I'm writing a PHP script that is requesting confidential data from a remote server. I'm using cURL to get the remote server's certificate information (for its output, please see below).
Which array keys do I need to check for certificate validity to make sure that no one could spoof them?
For example, key [certinfo][0][Subject][CN] can be spoofed by a self-signed certificate.
I could just validate the MD5 hash of the CA-bundle file that I'm using on the client side, but when the server's certificate is about to expire, I need to replace the CA-bundle file accordingly, and update the hash in PHP. That is unacceptable for me. The only one acquiescence is to replace the CA-bundle file without updating the PHP script. For that I need to validate the attributes of the server's certificate, that remain the same through future certificate regeneration and cannot be spoofed by malefactors.
print_r( curl_getinfo($ch) ) :
[url] => https://remoteserver.com
[content_type] => text/html
[http_code] => 200
[header_size] => 148
[request_size] => 79
[filetime] => -1
[ssl_verify_result] => 0
[redirect_count] => 0
[total_time] => 0.374
[namelookup_time] => 0
[connect_time] => 0.062
[pretransfer_time] => 0.203
[size_upload] => 0
[size_download] => 20618
[speed_download] => 55128
[speed_upload] => 0
[download_content_length] => -1
[upload_content_length] => 0
[starttransfer_time] => 0.281
[redirect_time] => 0
[certinfo] => Array
[0] => Array
[Subject] => Array
[OU] => Globe Standard SSL
[CN] => www.remoteserver.com
[Issuer] => Array
[C] => US
[O] => Globe Hosting, Inc.
[OU] => GlobeSSL DV Certification Authority
[CN] => GlobeSSL CA
[Version] => 2
[Signature Algorithm] => sha1WithRSAEncryption
[Start date] => 2011-09-30 00:00:00 GMT
[Expire date] => 2014-09-30 23:59:59 GMT
[Public Key Algorithm] => rsaEncryption
[RSA Public Key] => 2048
[rsa(n)] => d7:c0:0b:3f:f3:3e:d6:ed:92:56:22:12:64:c1:c4:00:d7:c9:a1:1e:..cut..
[rsa(e)] => 01:00:01:
[X509v3 Authority Key Identifier] => keyid:C3:AB:A0:02:F0:9B:F5:66:7F:28:15:92:22:95:DB:B8:4E:D3:93:08
[X509v3 Subject Key Identifier] => 13:1B:B2:52:14:3C:70:1C:B2:93:F1:C5:04:06:86:60:8A:D4:E5:5C
[X509v3 Key Usage] => DigitalSignature,KeyEncipherment
[X509v3 Basic Constraints] => CA:FALSE
[X509v3 Extended Key Usage] => TLSWebServerAuthentication,TLSWebClientAuthentication
[X509v3 Certificate Policies] => Policy:, CPS:http://www.globessl.com/docs/GlobeSSL_CPS.pdf
[X509v3 CRL Distribution Points] => URI:http://crl.globessl.com/GlobeSSLDVCertificationAuthority.crl
[Authority Information Access] => CAIssuers-URI:http://crt.globessl.com/GlobeSSLDVCertificationAuthority.crt, OCSP-URI:http://ocsp.globessl.com
[X509v3 Subject Alternative Name] => DNS:www.remoteserver.com,DNS:remoteserver.com
[Signature] => 61:38:06:d4:30:9c:14:a4:e5:1e:b2:c8:c4:..cut..
[Cert] => -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----cut-----END CERTIFICATE-----
[1] => Array
[Subject] => Array
[C] => US
[O] => Globe Hosting, Inc.
[OU] => GlobeSSL DV Certification Authority
[CN] => GlobeSSL CA
[Issuer] => Array
[C] => SE
[O] => AddTrust AB
[OU] => AddTrust External TTP Network
[CN] => AddTrust External CA Root
[Version] => 2
[Signature Algorithm] => sha1WithRSAEncryption
[Start date] => 2010-06-22 00:00:00 GMT
[Expire date] => 2020-05-30 10:48:38 GMT
[Public Key Algorithm] => rsaEncryption
[RSA Public Key] => 2048
[rsa(n)] => a0:47:04:ce:a8:33:ab:..cut..
[rsa(e)] => 01:00:01:
[X509v3 Authority Key Identifier] => keyid:AD:BD:98:7A:34:B4:26:F7:FA:C4:26:54:EF:03:BD:E0:24:CB:54:1A
[X509v3 Subject Key Identifier] => C3:AB:A0:02:F0:9B:F5:66:7F:28:15:92:22:95:DB:B8:4E:D3:93:08
[X509v3 Key Usage] => CertificateSign,CRLSign
[X509v3 Basic Constraints] => CA:TRUE,pathlen:0
[X509v3 Certificate Policies] => Policy:
[X509v3 CRL Distribution Points] => URI:http://crl.usertrust.com/AddTrustExternalCARoot.crl
[Authority Information Access] => CAIssuers-URI:http://crt.usertrust.com/AddTrustExternalCARoot.p7c, CAIssuers-URI:http://crt.usertrust.com/AddTrustUTNSGCCA.crt, OCSP-URI:http://ocsp.usertrust.com
[Signature] => 66:9c:13:6d:d2:7e:2c:..cut..
[Cert] => -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----cut-----END CERTIFICATE-----