I would like to prevent websites like Reddit from having access to information about my devices, my IP, personal information, etc. I have began using Nord VPN and cleared my cache on both safari and Chrome for Reddit, downloaded a new browser, Opera, etc. What are some other useful tips for preventing a website from tracking your IP and knowing who you are?
Viewed 177 times
4How is NordVPN knowing your IP any safer than Reddit knowing your IP? – Oct 29 '19 at 08:50
Consider using Tor or Tails. – mti2935 Oct 29 '19 at 09:18
1Why don't you first identify and figure out what information are you trying to protect and from there ways to safe guard. – yeah_well Oct 29 '19 at 10:03
6Don't use your real name and picture on a site like StackExchange. :s – Tom K. Oct 29 '19 at 12:04
Cheers to whoever gave me the links for the duplicate, would reddit's process be similar to the sites discussed in that thread? – Marinate Oct 30 '19 at 01:03
@MechMK1 because I trust them more. Simple as. – Marinate Oct 30 '19 at 01:04
@VipulNair IP, DNS and system info. I don't want them to know what type of device, browser, IP etc. – Marinate Oct 30 '19 at 01:04
@TomK. Probably shouldn't, but just made the account using facebook for all the stack sites, so. – Marinate Oct 30 '19 at 01:05
@NathanSmithJr. Deleting Facebook is probably a big step in the right direction :upside_down: – Oct 30 '19 at 11:13
@J.J One day, for now I'm more concerned about Reddit. Any tips for that particular site? – Marinate Oct 30 '19 at 23:55