitive gums or wounds inside of your mouth.

About This Article

wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, 20 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 36,514 times.
81 votes - 91%
Co-authors: 20
Updated: October 20, 2021
Views: 36,514
Categories: Tooth Health

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The content of this article is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, examination, diagnosis, or treatment. You should always contact your doctor or other qualified healthcare professional before starting, changing, or stopping any kind of health treatment.
