Bulls are very dangerous animals. They are one of the most dangerous types of livestock to own, let alone be around. They are not slow or dumb, nor are they clumsy or stupid. A bull can, from a stand-still, turn on a dime faster than you can react. It can easily outrun you, and if you ever fall or it hits you, it will gore or crush you until you are no longer moving.

The ability to escape or avoid a threatening bull is important if you live on a farm or ranch with bulls, or have to walk through a field or pasture that contains bulls. Knowledge on how to avoid or escape a dangerous bull is paramount to your safety and survival.

Note: Bulls aren't the only type of bovine that can seriously hurt or kill you. Cows are just as likely to be dangerous as bulls, especially if they are protecting a young calf.

Part 1
Part 1 of 2:

Preventing an Attack

  1. 1
    Bring a heavy stick or pipe in case you have to defend yourself. If you absolutely have to go in the same corral with a bull, hold a weapon in your hand to defend yourself with or make the bull think twice about attacking you.[1]
    • Good options include a walking stick, a heavy branch that won't break on impact, an axe handle, a 1–2 feet (30–61 cm) long metal pipe, or a baseball bat.
  2. 2
    Look around for cattle before entering a pasture. If you see a bull in a pasture or field, avoid going on his side of the fence whenever possible. This is the safest way to walk past a bull, even if it means having to walk the long way around to get to your destination. If you have to enter the pasture, take note of the bull's location.[2]
    • Even a bull without horns can be dangerous—as can a cow, for that matter.[3]
  3. 3
    Watch for signs of aggression. If you must go through the field, examine the bull first to check for danger signs. A bull that sees you as a threat has many ways to signal its intentions and warn you to keep away:
    • Pawing the dirt or rubbing himself in it[4]
    • Bellowing or growling (it sounds something like "rrrrrumph rrrrummph")
    • Tossing his head
    • Glaring at you or following your movement with his eyes[5]
    • Lowering his head so his forehead points toward you[6]
    • Raising his tail slightly[7]
    • Standing sideways to show you how big and powerful he is[8]
  4. 4
    Stay near fences or obstacles. Whenever crossing an area that might contain a bull, walk next to a fence that you can climb over for a quick escape. If that's not an option, choose a route that takes you past hay bales or other obstacles that you can get behind to protect yourself from a charge.[9]
    • Walk as far away from the bull as you can, and not through the center of a herd.[10]
  5. 5
    Walk calmly through the area. Since cattle can't judge distances well unless you're directly in front of them, walking too quickly into their field of vision can spook them. If the bull is facing away from you, walk slowly to avoid startling it. Once you're in its field of vision (anywhere not directly behind it), walk at a normal pace, but do not run or make any sudden movements, since these can encourage the bull to charge.[11]
    • If the bull starts to watch you and make warning signs, turn so your side faces the bull and walk diagonally away. This makes you look smaller and less threatening.[12]
  6. 6
    Stay aware of the bull without making eye contact. Always stay aware of the bull's movements and never turn your back on him.[13] That said, do not make eye contact, as the bull may interpret this as aggression.[14]
  7. Advertisement
Part 2
Part 2 of 2:

Escaping a Bull

  1. 1
    Back away to the exit if the bull makes warning signs or approaches. If the bull shows any signs of aggression, back away calmly to the nearest gate, climbable fence, or cattle guard (also called a "cow grid" or "Texas gate"). The bull is assessing you as a threat, and running can cause it to charge.[15] Do the same if the bull seems calm but starts to walk toward you. Bulls that sneak up behind you can be even more dangerous than the ones that give you obvious warnings.
    • Walk backward or diagonally away from the bull without turning your back on him or making eye contact.[16]
  2. 2
    Dodge a charge to the side, then run past the bull. If you are charged and can't get to safety in time, run to the side to get out of its path. As the bull passes you, change direction and run past the bull so it has to turn fully around. As you run to safety, zig-zag to slow the bull's momentum.[17]
  3. 3
    Throw your backpack or shirt as you run to distract the bull. Be aware though, that a bull is much faster than you in both speed and reaction time, and often you won't have enough time to take your shirt off and throw it at the bull.
  4. 4
    Yell and hit the bull's face with your weapon if it corners you. If a bull has backed you into a corner without an escape route, face the bull and yell as loud as you can. Hit the bull hard across the face or muzzle with your weapon. Keep striking and yelling until it backs off.[18]
    • A hard hit to the muzzle or nose is often enough to make the bull stop chasing after you.
    • This may sound cruel, but many farmers and ranchers do this when they have to deal with a dangerous bull. It's unlikely to cause much actual harm.
    • If the bull is charging you, your first priority should be getting out of its path. Dodge first, strike later.
  5. Advertisement

Community Q&A

  • Question
    If I have no weapons or cannot escape, what should I do?
    Top Answerer
    Find something to get behind, like a tree, a large hay bale, a big bush, anything. If you can't find anything, slow down, move slowly, and don't make eye contact. If you feel you have to stop, then stop, but whatever you do, don't run, you'll only invite him to chase you. Move in the direction closest to safety. If you get attacked, you get attacked, there's nothing that can stop that bull from attacking you, but try play dead as much as possible until he loses interest.
  • Question
    What will happen if I hit the bull's behind?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    He might very well spin around and nail you back. Or, if you're lucky, he'll jump forward and move away from you. Then he can hook around and come after you, so that is a bad idea.
  • Question
    Can bulls break down doors?
    Top Answerer
    If they have a mind to go through a door, they'll do it - and quite easily.


  • Do not stand and fight a bull because you will not win. If and when he gets you down on the ground, you are pretty much finished, no matter if he has horns or not. Hitting the bull is a last resort if you are cornered, and the goal is to convince the bull to back off, not to physically overcome it.
  • Polled bulls (without horns), though unable to flip you around, will still be able to crush and trample you into the earth.
  • High-pitched sounds like whistling can bother cattle. Stay quiet, and especially avoid sudden loud noises.[20]

About This Article

Co-authored by:
Karin Lindquist
Animal Scientist
This article was co-authored by Karin Lindquist, a trusted member of wikiHow's volunteer community. Karin Lindquist earned a BSc in Agriculture as an Animal Science major from the University of Alberta, Canada. She has over 20 years of experience working with cattle and crops. She's worked for a mixed-practice veterinarian, as a sales representative in a farm supply store, and as a research assistant doing rangeland, soil, and crop research. She currently works as a forage and beef agriculture extension specialist, advising farmers on a variety of issues relating to their cattle and the forages they grow and harvest. This article has been viewed 192,802 times.
25 votes - 80%
Co-authors: 37
Updated: November 17, 2022
Views: 192,802
Article SummaryX

To avoid or escape a bull, start by steering clear of bulls that you come across outdoors and in pastures. If you're forced to go near a bull, watch for warning signs that he might charge at you, like pawing the dirt, growling, and tossing his head. Whenever you see this behavior, find a safe spot quickly by running in the opposite direction or jumping over the nearest fence! To learn more warning signs that a bull is preparing to charge, read on!

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