"Registered Communications Distribution Designer" is a highly regarded designation in the information and communications technology field. RCDD credentials mark you as a master in telecommunications and data communications infrastructures, and are often a requirement to bid on government contracts. To get your RCDD, you will need at least 5 years of experience in the communications technology field. Then, you will need to complete an RCDD course and exam. Once you have your credentials, you will need to recertify them every 3 years.

Part 1
Part 1 of 3:

Building Your Credentials

  1. 1
    Work for at least 5 years in information and communications technology (ICT). Your experience does not necessarily have to be consecutive, but it must all be from within the last 10 years. Your collective experience can either be 5 years of ICT design experience or 2 years of ICT design experience and 3 years of additional ICT equivalents.
    • Equivalents may include non-design experience and ICT education such as licensing and certifications. Your RCDD certifying institution will review and approve your equivalents.
  2. 2
    Review your core competencies. Your RCDD institution will expect you to come into your course with a basic knowledge of a wide variety of ICT topics. Many of these you will have to use every day in the field. To prepare, though, make sure you review industry practices and standards for common topics including:
    • Principles of transmission
    • Electromagnetic compatibility
    • Different types of distribution systems
    • Proper cables and connecting hardware
    • Safety systems and protocol
    • ICT systems administration
  3. 3
    Complete your Associate's or Bachelor's degree. While not every RCDD certification program requires you to have post-secondary education, many jobs do. You can complete an associate's degree in ICT or related fields such as IT or business technology online or through your local community college.[1]
    • You may also be able to pursue a bachelor's degree online or through a local university.
  4. 4
    Evaluate if you need an RCDD qualification. There are many jobs that request or give preference to those with an RCDD designation. If you intend for your primary job functions to be in ICT design and implementation, getting your RCDD is likely a strong choice. If, on the other hand, you will be doing some ICT work but focus mostly on other IT areas, it may not be worth the time and money to pursue these credentials.[2]
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Part 2
Part 2 of 3:

Completing Your Registration

  1. 1
    Register for your RDCC courses. The industry standard for RCDD certification is through Building Industry Consulting Service International (BICSI). Check the organization's website for a BICSI course or one offered through a BICSI-affiliated certifying institution. At the very least, you will need to take a course in designing telecommunications distribution systems. You may also opt to take additional courses in different areas of design and specialization.[3]
    • You will be able to register online for most RCDD courses. Be prepared to pay for your course when you register.
    • Your course may cost between $500 and $1,000 USD depending on where you register and what professional association memberships you hold.
  2. 2
    Complete all of your required course materials. Your RCDD course will likely take place online or over 2-3 days and involve both classroom and workbook components. Complete all of your course requirements, including all online videos and readings, any in-class time, and all workbook assignments.
    • If, for any reason, you think you will be unable to complete all course components, talk to your instructor as soon as possible. They will be able to assist you in understanding your options.
  3. 3
    Apply to take your RCDD exam. Before you can take your exam, you must apply with BICSI. You can complete the application online at www.bicsi.org/rcdd. Once your application is reviewed and approved, you will be able to take your exam.
  4. 4
    Take the RCDD exam. The RCDD exam is a 100 question, closed-book, multiple-choice exam. You will have 2.5 hours to complete your exam in full. Your exam must be taken at a computer-based testing center. Once your application is approved, you should receive instructions on how to register for your exam at your local testing center.
    • The questions will cover every chapter of the content covered in your course. These will include technical topics about electrical principles, information on common ICT equipment, and scenarios that you may encounter on the job. Use your texts and workbook to study prior to your exam date.
    • Upon successful completion of your exam, you will have valid RCDD credentials. These will be valid for 3 years.
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Part 3
Part 3 of 3:

Recertifying Your Credentials

  1. 1
    Earn a minimum of 45 continuing education credits (CECs). Over the course of three years from your test date or last recertification, you must earn at least 45 CECs. These may be through BICSI or any other recognized, credentialed professional organization or ICT training program.[4]
    • You will need to submit proof of your CECs along with your renewal fee. Be sure to get copies of your course completion documents, certificates, or transcripts.
  2. 2
    Attend 1 BICSI-approved conference. Within 3 years of your test or last recertification, you must attend at least 1 BICSI-approved conference. BICSI hosts a number of conferences in locations across the globe to help meet this need.[5]
    • If you attend another conference or trade event, BICSI may consider that for credit in place of one of their own events. Reach you to BICSI to see if an event you plan on attending will qualify for this purpose.
  3. 3
    Pay your renewal fee. Every time you renew your RCDD certification, you will need to submit a renewal fee. You may submit your renewal online or through the mail. For members, the fee is $175 USD online and $195 through the mail. For non-members, the fee is $325 regardless of how you submit.
    • Your fee will need to be submitted with all required paperwork and proof of your CECs.
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Co-authors: 6
Updated: January 31, 2023
Views: 32,078
Categories: Occupations