I use sqlite3 for my database and get data from untrusted source with


I insert all data with such syntax

c.execute("INSERT INTO table (e1, e2) VALUES(?, ?)", (V1, V2))

as recommended here. My question is

How does python-sqlite3 sanitize these requests? What happens in case the entry type is BLOB? Since BLOB has to be written as it is, what constraints will sanitization put on it?

1 Answers1


This is making a prepared statement. It won't sanitize the inputs. At a low level, it's probably using the sqlite c api, and it would look something like:

stmnt = sqlite3_prepare("INSERT INTO table (e1, e2) VALUES(?, ?)")
while((row = sqlite3_step(stmnt) != SQLITE_DONE){
    //do something with the rows

This is just pseudo-code but you get the idea. You can see the values being bound don't need to be sanitized because they aren't concatenated with the string. The sqlite c api is described here.

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