A chief technology officer (CTO) is a member of a company’s executive leadership team responsible for developing and managing technologies and strategies that lead to a business’s external growth. CTOs can now be found in many different technology-based industries. Becoming a CTO is a difficult process that takes many years of training and experience. After better understanding what it takes to become a CTO and the crucial skills you will need to develop, though, you can start working your way toward your dream CTO job![1]

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Obtaining a Solid Educational Background

  1. 1
    Earn a bachelor’s degree in a relevant STEM field. Depending on the type of company you would like to work for, you will need a four-year undergraduate degree in a field such as computer science, software engineering, computer engineering, or electrical engineering. If you are interested in working for a health-related technology company, you may consider pursuing a biotechnology degree. Some CTOs have studied math in college.[2]
    • Receiving a degree from an engineering school or university with a strong technical reputation will set you apart from other candidates. The Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Stanford University, the University of California-Berkley, and the Georgia Institute for Technology typically rank among the top engineering schools.[3]
  2. 2
    Complete a graduate degree. Obtaining a graduate degree demonstrates that you have advanced training and skills as well as perseverance and focus. There is no secret to determining what type of advanced degree you should pursue. Some CTOs have masters or doctoral degrees in STEM fields.
    • Because being a CTO requires a thorough understanding of all aspects of business, many successful CTOs choose to obtain a masters degree in business administration (MBA). As a CTO, you’ll need to be confident in finance, accounting, and management and an MBA could help you develop these skills.[4]
    • Keep in mind that an advanced degree is not a necessary requirement for becoming a CTO. In some cases, many years of experience and success working on the job may substitute for a graduate degree.
  3. 3
    Obtain relevant technical certifications to demonstrate your expertise. Beyond your undergraduate and graduate degrees, technical certifications can indicate to employers that you have mastered specific technical skills. The type of certifications you should seek will vary depending on your specific field of focus. Ask others in the field whether technical certifications in various programming languages, information security, or systems design might be most beneficial.[5]
    • Technical certifications often involve taking classes and passing an exam to prove your proficiency. Most certification courses charge a fee, but before enrolling check with your current company to see whether the cost could be covered through a professional development plan.
    • Before you break the bank on loads of certifications, however, keep in mind that technical certificates alone won’t land you a new job or promotion. Employers are likely to pay closer attention to how you apply and adapt your skills on the job rather than the certificate itself.[6]
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Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Building Work Experience and a Professional Network

  1. 1
    Obtain a diversity of industry experience. The average CTO has worked for an average of 4 different companies and held an average of 8 different positions for a range of 1 to 5 years each by the time they reach the CTO level.[7] Obtaining a diverse range of experience will help you build a reservoir of on the job knowledge that will prepare you to respond to future challenges as CTO.
    • CTOs especially need to be aware of different aspects of business beyond technological development, such as marketing, sales, and finance. Seek out work experience in these areas in order to make yourself a more attractive CTO candidate.[8]
    • CTOs supervise large groups of people. Make sure to seek out managerial or supervisory experience.
    • Working for several different companies will also give you a sense of how different corporate structures and approaches impact technological development and growth. This experience can help you craft your own vision for business success as a CTO.
  2. 2
    Start at a smaller company to become a CTO more quickly. On average, it takes 24 years of working after leaving higher education to become a CTO. CTO is a top leadership position and requires many years of hard work and experience. One method to fast-track your way to the CTO level, however, is to begin at a smaller company such as a tech start-up.
    • This can be a great way to get your foot in the door initially and to gain valuable experience you’ll use as a stepping stone for landing a CTO position at a major firm.[9]
  3. 3
    Make strategic business connections to develop a solid professional network. Meeting engineers, technology professionals, and managers early in your career can help you stay abreast of current trends and developments. Also, having already established a good connection and reputation with someone who works at the company where you are applying could improve your chances of being hired.
    • Make an effort to attend national conferences and industry-specific workshops in order to meet other professionals. Give presentations and share your ideas where possible.
    • People don’t want to work with individuals they don’t like or trust. Having good working relationships with a broad range of different people is crucial for your success as a CTO.[10]
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Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Honing Key Professional Skills

  1. 1
    Stay on the cutting edge of technological development. CTOs are expected to think creatively about the future of technological development and its business applications. As a CTO you will need to stay on top of the latest theories and fundamental advances in fields such as computer science. In order to move your business in successful new directions, you’ll need to anticipate where technology trends are headed.
    • Several key areas that are currently considered cutting-edge fields include artificial intelligence (AI), Internet of things (IoT) technologies, and cyber security. Learn about these fields and the direction in which they are moving.[11]
  2. 2
    Learn to lead a collaborative team. Good collaboration is a key aspect of any successful business or team and as the CTO you should be able to build a collaborative working environment through your leadership.[12] You will not only need to manage the work of your employees, but also inspire them to share your vision and big-picture goals.
    • To be a good team leader you will need to be able to listen effectively and resolve conflicts. Seek out management workshops and training to enhance your skills as a motivating leader.[13]
  3. 3
    Perfect your communication skills. CTOs need to be able to communicate effectively both verbally and in writing. As CTO you will need to be able to communicate complex technical ideas to marketing and sales directors as well as to major corporate stakeholders. This will be difficult to do if you do not have ample practice putting your ideas into words. The success of your whole technology team will depend on effective communication and good communication can start with you![14]
    • Consider taking technical or business writing courses to learn tips for communicating clearly.
    • Start practicing speaking in front of large groups of people by presenting your research at conferences or joining a Toastmasters club (public speaking groups that are organized throughout the country).[15]
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11 votes - 91%
Co-authors: 3
Updated: September 15, 2021
Views: 15,505
Categories: Occupations