It seems to be commonly accepted nowadays that all internet communication should be encrypted.
(For example, this is evident in how the HTTP 2.0 standard outright requires HTTPS.)
However, I have a hard time believing that this is the right way to go, but I feel I'm alone in this position.
Consider, for example, the download of large files (movies, application installers, etc.).
If the files are unencrypted, the same exact copy can be sent to multiple clients, allowing for better caching and network performance. (Of course this applies equally well to small files, but the motivation for large files is more apparent.)
Furthermore, this does not imply a security vulnerability: a server can send the file's cryptographic hash over HTTPS, but host the file itself over HTTP. The client can then easily check the hash of the file to verify its integrity.
Why is this approach undesired? Why should the entire web be encrypted, even when the communication content is itself clearly public knowledge and easily protected via a hash?