Reading Preventing SQL Injection Attacks in Stored Procedures started this debate between my partner and I---and looking for the right approach is not as straight forward.
I'm no security expert--but what do a person do when you take a look at the first few lines of this stored procedure....and you see this.
We haven't had any significant security issues, but I don't won't to assume that this approach is working...If so leave it alone or make it better.
Dim conStr = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings("WebUser")
Dim command = ("Execute dbo.web_Insert_usr_Comments @Location," & _
"@userexp, @full_name, @emailAddr, @comments")
Using con As New SqlConnection(conStr)
Using cmd As New SqlCommand(command, con)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Location", Request.QueryString("Location"))
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@userexp", Request.QueryString("usrexp"))
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@comments", Request.QueryString("comments"))
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@full_name", Request.QueryString("full_name"))
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@emailAddr", Request.QueryString("emailAddr"))
End Using
End Using
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[web_Insert_usr_Comments]
@Location varchar(255),
@usrexp int = NULL,
@full_name varchar(255) = NULL,
@emailAddr varchar(320) = NULL,
@comments varchar(125) = NULL
DECLARE @securityChk varchar(255), @haveContact INT
SET @securityChk = (SELECT @location + CAST(@usrexp AS VARCHAR(2)) + @full_name + @emailAddr + @usr_comments )
IF @securityChk LIKE '%SELECT%' RETURN;
IF @securityChk LIKE '%DROP%' RETURN;
IF @securityChk LIKE '%INSERT%' RETURN;
IF @securityChk LIKE '%DELETE%' RETURN;
IF @securityChk LIKE '%EXE%' RETURN;
SET @haveContact = ( SELECT (count(*))
FROM dbo.contacts
WHERE ( @emailAddr = E_mail_address AND @location = company))
--> Check and see if we have this person contact info
IF ( @haveContact = 0 )
INSERT INTO dbo.contacts(e_mail_address, company, nick_name)
VALUES (@emailAddr, @location, @full_name)
INSERT INTO web_comments_dtl(timeGMT, form_id, contact_id, comment, user_exp_ranking, IP_Addr)
, 1 --> TODO: Need better logic for form_id
, ( SELECT MAX(id)
FROM dbo.contacts
WHERE ( @emailAddr = E_mail_address AND @location = company)
OR ( @emailAddr = E_mail_address AND @full_name = nick_name )
OR ( @location = company))
, @RFXcomments
, @usrexp
, dbo.fnBinaryIPv4(@ip_Addr)
What I would like to do, but not sure which option is the most efficient.
- Should spend a week or two and investigate the security issues (if there is one) and the user input form that calls this SP
- Rewrite the whole thing including the SP, code behind, and reconfigure IIS
- Add more clauses to the statement above.
I don't think there is a security problem...but if the guy before decides to put this in his code--what do a young DBA is supposed to do.