I have been thinking about how to store my master passwords (password manager, email and device passwords) for quite a while and I just haven't been able to come up with a satisfying solution yet. I really want to avoid having outsiders gain access to my data, but I also really want to avoid my data being lost for me or for my family in case I get heavily injured or worse. Here is the best idea I have come up with so far:
- Passwords stored in encrypted zip archive on Google Drive
- Link to encrypted archive and encryption password stored in bank vault
- Copy of encrypted archive on lokal USB drive, password in my head
The upsides to this approach seem to be:
- A bank vault is very secure
- I can still update my passwords from home, both on the USB drive and Google Drive
- Data is stored geo-redundantly
But of course there are also downsides:
- Bank vault costs money
- Archive can be downloaded by anybody with the link (if passwords are prefixed with a master password stored in the bank vault this doesn't seem like a big concern though)
- Link might become invalid at some point
- If a plane crashes into the bank while I'm in it, well...
I would love to hear your input on this. Does it seem like a terrible idea for some obvious reason I am missing? Are there aspects that could be improved? Is there maybe an entirely different and better solution?