I've been using this command to encrypt files for a while now:
openssl aes-256-cbc -a -salt -in secrets.txt -out secrets.txt.enc
Then I type in a password.
Can someone tell me, roughly speaking, how hard it would be to crack this?
I see that it's using salt, but that shouldn't really improve security much unless you're actually storing the hashed password somewhere (like a database of website logins), right? As I said I'm just encrypting files locally, typing in my password manually each time.
I also understand that openssl
only uses one iteration to generate the IV so I guess this is not a very time-consuming process! Correct me if I'm wrong please.
In your estimation, how secure is this really?
Bonus question: What if I SHA1 hash the password first?
echo -n "mypassword" |openssl sha1
and paste in the SHA1 hash when encrypting files? I know this reduces security, because now the cracker knows the format of the password for sure (SHA1 hashes), but how much do you reckon this reduces security in practice? Would it be feasible to loop through all (or enough of) the SHA1 hashes?