Eamon Nerbonne


My work and hobby concern programming: I'm interested in data-mining, and enjoy collecting interesting stats from last.fm's openly accessible web-services.

Open source libraries:

  • ValueUtils (nuget: ValueUtils) provides a .NET base class for ValueObjects with auto-implemented GetHashCode and Equals using runtime code generation to perform similar to hand-rolled versions. Can also generate hash function and equality delegates for other types.

  • ExpressionToCode (nuget: ExpressionToCodeLib) generates C# source code from LINQ expression trees and can annotate that code with runtime values, which is hopefully useful in Unit Testing (integrates with NUnit, xUnit.net & mstest, but runs fine without a unit test framework too).

  • a-vs-an (nuget: AvsAn) determines whether "a" or "an" is more appropriate before a word, symbol, or acronym. Fast & accurate. Uses real-world statistics aggregated from wikipedia, and can therefore deal well even with cases that might trip up rules-based systems (e.g. an NSA analyst vs. a NASA flight plan). Includes a C# and Javascript implementation; the javascript implementation you can try online.