I'm taking the Azure lab LoadBalancing with WCF and recognise what I have been told is bad from a security perspective, but am not sure if it applies here.
Can someone look at this code and tell me if different certificates should be used in production code?
public class RsaSessionSecurityTokenHandler : SessionSecurityTokenHandler
public RsaSessionSecurityTokenHandler(X509Certificate2 certificate)
List<CookieTransform> transforms = new List<CookieTransform>();
transforms.Add(new DeflateCookieTransform());
transforms.Add(new RsaEncryptionCookieTransform(certificate));
transforms.Add(new RsaSignatureCookieTransform(certificate));
public override ClaimsIdentityCollection ValidateToken(SessionSecurityToken token, string endpointId)
if (token == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("token");
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(endpointId))
throw new ArgumentException("endpointId");
// in active cases where absolute uris are used check the all parts of the token's
// endpoint id and this endpoint's id for equality except the port number
Uri listenerEndpointId;
bool listenerHasUri = Uri.TryCreate(endpointId, UriKind.Absolute, out listenerEndpointId);
Uri tokenEndpointId;
bool tokenHasUri = Uri.TryCreate(token.EndpointId, UriKind.Absolute, out tokenEndpointId);
if (listenerHasUri && tokenHasUri)
if (listenerEndpointId.Scheme != tokenEndpointId.Scheme ||
listenerEndpointId.DnsSafeHost != tokenEndpointId.DnsSafeHost ||
listenerEndpointId.AbsolutePath != tokenEndpointId.AbsolutePath)
throw new SecurityTokenValidationException(String.Format("The incoming token for '{0}' is not scoped to the endpoint '{1}'.", tokenEndpointId, listenerEndpointId));
// in all other cases, fall back to string comparison
else if (String.Equals(endpointId, token.EndpointId, StringComparison.Ordinal) == false)
throw new SecurityTokenValidationException(String.Format("The incoming token for '{0}' is not scoped to the endpoint '{1}'.", token.EndpointId, endpointId));
return this.ValidateToken(token);