Our PCI scanners just informed us that we have BEAST (Browser Exploit Against SSL/TLS) Vulnerability
Apparently, the remediation is as follows:
Affected users should disable all block-based cipher suites in the server's SSL configuration and only support RC4 ciphers, which are not vulnerable to fully address this vulnerability. This vulnerability was addressed in TLS version 1.1/1.2, however, support for these newer TLS versions is not widely supported at the time of this writing, making it difficult to disable earlier versions. Additionally, affected users can also configure SSL to prefer RC4 ciphers over block-based ciphers to limit, but not eliminate, exposure
So, basically, we have to only (or at least prioritize) support for RC4 ciphers.
How do we actually go about doing this on an existing certificate?
EDIT: forgot to add that this is an Apache (centos) server