Studied @ Vienna University of Technology, Computer Science Master. Software Engineer currently working as architect, backend dev, cloud engineer, it ops rookie. Cryptography and security are my passions.
Open Source Projects
- Java Bcrypt Password Hash Implementation
- Dali: Android Image Blur Library
- Under the Hood: Android Debug View Library
- Bytes: Java byte utility library
- slf4j-timber: Timber SLF4J Binding
- Armadillo Encrypted Shared Preferences
- Dice: Random Byte Generator CLI Tool using NIST SP800-90Ar1 HMAC-DRBG
- RFC5869 Standalone HKDF Java implementation
- Multi platform image density converting for Android, iOS and web
- Uber ADB Tools - uninstalling, installing and bugreport with multiple apps & devices
- Uber APK Signer - siging, zipalign & verify
- Fully Implemented Indoor Positioning System using Router as active nodes
- Blur Benchmark Android App
- Security Best Practices: Symmetric Encryption with AES in Java (featured in Android Weekly #291, Android Digest #176)
- Managing Logging in a Multi-Module Android Application
- Handling Proguard as Library Developer or in a Multi-Module Android Application
- Security Best Practices: Symmetric Encryption with AES in Java and Android: Part 2