I'm trying to see the visual difference between Business SSL Validation and Standard Validation but I see no difference (or I cannot find a site which contains a Business SSL certificate)

Is there a way to see what kind of SSL certificate has been issued? - I know about the green bar for example on HTTPS VeriSign for Extended Validation. But I fail to see the difference between Basic and Business Validation.

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2 Answers2


The issuer flags EV certificates with an entry in the Certificate Policies extension field.

Graham Hill
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There is a EKU attribute that is vendor specific for EV certificates. The only real benefit, besides the green bar warm and fuzzies, is that some EV certs offer additional e-commerce insurance liabilities.

The additional coverage of an EV cert usually isn't worth the hassle, and I've never, ever heard of a company paying out a liability based on the EV cert warranty/contract.

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