So an Evil Twin Wifi hotspot is a hotspot with the same SSID and/or same MAC that when the victim auto-connect to this hotspot, all traffic go through this evil twin and thus the information transferred will not be secured. An evil twin requires the knowing of the password of the original hotspot. However, what if a person created one with the wrong password?
This is my theory. The victim might auto-connect to this evil hotspot, and the person logs every attempt. If the evil hotspot has a closer proximity than the original one, the victim is almost 100% will first attempt to connect to the fake one. Since the attempt is logged, the password of the original one could be acquired through this method.
I tried setting up two hotspot with two different MAC but same SSID. I first connect my device to the hotspot A, then I turn off the hotspot A, and turn on hotspot B. The device automatically connects to it. It seems the device does not care what the original MAC address is. Both Android and iOS behave the same.
This seems to post a security threat, however I only tested the auto-connect part. Will the device actually send the stored password to the fake hotspot if it has the same SSID and encryption method? Does this actually work? What can I do to prevent this from happening?