
I'm working on a project that requires me to tamper with/rewrite url parameters. I'd also like to add in something that finds request parameters such as





or anything else along those lines. I was wondering, is there a list I could find of commonly used parameters?

EDIT: I actually found the answer here, at the owasp dir buster lists download: http://sourceforge.net/projects/dirbuster/files/DirBuster%20Lists/Current/DirBuster-Lists.tar.bz2/download?use_mirror=softlayer-dal&use_mirror=osdn

Dylan Katz
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    Please don't answer your question in the question body itself. Post it as a new answer instead. Thanks! – TildalWave Nov 22 '13 at 12:11
  • Plazmaz - one of the best things to do before asking a question is to search to see if it is already here and has an answer. Have a read of [ask] for useful guidance. – Rory Alsop Nov 22 '13 at 21:54

1 Answers1


That's Right ! Just be careful when showing some ID on the URL that can give exceed information to a hacker ... and make parameters for that ID's and information. SQL Injection

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