I saw a refurbished router on sale on Amazon for a good price and wanted to buy it.
How likely is it that someone could buy these routers, install a custom firmware with spyware? I know spyware has gotten advanced enough that it can mimic the router's auto updater, over ride the factory reset button with a fake dialog and mimic the "Load firmware from disk" in order to keep the original, spyware version on. Because of this I'm worried there would be no way for me to do a proper factory reset or load a clean firmware from the manufacturer' (netgear) website.
Am I being paranoid? Do these advanced spywares exist for firmware on routers that can mimic/disable/spoof the auto-updater/factory reset/load from disk features?
Edit: For those who linking Buying a "Used" Router I read that question before asking mine. That question's answer simply say to do a factory reset but they don't touch on how more advanced spyware can over ride the factory reset flow thus giving the user the belief a factory reset was performed when in reality the router still has the infected spyware. I've seen spyware that mimics the Windows Update flow and other OS's update/factory reset flows so I was wondering if it could happen with firmware on a router.