I am a CS student, and am considering competing in the National Collegiate Cyber Defense Competition. Although I have a fair amount of experience in programming competitions (e.g. ACM at High School level, and various online competitions), I have never really considered information security competitions and/or study.
Question: Starting from nearly ground-zero in information security and networking, how should one prepare for playing "blue team" in a competition like the CCDC? Specifically, is there a "THE book" that would be useful to read?
(For an example, it is generally considered that Introduction to Algorithms by CLRS and The Art of Computer Programming by Knuth are definitive works for algorithm analysis. Also, The C Programming Language by K&R is the definitive work on C. Is there an analog for computer security?)
Note: I realize this may be closed as subjective (or similar), but I really think a question like this would add value (if not Google hits) to the site. I figure I'll give it a try and see what the community thinks.