I am planning to start a new web site on ASP.NET MVC 2 (3).

Does anybody have a full (if possible) check list of actions or approaches I should go through to avoid most security issues?

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3 Answers3


Based on this blog post, I'm using POSTs for all my JSON data. This underscores a few items in the Codevanced checklist pasted here.

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    That blog post is a great illustration of JSON prototype hijacking. Thank you for the link. – D.W. Sep 05 '11 at 19:07

Barry Dorans, author of Beginning ASP.NET Security, provides some good material on the subject. I read his book and he covers a lot of ASP.NET MVC specific material.

If you are looking for a check list of application security controls, be sure to also check out the OWASP ASVS project.

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  • Well, there's a chapter on it, but most of the book is core concepts which cover both webforms and MVC. Thanks for the recommendation :) – blowdart Nov 19 '10 at 22:47

Here's a video series on how to hack proof your asp.net sites, it is two videos of about 50min where he also includes an introduction to the topic, he also includes examples, I havn't seen all of it yet, but I think it will cover some of your questions, or atleast give you som inspiration.


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    Hi @psalomonsen, welcome to [security.se]! Can you please edit your answer to include a summary, instead of just linking? See the [FAQ], and [answer]. – AviD Sep 05 '11 at 13:17