As other commenters have mentioned, the file contains data from Nikon Picture Project. What if you couldn't run that software, but you still wanted to know what was hidden inside?
Nikon's Picture Project format seems to be entirely undocumented, which is no surprise given that it's a custom format for a particular app and was never designed for interchange. That said, the format seems to be extremely simple and can be discerned by examining the APP10 chunks (FF EA
tags) embedded in the binary. I looked at the chunks using Hachoir (a general-purpose file parsing tool) using the following code:
from hachoir.parser.image.jpeg import JpegFile
from import FileInputStream
import struct
p = JpegFile(FileInputStream('20200519221417!Goniobranchus_aureomarginatus_2.jpg'))
for i in p.array('chunk'):
Just lining up all the chunks like this, one immediately sees patterns:
We can see that there's a fixed header (4e696b6f6e20496d61676520496e666f
: Nikon Image Info
in ASCII), followed by either 0002
or 0003
, then what seems to be an incrementing number (starting at 00000001
and ending at 00000069
), and finally some kind of length field (f000
for most chunks except the last two, which have 0396
and 0000
). After that it looks like data.
So, I guessed the header was something like this:
uint16_t chunktype;
uint16_t unknown; /* always zero */
uint16_t serial;
uint16_t datasize;
uint8_t payload[];
and then dumped out all the payload bits to a file:
out = open('dump.bin', 'wb')
for i in p.array('chunk'):
data = i['data'].value
magic, ctype, unknown, serial, size = struct.unpack('>16sHHHH', data[:24])
print(magic, ctype, serial, size, len(data[24:]))
chunk = data[24:24+size]
The resulting file starts with four bytes 00 61 83 96
(0x618396) which matches the total length of the data (0x618396 = 6390678 bytes). Next is FF D8 FF DB
, the start of a JPEG, so stripping the length field off reveals a 4032x3024 JPEG. This is presumably the original photo from the camera. Here's the photo, resized to fit within the upload limit:

A trip to Hachoir shows that the JPEG is quite normal in structure, but it's been stripped of all metadata. Curiously, Hachoir also shows that it ends after 5742120 bytes. Dumping out the data after the end reveals a second JPEG, 1920x1440 in size:

Sadly it's not some exciting spy stuff, it's just another version of the original picture but somewhat downscaled. It's still much, much larger than the actual cropped photo data, though! This time there's nothing at the end, so we've extracted out all the images from the file.
All that remains is the last chunk of data, which is 3008 bytes long. This chunk appears to contain the actual picture project info, presumably including a history of edits, detailed edit information, etc. The format is a lot more irregular, although I recognize quite a few double-precision floating point numbers and some things that look like magic numbers (65 D4 11 D1 91 94 44 45 53 54
). With a little more work it should be possible to reverse engineer these chunks too - but there does not appear to be anything interesting hidden here steganographically :)