

I'm a developer at heart.

I love C++ even though it's bad for you :)

I love many more languages, but I specialize in C++.

At stackoverflow I've taken to monitoring the tag, mostly. In the past I've used [now defunct] to live-stream the process of answering. This often involves

  • writing a Proof-Of-Concept
  • doing actual benchmarking (right)
  • reproducing a specific problem (and root-causing/fixing/finding a workaround)

I got the impression more than once that people think that "we, the experts" use some kind of magic fairy dust and promptly post the solutions without breaking a sweat, I thought it would be nice to show the reality.

Sadly they removed all of the few hundreds hours of stream after they changed-over their business model a few times. There will be quite a few now-dead links to streams in the comments at my answers. I'm sorry.