' 1=1 GROUP BY CONCAT_WS ('~',version(), FLOOR(rand(0)*2)) having min(0)

1>> My first question is what is CONCAT function is being used for in this query

2>> And Why do we use having min(0) in here.

Sumit Ojha
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  • possible duplicate of [What is SQL injection?](http://security.stackexchange.com/questions/10974/what-is-sql-injection) – tim May 15 '15 at 19:21
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    @tim - seems like he has a grasp of what SQL Injection is, but is trying to understand what specifically this attack is trying to do. Doesn't seem like a duplicate to me. – Abe Miessler May 15 '15 at 19:57
  • The `CONCAT`, `rand`, and `min` look like attempts to (partially) disguise the attack string. Perhaps from some automated detection algorithm? – Neil Smithline May 15 '15 at 20:18
  • @AbeMiessler You are probably right. Normally, I'm careful what I flag, but here I might have jumped the gun a bit. The question also got improved a bit already, and I still think it could be improved further (what `CONCAT` does seems trivial, but eg why is there `FLOOR(rand(0)*2)` in addition to `having min` might be an interesting question). – tim May 15 '15 at 20:29
  • I can't flag it as a duplicate again, but [Error-based SQL injection](https://security.stackexchange.com/questions/79569/error-based-sql-injection) is an exact duplicate of this question. – tim May 15 '15 at 20:38
  • ok thank you Abe Miessler and neil smithline and tim. – Sumit Ojha May 16 '15 at 08:53

1 Answers1


Well, let's dissect it:

  • CONCAT_WS - Concatenate with separator.
  • version() - Returns the version of MySQL.
  • FLOOR(rand(0)*2) - Emits the following sequence of numbers: 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, ...
  • having min(0) - By itself, this is illegal, as the HAVING clause requires a condition. This, and the fact that there's no ; -- on the end, implies that the injection is expecting a condition at the end.

So, this concatenates the version string and a sequence of numbers across a group. The sequence of numbers for the group clause is derived from FLOOR(rand(0)*2).

The thing about GROUP is that it requires unique group keys. Since version() will return the same value each time, concatenating that and the output of FLOOR(rand(0)*2) three times will result in two different numbers (0, 1) then a second instance of 1, which causes an error (duplicate entry for group key), which is displayed back to the user. That error looks something like this:

Duplicate entry '5.6.24-1~1' for key 'group_key'

This causes the version number to be leaked back in the response as part of an error-based SQL injection attack. This can then be expanded to perform other attacks.

As for why the attacker chose FLOOR(rand(0)*2), it's a dead-simple expression which is reliable (the rand() function is a PRNG which takes a seed parameter; the same seed produces the same sequence always) and satisfies the requirement of having a duplicate output relatively quickly. You could pick a value other than 0 and it would still work.

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