If you have to make a complaint about me just simply go to this chatroom and click request access to open a ticket.
I am the ghost of Stack Exchange and the personification/incarnation of Stack Exchange private beta sites!
Stack Exchange operation hours 0400 UTC - 2100 UTC. (Due to some technical difficulties I am not on Stack Exchange much.)
Current Version: v3.0 Major Future Versions: Mod Edition, CM Edition and Dev Edition
I am trying to be as helpful as possible on the Stack Exchange network.
Here are the tasks I do on the Stack Exchange sites (v2.1.2):
- I flag bad post. (Network wide)
- I do edits on some SE sites.
- I do reviews on some SE sites.
- I help out with some moderation on Area51.SE. (I was running out of ideas so why not.) (Area51.SE is kind of dead, hardly anything to do.)
Working on more ways to be helpful.
Q: Why are you doing this?
A: It all started when I found out about Robert Cartaino, just kidding it happened long before that I just do them because, I am trying to be helpful. :)
RC ♦ is the man!
Dev Dev Dev!
Shadow man!
Interpersonal girl:
CM. Blue Bird:
Fun Stuff: