
I am not sure if this is the best place to post this type of question.

I have come up with function which, I believe, is a very secure method of hashing. (I could be completely wrong).

Here's the code:

function hashPW($password){
    $letters = array('a','b','c','d','e','f','g');
    $numbers = array(1,2,3,4,5,6,7);
    return str_replace($letters,$numbers,md5($password));

"password" outputs as 56443332511765461483274528823699

I am not too sure if this a secure method. My thoughs were that it's hard to know which numbers were actually a letter or number from the md5.

If this isn't a good option to use for my PHP web application, could you suggest something that is.


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  • There are many out of the box hashing methods out there, why are you writing your own? – GdD Feb 08 '14 at 22:48
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    Rolling your own scheme is not advised. See [How to securely hash passwords?](http://security.stackexchange.com/q/211/12) for secure password hashing options. – Xander Feb 08 '14 at 22:49
  • Your scheme is flawed because it relies on the secrecy on your algorithm rather. `md5` is fast and you just apply a substitution thereafter, similar to what Dave did (see answer below and Xander's link). – Lekensteyn Feb 08 '14 at 23:21
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    As addition to all other information you have been given, consider that you have a problem with your Hash, in fact you could have two or more different passwords with the very same hash so if you use this for production you might find that: if a password gives a hash "abcd" it will turns "1234", but you could also use to "log in" password which MD5 is "a234", "1b34", "1234", "123d"... So it is way more insecure. – kiBytes Feb 10 '14 at 07:25

1 Answers1


On general principles: Don't roll your own crypto. It's absolutely sure that you'll get it wrong.

You're taking MD5, and then applying a fast transformation. This makes your scheme worse than MD5. “It's hard to know which number were actually a letter or number” — so what? MD5 isn't cracked by applying the reverse transformation: no one knows how a fast way of computing the reverse transformation. What people do is to compute MD5(P) for many, many values of P (billions and more). Computing your own transformation from MD5(P) is extremely fast, so your transformation is as easy to crack as MD5.

This is a bad hashing technique. Don't roll your own. Read How to securely hash passwords?. Yes, I know it's long. I'll wait.

Now that you understand that a password hashing function needs to be slow and salted, use a standard one. PHP (recent enough versions) has a password_hash function; the default mode uses bcrypt which is fine.

Gilles 'SO- stop being evil'
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  • Thanks for your explanation. I just wanted to know how and why this function isn't safe. Thankyou! :) – ryryan Feb 09 '14 at 10:32