I just checked Amazon's certificate and it shows it is SHA-1 signed. But Chrome does not show any warnings, like it does (the red cross) for other websites with SHA-1 signed certificates.

Am I looking at this wrong?

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1 Answers1


Chrome is flagging SHA-1 signed certs based on their expiration date.

For the full details on the different dates and indicators, please review:


The cert Amazon has deployed expires Oct 2nd, 2015. enter image description here

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  • Awesome! Nitty gritty detail. – sandyp Sep 04 '15 at 23:30
  • @k1DBLITZ [This question](http://security.stackexchange.com/questions/91446/why-is-google-still-using-a-sha1-certificate-on-its-own-site-when-they-are-phasi) has some very comprehensive discussion on the sunsetting of sha-1 on major sites. – Nic Barker Sep 05 '15 at 04:05